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Is it mean to kick someone because...

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  • Is it mean to kick someone because...

    Is it mean to kick someone because either they are continually messing up or have outdated equipment/spells?

    I'll give an example. We had a puller in Crawlers' Nest and he repeataedly (about 4-6) times aggrod or linked something extra and another party had to keep on helping us, which is pretty embarrassing. Another example is a WAR who had some equipment BELOW centurion armor in Gustav tunnel... he was to be our replacement tank... I mean, it's pretty bad making a person come from jeuno to gustav, just to say, "sorry your equipment sucks kthxbai."

    Also, shouldn't there be some way to find out a person's equipment =/ or at least know if they have extremely outdated stuff?

  • #2
    If the guy does a good job its fine, if a white mage doesnt have the latest wand but is doing his cures good then its alright.
    But i read that you say if he doesnt have his spells nor his equipment then i say its alright to kick.


    • #3
      i try not to be too anal but... there's acceptable and there's like... good god what are you thinking.

      a red mage without refresh shouldn't last long at 42-43... and a tank wearing centurion's in the 40's is roadkill. but you're not gonna get another bard because yours doesn't have mary's horn or another whm because yours doesn't have erase. and i haven't gotten booted for not having winged boots yet O.o but i'm kinda insecure about it. i did catch hell one day for using h2h in party in the late 30's tho.

      once i played with a pretty much naked dragoon who didn't do too too bad, his weapons were more or less up to par and he never really got hate. but then dragoons on the whole are disposable, no offense to the class outright. but melee damage is melee damage.

      as far as being a moron tho that's another story... if your tank just can't seem to voke on time or your puller is linking every time or ur healer phantom afk's... it's time to look for another.


      • #4
        i say yes. we had this pt in yhotar jungle and the war we got from kazham had lizard armor on... i asked if we couldnt find a new one, and we did, and i didnt feel too bad about him dying on the way back to kazham. Im a thf, and if i have better armor than you and you are tanking...


        • #5
          I have a view about this. Don't NOT INVITE or kick before you at least kill 3 enemies. If you really feel that his/her lack of equipment/spells are truly hurting the party, kindly ask them to leave.

          However, there are exceptions. RDM MUST have Dispel and Refresh when they can, and WHM must have group element buffs when hunting gobs.

          *Goes and farms gil to replace 6 level old equipment seeing the response to the poll*


          • #6
            I think everyone is right. The tank should always have up to date Armor, and should have an up to date weapon if he is a Warrior. Mages should have their spells, their armor and weapon doesnt really matter. In a good Pt the WHM could be naked and it would basically be fine.

            Only time I had a real problem was when I was leveling Warrior in Kazham... The PLD was wearing Lv 10 Sandorian CP gear Our Whm had more defense then him so we kindly asked him to leave and to try and invest in better armor for he is hurting himself too. And He kindly accepted both terms ^^. Dont flame someone for not being up to date, for they probably dont know. Who cares if they should know, there is no reason for being mean


            • #7
              Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

              I try not to flame people for having less than current gear. One of the last times I partied in Quifim we had a lvl 21 RDM with a lvl 10 San d'Orian tunic Well, the thing is, she was pretty good and on point with the backup cures and she did a great job overall. We just asked her not to melee, because one hit was making her go into orange or red.

              If you have someone in your PT that just acts like "Well, I don't care..." or "This is just a sub, so wtfe..." then kick them and hope that one day they'll learn. If it's someone that has old gear then you can give them a chance, but try to explain to them that they're ruining their chances of getting a lot of parties. If they're being belligerent about it, then kick them.
              [ Linkshell : SectorSeven | Server : Gilgamesh ]
              [ Kashet : San d'Oria | Cetra : Bastok | ]


              • #8
                Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                What about when your other DD absolutly refuses to skill chain? He wont sho his TP or give any signals he just Weaponskill when he gets 100%? Granted I was still able to finish "A" skill chain with what he started but it wasn't the best that could have been done.
                Windurst Rank 5
                <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
                Originally posted by
                spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
                adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
                1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
                2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.


                • #9
                  Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                  I've gotten into the habit of waiting 5 fights to give people a decent chance to redeem themselves, but if they're crappy players and not just crappily equipped, I look for a replacement, once said replacement is en route to camp, I have the blm I static with D2 the n00b and I remove them from pt. Mean yes, necessary. Prolly.


                  Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                  • #10
                    Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                    refresh is like 5k on midgard (used to be 400k (!) So there is no excuse to not eat scroll of refresh AS SOON AS YOU DING 41.

                    It's pathetic, why level up if your equipment/scrolls are outdated? FARM.

                    Originally posted by SevIfrit
                    we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


                    • #11
                      Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                      Originally posted by stray
                      once i played with a pretty much naked dragoon who didn't do too too bad, his weapons were more or less up to par and he never really got hate. but then dragoons on the whole are disposable, no offense to the class outright. but melee damage is melee damage.
                      Unfortunately this is too true. I'm a Dragoon at heart, and even I tend to choose Dark Knights over Dragoons past level 40 mostly because they do the same job but Drk has Stun. If we're fighting bats, birds, bees, etc I invite the Dragoon hands down becuase there aren't many AEs that require Stun, and there's that 25% damage bonus with a piercing weapon. I aslo try to invite a Ninja if we're ever fighting bees, which is still very rare, because Final Sting is deadly beyond belief. Taru Tank? No thanks, methinks.

                      I rarely see unskilled players past 50. There's still that problem when a party doesn't mesh correctly, which reminds me of playing a piano and hitting all the wrong keys while playing in a completely different octave. I can play a song with one finger at a time, but sometimes trying to mesh together a cohesive team of fingers things don't go as smoothly as I would expect.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                        Man, I'm glad my equipment is up to par so I'm not kicked, I get kicked because I'm an a****le. But dunno, I mean lizard armor, hmm, I mean, some of that lvl 27 scale stuff is cheap like lizzy...something to think about.


                        • #13
                          Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                          Maybe the warrior in lizard gear was wearing it because it's so stylish? </sarcasm>

                          Corwynn's Journal

                          Red Mage for life.

                          What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


                          • #14
                            Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                            Definately there are certain situations where you should kick a person because they suck, true.. maybe situations where you have a NIN at lvl18 who wants to tank but no Utusemi.... yeah, they needs to go.

                            Once I did get asked to leave a PT because I did not have a haubergeon yet, so I was lvl 60 SAM in Royal Knights Chainmail, that was kinda BS. And I was saving up for it too.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is it mean to kick someone because...

                              in the early lvls im not to picky on gear. but when its in the 40's+ then i start to wonder. but nothing shocked me more then at 63 when i saw a drk in my exp pt. with lvl 14 balance rings, an lvl 21 beetle earrings. he wore af. that didnt bother me. an he had a bone scythe. that didnt bother me. but earring for 63 were cheap, an rings were cheap.

                              its sad players play there sub jobs gimped. an then you have those who all they wanna do is lvl regardless of what gear they have.

                              Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.

