Re: Checking others w/o asking? Rude or not?
Agreed. Personally, I don't see what the problem is. I check people all the time, because it's an option even the lowest lvl person has in this game. If it were really considered rude; first, I doubt that anyone would be able to do it; and second, I don't think that anyone would. Who's to say why other people check people? I can't tell that they're checking me because they're gear nazis, nor because they're just starting out and like my gear.
Honestly, you guys are acting as if the "XXX examines you." were all in caps and spanned multiple lines. I don't even notice it anymore, and if you can't do that, set your config to ignore it. No one is doing it to really be rude, and unless you come up with an actual reason why it is, people, like myself, will continue to do so because it is a harmless gesture.
I will check people because I'm curious, but I'll get a good look the first time. It is weird to spam check.
Originally posted by eriatarka
Agreed. Personally, I don't see what the problem is. I check people all the time, because it's an option even the lowest lvl person has in this game. If it were really considered rude; first, I doubt that anyone would be able to do it; and second, I don't think that anyone would. Who's to say why other people check people? I can't tell that they're checking me because they're gear nazis, nor because they're just starting out and like my gear.
Honestly, you guys are acting as if the "XXX examines you." were all in caps and spanned multiple lines. I don't even notice it anymore, and if you can't do that, set your config to ignore it. No one is doing it to really be rude, and unless you come up with an actual reason why it is, people, like myself, will continue to do so because it is a harmless gesture.
I will check people because I'm curious, but I'll get a good look the first time. It is weird to spam check.