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How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

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  • #46
    how do you ask for english characters? cant see symbols on comp ><


    • #47
      Is this correct?

      ã‚?ã?Ÿã?— ã?®ã€€ã?«ã?»ã‚“ã‚“ã?” ã?¾ã?_ã?¸ã?Ÿã€€ã?§ã?™ã€€ã€‚。。ã?•ã‚“ん りーã?_んーã?«ã€€ã?Šã?_ã?Œã?„ã?—ã?¾ã?™ï¼Ÿ

      For my Japanese is still bad can you take over as leader? Or should there be no spaces? So new at this ><


      • #48
        Translated the JP I just posted and got this at Babelfish:

        My Japan it is and we are unskillful. . . It is the ã‚Š - it is it is - each other it does?



        • #49
          Hello, I'm new here and this thread specifically is what got me to join this site's message board community
          My main question is:

          How would I construct a shout for help with something? (specifically the white mage AF3 Fei'Yin part) I know that the auto-translated "Help me out!" isn't really meant for just asking someone to help you do a quest.

          Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this, even though I'll be making another post to thank you as well.


          • #50
            Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)



            • #51
              Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

              Wow.. this is one heck of a thread! I've been learning a bit of Romanji lately (and some tranlsation of kata/hira as well) so this will help expand my vocabulary.

              おろりぬ is my PC name in kata btw..
              Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
              Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
              Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


              • #52
                Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                It's pretty good^^ I took japanese 2 or 3 years ago, so my japanese sucks now. >.<


                • #53
                  [updated] How to Join PT / Game Manners

                  Hello all! I played for 2 years starting @ Japan release date, then quit for a year, bought again (i gave all items/gil to friends, then delete my character), my friends gave me money "with interest" back (2.6 million gil.... (o-0)w ), so now i'm starting again. I just registered here and figure i'd make my first post

                  Just some corrections that were nagging at the back of my mind...
                  Also, if anyone uses the FFXI Windower (like i said, i havent played in 2 years...but it made FFXI stop breaking if you had a pop up, or for some reason got taken out of full screen mode), there was an option in that application to edit your macros, out of game. You could make macros by copying and pasting the hiragana/katakana/kanji that i will type below, if you think it would help. I can also make one for saying "i don't speak/read/write japanese, this is a macro ;p" as an emergency hit, or precursor to your japanese tells

                  Originally posted by Buttermilk View Post
                  Start Your Party
                  Basic Party Forming Converstation and Short-hand

                  I find the following most effective in getting people to join you:
                  /t <t> [Job] desu, isshoni reberu agemasuka?
                  I am a [Job], shall we raise lvl together
                  Much better said like this...(because "agemasu" is "to give"...and neither of you are giving anything).
                  /t Watashi ha <job> desu. Issyou ni reberu shimasuka?
                  I am a <job>, shall we level together?
                  Japanese: 私は<Job>です。いっしょうにレベルしますか?

                  war senshi
                  you don't need the "i" at the end of either of these.
                  blm kuroi é»’
                  whm shiroi 白
                  blu ao 青
                  rdm akai
                  thf shi-fu
                  mnk monnku

                  drk annkoku æš—é»’ (actually "æš—é»’" means "darkness", or at least this particular kanji does, so you could also lamely say "kuru no naito" meaning "dark knight" by strining the kanji i listed for BLM and DRK together.)
                  pal naito ナイト
                  brd shijin
                  rng karyuudo
                  bst keimonotsukai

                  With more then one person
                  /t <t> [Jobs] desu, issyoni reberu shimasuka?

                  Senshi shiroi to kuroi no PT desu, issyoni reberu shimasuka?
                  (We are 私たち(we) a) Warrior,White and Black Party, shall we raise lvl together?
                  Watashitachi no PT ha shiro to kuro to senshi ga arimasu. Issyou ni reberu shimasuka?

                  Positive Response:
                  onegaishimasu - Please お願いします
                  iidesuyo - Good idea いいでしょう (actually, this mean's "that's good isn't it?". "OK" also works if it was a question.)
                  kamaigaarimasen - There is no reason why we should not

                  ("gomenne" is for a little girl, or female. the suffix "ne" is attached to mean "right?" or a term of agreement. However "ne" is mostly used by females, especially younger ones. Males will often use it as well, but generally pre junior high school, which after that point males often use "na" if anything at all. the best way to say this would be...
                  gomennasai, mouhitotsu sasotte kudasai
                  - i'm very sorry, may i please get another invite.
                  gomen dakedo, moikai sasotte dekimasuka?
                  - i'm very sorry but could you please invite again?
                  sumimasen...mata sasotte dekimasuka?
                  - excuse me but could you invite again?
                  personally, "gomen" shouldnt be used in this case, as it is online and you havent actually done anything but possibly decline an invite. "sumimasen" is also used the same way as "gomen" but without as much honorific intoned in it.

                  Use the following to quickly invite them
                  /pcmd add <r>

                  Negative Response:
                  gomennne ..... - Usuallly a reason is given

                  Use the following to response (even if you dont know what they are saying)
                  /t <r> ryoukai, matatsugi ne
                  Understand (your situation), (maybe) next time

                  When someone just joined, you can say
                  /p yoroshiku, hokanohito sasotte imasu
                  Glad to have you, looking for others

                  When the Complete Party is formed you can say
                  /p yokatta ne, minasann yoroshiku
                  Done, Glad to have you(everybody)

                  I would advise that you pass the leadership to another:
                  /p watashi no nihonngo madaheta desu
                  My Japanese is still bad
                  /p .......sann ri-da ni onegaishimasu
                  ......, please take leader.

                  The following are some possble discussion that will follow:
                  renkei - Skillchain
                  kaifuku - Healing
                  doko - Where (if this is asking "where is it (as in, an object, person" you would say "doko de?". If you are speaking of where you are going to, where you went, where you will be, etc, it will be said as "doko ni"

                  Use the following to help seach for party members
                  /sea 290 whm
                  search for white mage lvl 29-30 in current area

                  /sea LowJeuno 290 whm
                  search for white mage lvl 29-30 in Lower Jeuno

                  If you suspect a party is being form u can say
                  /t <t> [Job] desu, anatatachi no PT, iretekudasai (it had anatagata ...wrong).
                  Can I join your Party? (wrong...should be "Please let me join your party"...the above sentence is not asking if it's ok, it is saying "please <do this>" (irettekudasai))

                  There u go, my two cents worth of contribution
                  Melanie (^.^)
                  There are some other things that could be fixed but it's 3am here in Japan and i need to sleep

                  Nice to meet you all
                  If you need translations just ask.


                  • #54
                    Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                    Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
                    Wow.. this is one heck of a thread! I've been learning a bit of Romanji lately (and some tranlsation of kata/hira as well) so this will help expand my vocabulary.

                    おろりぬ is my PC name in kata btw..
                    It just drives me nuts to see people referring to KATAKANA and HIRAGANA as "kata/hira"....i mean, no offense against's just one of my quirky things that gets on my nerves because i live in japan and speak japanese. It's like saying "i can speak Engl/Ish". lawlzDRG


                    • #55
                      Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                      hmmm ..... yes i always wondered why J only players never want to party with J/E or since that update J/E/F/G or what ever it is

                      It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                      To those who are about to tank I salute you.


                      • #56
                        Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                        Originally posted by Shinoe View Post
                        It just drives me nuts to see people referring to KATAKANA and HIRAGANA as "kata/hira"....i mean, no offense against's just one of my quirky things that gets on my nerves because i live in japan and speak japanese. It's like saying "i can speak Engl/Ish". lawlzDRG
                        Lol actually i just re-read this...and i forgot to point something out...
                        Olorin said "おろりぬ is my pc name in kata btw ".

                        You fail again good sir!

                        You wrote "Ororinu”。。。in Hiragana.
                        Olorin in katakana = オロリン Ororin

                        Sorry...just another one of those things ^^ Study some more, my studen those things ^^ Study some more, my studen, and impress me with those skills!


                        • #57
                          Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                          Haha Shi, I was just going to point that out about his name. It bugs me to when people even get the type of characters wrong >.> I can understand the nu instead of n but the my name in katakana is just plain wrong.
                          Originally posted by Ellipses
                          Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                          Originally posted by MCLV
                          A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                          More Sig:


                          • #58
                            Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                            Originally posted by Kurb View Post
                            hmmm ..... yes i always wondered why J only players never want to party with J/E or since that update J/E/F/G or what ever it is
                            I don't think the "J/E/F/G/Other" update really changed anything. Aside from "Racism", which is extremely rare despite what most people think, most japanese don't want to party with people who don't speak japanese because it's too much of a headache to converse in certain situations with the auto translator. And even using the auto translator for most things, at certain times the statements that you build can be very ambiguous. For example, i see people with a pulling macro like...
                            "{Pull Back} <t>! <pos> {Bee} {Ready!}"...which might be funny and make sense to english speaking players...but comes out as "Get back (as in, get away from the mob, aoe, etc) <t>! <pos> Bee (the insect) Ready! (ready for what?)" See how confusing that is? More experienced players will notice that it's a pulling macro, and be fine with it. But those with less common sense, or new players, would be scarred for life
                            Another funny thing is when someone says something like {Are you alone?} and get a reply "{May}{Bee}". Haha. May(the month) Bee(the insect)....talking about dragonflies? What do they have to do with the question? I hope you see my point.

                            Those of us who speak/read/understand japanese, without having FFXI Windower ("Illegal" or "Morally wrong" as it maybe, up to you) or having the Japanese version of the game, can type in romaji (japanese words being spelled phonetically using english characters rather than hiragana/katakana/kanji). Romaji is excellent but for the fact that most japanese people, while they learn the basics of english in Junior High and (optionally) in High School...they really don't pay too much attention unless they really wanted to learn it.

                            Thus, they might be able to read some, or all, of the characters, but it takes a while...and with a fast scrolling combat log, even with everything filtered except the basics, can take some time. And being late on certain things (which mob to sleep, bind, should we run or fight, etc...take forever).

                            However, there is a bit of hope...maybe. You can use POL Utils to edit your macros...and do ...this.... here's an example, to start off.

                            (i could be wrong on the's at home...but if you search for "ffxi /seacom" you should be able to find an explanation on it).

                            /seacom 1 日本語+English{Understood}
                            /seacom 2 HP:{Port Jeuno} EXP@ 2300
                            /seacom 3 SJ:{White Mage}.{Black Mage}17={Warp}\
                            /seacomup or /seacomreg ...i can't remember what the command is.

                            Basically /seacom 1, 2, and 3 are the respective lines in your /search comment (you only have 3 lines, remember?) So you make a macro with that, and smack'll automaticaly put up your search comment. then you go into your search comment and manually change the EXP @ amount to relfect what your current TNL is. At least, that's what i do. Afterwards, i put my party flag up (i have that in the macro as well but...i cant remember at all what it is!).

                            /seacom 1 私は日本語わからないだけど、PT{Yes Please}

                            You could copy this, and paste it into your macro via POL utils. It says...
                            "Watashi wa nihongo wakaranai dakedo," = "i dont understand Japanese but," PT {Yes Please}.

                            It might help...but for the most part, it's not them not liking anyone who's not "J", it's just a pain in the ass to get things planned out for a coordinated event (WHM AF3, etc, as mentioned above)

                            anyway, hope it helps. If you need translations for anything, just PM me. I'll give it to you in Japanese, and then Romaji so you can type it up yourself. Just PM me with what ya want ^^


                            • #59
                              Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                              Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
                              Haha Shi, I was just going to point that out about his name. It bugs me to when people even get the type of characters wrong >.> I can understand the nu instead of n but the my name in katakana is just plain wrong.
                              オニオンソルジャ? (OnionSorujya?)
                              タマネギ兵士? (Tamanegi Senshi)

                              What's wrong with those? I think Tamanegi Senshi sounds kinda cool ^^
                              "Onion Paladin" would be cool too... "Tamanegi Naito" lol.


                              • #60
                                Re: How to Join PT / Game Manners (with JP Players)

                                yup i partly guessed thats why language barriers suck SE please creat an actual auto translator program please

                                It ain't tanking unless you get hit
                                To those who are about to tank I salute you.

