Now that genkai5 is opened, we all will want to level up fast and find PT by invites. Since there will be so many of the same job, same level as you in this period, it's important to have good comments as to get a PT invite over your competing similar.
-The Basics-
There are 4 options for comments in the comments menu.
1. EXP Party / Level up
2. Mission / Quest
3. Item Related
4. Others
Of course we are most likely going to be choosing the first option. You have 3 lines to advertise yourself as much as possible. If you type more than a line allows, your text will be turned into ...
-What You Should Tell a Potential Leader-
1. Obviously the most important thing to tell any leader is your experience to the next level. If you don't do this, you might get invited into a PT with people a 2 levels or more above you since they might presume you are close to leveling up. It also helps a potential leader decide if you are acceptable to join the PT depending on what level jobs he has already invited.
-This MUST go on the first line. It should be the first thing you say.
-Write "@xxxx" where xxxx is your exp. (@3000 etc) or you can add "@xxxx‚Å‚·" or "@xxxx‚ɃŒƒxƒ‹‚˜?h?@means "is @xxxx" and "@xxxx to level X" (@xxxx desu) (@xxxx ni reberu X)
2. I have all the gate crystals (hora, demu, mea, yoto, rute, etc).
-This should be either on the first or second line of your comments.
-You can either put "ALL GC" or "‘SGC" (subete GC)
- Lower levels you may put ?hƒJƒUƒ€ƒpƒX—L?h?@?ikazamupasu ari) which means you have the airship pass to kazam.
3. For higher levels you should mention if you can access tulia or not.
-If you do not have tulia you should write "ƒgƒD?[?EƒŠƒA?FX"
(tolu-.ria:x <<< how to type it)
4. Subjobs that you can use (make sure they are leveled :mad: :mad
-Type in ?hƒTƒ|?FXXXX"?@(sapo:XXXX) or "SJ:xxxx"
-You can just write all the abbreviate Japanese in. For example
"ƒTƒ|?F?í”Eƒi”’?•?h etc etc
5. For WAR and some other melees, you might want to mention the types of weapons you have skill in (up to date skill).
-•?Ší (buki) for weapon and then "•?Ší?F‚˜‚˜‚˜‚˜?h whatever weapons you can use
6. You highest stats. Sometimes potential leaders choose people depending on their stats (mirror of equipment you have)
- Melees might want to advertise how high their most important job stat is (example. THF can put DEX+XX or WAR STR+XX)
- Mages can either use this to show their MP, INT+, MND+ etc but it is better to say what importants spells they do or do not have (for example if you are do not have raiseII write "ƒŒƒCƒYII:X" [reizuII:X]?h
- Accuracy is ?h–½?h (mei); Attack is "?UŒ‚?h?@?ikougeki)
7. You can end your comments with clear intentions like
-"PT‚¨Šè‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·?h (PTonegaishimasu) which means Please PT with me (literally)
-"ƒŒƒxƒ‹?ã‚°‚É—U‚Á‚Ä?E‚¾‚³‚¢?h (reberu age ni sasotte kudasai) which means Please invite me for leveling up.
- "PT—U‚Á‚Ä?E‚¾‚³‚¢?h (PT sasotte kudasai) which means Please invite me for PT
My Japanese skill is still pretty poor so if I have typed something wrong please post it so I can correct it. Or if you have anything to add that might be useful.
-The Basics-
There are 4 options for comments in the comments menu.
1. EXP Party / Level up
2. Mission / Quest
3. Item Related
4. Others
Of course we are most likely going to be choosing the first option. You have 3 lines to advertise yourself as much as possible. If you type more than a line allows, your text will be turned into ...
-What You Should Tell a Potential Leader-
1. Obviously the most important thing to tell any leader is your experience to the next level. If you don't do this, you might get invited into a PT with people a 2 levels or more above you since they might presume you are close to leveling up. It also helps a potential leader decide if you are acceptable to join the PT depending on what level jobs he has already invited.
-This MUST go on the first line. It should be the first thing you say.
-Write "@xxxx" where xxxx is your exp. (@3000 etc) or you can add "@xxxx‚Å‚·" or "@xxxx‚ɃŒƒxƒ‹‚˜?h?@means "is @xxxx" and "@xxxx to level X" (@xxxx desu) (@xxxx ni reberu X)
2. I have all the gate crystals (hora, demu, mea, yoto, rute, etc).
-This should be either on the first or second line of your comments.
-You can either put "ALL GC" or "‘SGC" (subete GC)
- Lower levels you may put ?hƒJƒUƒ€ƒpƒX—L?h?@?ikazamupasu ari) which means you have the airship pass to kazam.
3. For higher levels you should mention if you can access tulia or not.
-If you do not have tulia you should write "ƒgƒD?[?EƒŠƒA?FX"
(tolu-.ria:x <<< how to type it)
4. Subjobs that you can use (make sure they are leveled :mad: :mad
-Type in ?hƒTƒ|?FXXXX"?@(sapo:XXXX) or "SJ:xxxx"
-You can just write all the abbreviate Japanese in. For example
"ƒTƒ|?F?í”Eƒi”’?•?h etc etc
5. For WAR and some other melees, you might want to mention the types of weapons you have skill in (up to date skill).
-•?Ší (buki) for weapon and then "•?Ší?F‚˜‚˜‚˜‚˜?h whatever weapons you can use
6. You highest stats. Sometimes potential leaders choose people depending on their stats (mirror of equipment you have)
- Melees might want to advertise how high their most important job stat is (example. THF can put DEX+XX or WAR STR+XX)
- Mages can either use this to show their MP, INT+, MND+ etc but it is better to say what importants spells they do or do not have (for example if you are do not have raiseII write "ƒŒƒCƒYII:X" [reizuII:X]?h
- Accuracy is ?h–½?h (mei); Attack is "?UŒ‚?h?@?ikougeki)
7. You can end your comments with clear intentions like
-"PT‚¨Šè‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·?h (PTonegaishimasu) which means Please PT with me (literally)
-"ƒŒƒxƒ‹?ã‚°‚É—U‚Á‚Ä?E‚¾‚³‚¢?h (reberu age ni sasotte kudasai) which means Please invite me for leveling up.
- "PT—U‚Á‚Ä?E‚¾‚³‚¢?h (PT sasotte kudasai) which means Please invite me for PT
My Japanese skill is still pretty poor so if I have typed something wrong please post it so I can correct it. Or if you have anything to add that might be useful.