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Hate Factor (The Hidden Aggro)

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  • Hate Factor (The Hidden Aggro)

    I don't know if everyone is aware of this, (I hope you do because it is crucial to non-whm pts - And Leads too 2/3 of deatsh in a pt) But there is a set lvl of hate an monster will have for you depending on what you. I understand it perfectly, but have a difficult time explaining it. I will do this in Lamen's terms.

    I slap you, you attack me. Friend attack you harder, you atk him. Second friend biish(critical) slaps you, you want his head. I decide to unleash a secret skill that takes more than second friend's critical, ya wanna f*** me up. Spells work in the same manner as well as curing (harder to explain). I will go into more detail if needed. Anyone else care to share some light on this?
    Ithica is gone ._.

  • #2

    Sorcerer's Gloves: O (Windurst)
    Sorcerer's Sabots: O (Jeuno)
    Sorcerer's Tonban: O (Bastok)
    3/5 peices of AF2!


    • #3
      Basically, hate = agro in many other MMORPG. The point is, the more damage you do to the moster the more hate a monster will have for you. Healing someone whom is doing damage will transfer that hate the monster has towards the healer. Thus, a healer who heals too much may draw agro instead.

      Using the taunt (Provoke) skill for a fighter adds more hate towards the fighter, drawing the monster back. The monster will attack the person with the most amount of hate on them. Magic damage will do the same.

      Dragoons have a special ability, and that is to jump. Jumping negates any hate the enemy has for you, and thus the enemy will attack the next person who has the most hate. Pets, for Dragoons and Beastmasters, also draw hate. So a beastmaster can be kept relatively safe by using his beasts to attack the monster.

      Hate is usually calculated by the amount of damage (or healing) you do. Though certain things and other factors affect it, like weaponskills, jobabilities, type of weapons, etc. So more damage = more hate, and more hate means more often the monster will attack you. Hence it is a good idea to let the fighers and other melee class do damage more often than a caster class.
      Signature was intentionally left blank.


      • #4
        Hate for Blm's works strangely.

        For example, if I wait until the mob is halfway down before casting any spells at all, and I cast some big spells like aeroga and stone II I can surpass everyone hate alot of the times with just those 2 spells, even though the tanks have provoked 2 times already.

        The only explanation that I can think of is that hate from provoke and other things fades with time. Another example that I think shows this is when the party has a puller that pulls with provoke.

        Generally I cast bio and blind at the very start of the fight, with a puller using provoke I don't get aggro. But if it took the puller a long time to run back with the monster I can get aggro from those 2 spells, I think this is because the provoke hate faded by the time they came back.

        So as a blm, what I have been doing is casting my big spells right after a provoke, that keeps me from pulling the monster away (or getting killed)

        Is this about what other blm's do also?


        • #5
          Mob hate goes down when the mob hits you, that's why it seemed to "fade" as you said, because the provoker was getting pounded by the mob. The best way to counteract this is to have the provoker "chain provoke" every 30 seconds, not just when he loses aggro. Because hate stacks, his hate will be at a higher level when you cast your stronger spells.


          • #6
            Ah thanks, so that's what's going on. Ya I've noticed it does work better if the tanks just use their provoke when it's available rather than saving it. I generally can cast spells alot more if they do that.


            • #7
              Thanks Akosygin, iit isnt that hard to understand except when it gets heavy and when there are alliances O.o . For a non-whm party with two tanks it is crucial to get it right. I go by hundreds. First tank goes and provokes monster 100 h.p. (hatepoints). While running back the monster attacks him. Minus 25 h.p. each hit. Lets say the monster hit him twice, so that is 100 - 50 = 50 hate. He reaches his party and they all atck once. Everyone has 25 h.p. and he has 75h.p. Second tanks uses provoke, 100 + 25 = 125h.p. Guess who the monster is attacking now? The second tank!!!!! Okay, and for blms, what they fail to notice in parties is that theit spells are doing a heck of a lot more damage then most of the parties atks. So once you surpass the person with the most hate in atks,(which is very easy to do with a blm), he will go for you. ^^ ja'ne!
              Ithica is gone ._.


              • #8
                Im a Black Mage too and what I do is just PT with more than one warrior so if one Provokes every 15 seconds and the healer does his/her job. (he or she wont get hate with all those Provokes going on.)

                When I PT with other BLM we alternate between enfeebling magic and Elemental (I will do Enfeeebling one battle the the other Elemental and vica versa.) Because by the time I get done with Bio, he's un blinded and by the time I get done casting Shock, he's unbioed. So my question is, do BLM get a lot of hate from Enfeebling magic, if so... how much?
                Sorcerer's Gloves: O (Windurst)
                Sorcerer's Sabots: O (Jeuno)
                Sorcerer's Tonban: O (Bastok)
                3/5 peices of AF2!


                • #9
                  Hrm, i'm still in the process of researching, but from what I can tell, stat-effecting magic builds up abotu 3/4 the hate that provoke does. I go by 25s and 100s so I would say stat-effecting builds up 75 pt.
                  Ithica is gone ._.

