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When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

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  • When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

    8/10/04 6:00pm to 10:00pm pst

    I got into a party with a Monk, Dragoon, Paladin, Red Mage and another White Mage. Since we lacked a Black Mage to do the nuking it was up to the White Mages to nuke with Light Chain. Mind you, we were level 67-69. I went ahead and bought a Opo-Opo Necklace and 22k worth of Sleep Potions (2 stacks). Off we went to Den of Rancor.

    We entered the Den and I equiped my Melee equipment (Life Belt, Asura's Necklace), then switched to Opo-Opo Necklace and drank 4 sleep potions. Got my 100 tp and proceeded to melee with the rest of the fighters. This was one of the most fun, ridiculous, laughable times in game that I've had in such a long while. Seriously, White mages need Snipers Rings when fighting IT+ mobs. Hahaha I was subbing Summoner, and I think I could have done better if I had a level 30+ Samurai or a level 30+ Ninja to gain TP faster. :sweat: I don't plan to do this often, but it's been such a lousey week so far with partying and I just wanted to do something ridiculous for the time being.

    Anyone else have stories about a ridiculous happening in game?

    BTW: My Hexa Strike missed 5 times outta 6. Geez.
    Hacked on 9/9/09
    FFXIAH - Omniblast

  • #2
    Two days ago I was at the Dunes looking to Pwrlvl with a pt. Found myself a WAR, THF, MNK, WHM, RDM to join with. We set off and we were doing very well gaining lvls quick. But after a while I started to notice that ever since the WAR would never Provoke before I cast causing the enemy to sometimes take a chunk out of my hp. I told him he needed to provoke first so us mages wouldn't get our arses bit at and he said ok.

    We rested a while and then we were off again looking for a new camp at the <_< secret beach >_> and started fighting some more. Again the WAR would not provoke causing me to get my butt kicked again. After that fight I gave a little /t to the other mages telling them to not heal the WAR till he was so low that he was about to die just to scare him ^^
    He was getting so pissed scared that he might lvl down and such and we were just laughing behind his back. We still had a great time and neither him nor I ever died
    I hope to join them again ^_^
    "If love be rough with you, be rough with love."

    FFXI Name: Mercutio | Server: Midgardsormr | LS:Valor | RNK10 | Jobs: 75WHM-75SMN-75DRG-75BST-64RNG


    • #3
      Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

      sorry this is off subject but ur signature is awsome omniblast XD.
      But ya i quit FFXI awhile ago but i want to play again soooo bad,but i remember bein in yhoatar jungle(suprisingly) i had a good time in the party and i was a ninja (suprisigly again o.O) but we had a very good puller and were lvling like crazy and killin them so fast that i barely had to use my utsusemi and we had good chats about stuff in life and iono but i just remember havin a real good time in one of the worst places in the game (i think so atleast) :D.


      • #4
        Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

        I remember having a really good time in Yhoator one time when everyone in the pt was learning to SC and MB. Everybody in the group was a really good player, just inexperienced, so we were managing to pull it off really consistently, with two ways to make fragmentation in the party and me as rdm and another blm bursting. Everyone got a huge kick out of discovering a new part of the game together. It sounds cheesy, but growing together is the best part of the game, imo.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

          I have a couple of favorite people I like to pt with. Just when I was at a low point in the game, I joined a static with them and it made me look forward to logging in every day. Much love to fc and b!
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

            Dang. I was gonna give a shout out to my spt (Meyoh, Alura, Btaru, Edgetheninja, and TGM), but TGM beat me... /em snaps fingers. ^^

            Title: Sergeant Major
            SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
            Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
            Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
            Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


            • #7
              Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

              i got to get me one of these set party things :sweat:

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

                *whew!* Had to check to see what server you are on. Thought you were going to try and steal my fc!! ;P
                Originally posted by Feba
                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                Originally posted by Taskmage
                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                Originally posted by DakAttack
                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                • #9
                  Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

                  When I was pting as NIN the BLM keep casting banish on white lizzy we wiped out 5 times. After The first white lizzy death I suggested <bt>. The BLM said ok but I guess felt it wasn't that important. Really weird because everyone stayed in pt. LOL I think most of us were too drunk to care. /joy Yhoater jungle rules lol
                  Last edited by Arris; 08-08-2005, 08:14 PM.
                  → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
                  (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

                  ♂ ラブストーリー♀


                  • #10
                    Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

                    2 years ago, i was in a pt in yhoator with this guy i had met in dunes and this girl i had met in bastok, and we were kinda not paying much attention to the rest of the pt (crazy exp btw) when sea lab 2021 came on. it was the bizarro episode!!!!! it was soo awesome cause the other three members of the pt were like "wtf" cause the three of us were all watching it and talking about it. that has to be the craziest moment i've ever spent in FFXI and it was great.

                    Keyura [Remora] ★ WHM52/BLM26 ★ BRD75/WHM37 ★ BLM62/WHM31 ★ SMN33/WHM16 ★ RNG15/WAR7 ★ BST19/WHM9 ★ (Active in Red)
                    Greenkingdom LS to chat, Akui LS for sky, and Higeki LS for dynamis.
                    Saroku [Unicorn] ★ WHM5 ★ (Active in Red)

                    Pingpong used his Masamune, but Keyura dodged! Pingpong's anger grows by 13.


                    • #11
                      Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

                      Last night... My LS has a pickup static, and the normal PLD that is with them was absent, so I took his place. We had THF, RNG, RDM, PLD. So we just picked up a BLM and WHM. this is a 71-73 PT.

                      We decided to go to Kuftal to fight tigers and Cockatrice. Well, there were like 40 parties there, so we went to Ro'Meave in the moon area instead. once we got inside of the moon gate... were waiting on the others, and the RDM casts sneak on himself...

                      Its wierd because i mean, i know these guys on first name basis! They arent noobs! lol.

                      So I voke the Weapon that aggroed him thru the door off him, and i yell for help from my PT. Next thing I know the thf is fleeing to us, and ran right into another weapon. Hes like aww shit.

                      {Perfect Dodge} Bitches. (That's his macro)

                      Well, the THF dies right outside the moongate trying to zone. The rest of us zone, and then come out.

                      Heres where it gets really funny and great... The THF's body is absolutly surrounded by Weapons, which aggro to magic, so no raise coming for him... Then the RNG gets and idea...

                      I cast Flash on a weapon, and run like hell to the zone. If I use Invincible it could work right? ; ; So after much debate I do it. Flash, run... 10 freaking weapons, im down to 600 HP... Invincible. Running... Running... Running.... getting close.... I accidentally engage a mob, so I stop completly...

                      And I somehow went to First person view.. now I'm all discombobulated. Needless to say I got freaking owned. And somehow the WHM died. But he sucked anyway, so I dont care. He had RR up so he reraised and raise 3'd us.

                      So all in all, I lost 100 XP. And had the best time of my life... watching all my 1337 70+ LS members do the most retarded stuff ever... Best fun Ive had in a while.

                      PLD75| BLM42| WAR37| DRK30| THF25| WHM25| NIN22| MNK20| BST10|


                      • #12
                        Re: When was the last time you had ridiculous fun in a party?

                        One ridiculous moment that I could recall was trioing exp in Yuhtunga Jungle with 3 level 25s. a 25WAR/MNK, 25WHM/BLM, 25BLM/WHM. We chained mandragoras to chain 3 with our setup and had no problem with the fights. Even with AoE sleep, the WAR was tough enough to tank just long enough for the WHM to recover. Probable one of the best PTs I'll ever have been in, because we could tackle mobs that causes most people to assume you need a full party for.
                        Elemental days of our lives . . .:Fire-Earth-Water-Wind-Ice-Thunder-Light-Dark

