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Magian Trial Questions

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  • Magian Trial Questions

    Hiya everyone,
    I'm a tad confused about a few subjects concerned with 'Trial of the Magians' so looking for some help please.

    1. I started doing an axe [Renaud's] weapon skill trial but too late noticed that I need an emote as part of the axe trial entry requirement. Do I therefore need to abandon the axe trial, obtain the emote first then re-do the axe trial ?
    If so how do I 'abandon' the trial, I've been through the options with the moogle and can't see how to do this.
    [Hope to have the 'Renaud's+2', with WS:Dmg+10%]
    2. I see that any achievement should show in my chat log, is this after each complete trial or each use of the trial specs ?
    3. How exactly do I use the 'Magian Spectacles' both in and out of Aby areas ? [I note that they show up in 'Items' list with a 'Use/Drop' option]

    I thank you in anticipation !
    Bst80 Pld40 Whm40 Nin37 War35 Thf32 Blm21 Mnk9

  • #2
    Re: Magian Trial Questions

    Originally posted by Jeubond View Post
    Hiya everyone,
    I'm a tad confused about a few subjects concerned with 'Trial of the Magians' so looking for some help please.

    1. I started doing an axe [Renaud's] weapon skill trial but too late noticed that I need an emote as part of the axe trial entry requirement.
    No you do not need to do the emote quests, they were added after the lvl75 and lvl80 base weapons anyway.

    Originally posted by Jeubond View Post
    3. How exactly do I use the 'Magian Spectacles' both in and out of Aby areas ? [I note that they show up in 'Items' list with a 'Use/Drop' option]
    Use it, select the book that appears, and follow instructions.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Magian Trial Questions

      1. I started doing an axe [Renaud's] weapon skill trial but too late noticed that I need an emote as part of the axe trial entry requirement. Do I therefore need to abandon the axe trial, obtain the emote first then re-do the axe trial ? If so how do I 'abandon' the trial, I've been through the options with the moogle and can't see how to do this.
      [Hope to have the 'Renaud's+2', with WS:Dmg+10%]
      Emote trials are different from the weapons. Perhaps you spoke to the wrong moogle. I think theirs 3 ToM moogles (Weapons/AF type armor/Emote). If your on an emote trial, you spoke to the wrong one. If you spoke to the right moogle, then you do not need to do the emote trial.

      2. I see that any achievement should show in my chat log, is this after each complete trial or each use of the trial specs ?
      After each kill, you’ll see your progress in the chat log. Should come up just before the message XYZ has deafeated wild Hare.
      Not sure about the WS trials though I would assume you’d get the same message after every WS (as long as the correct conditions are met).

      3. How exactly do I use the 'Magian Spectacles' both in and out of Aby areas ? [I note that they show up in 'Items' list with a 'Use/Drop' option]
      Use it like you would a potion or any type of armor that uses a charge (xp ring, rr earring…etc). click on Items and it will show up highlight like meds/crystals. You can look at the details of any trial your currently on, or it acts as a ‘weather man’ for the area you’re in by clicking on the almanac option.

      However, once you finish a trial you must go back to the correct moogle to start the next one. The specs cannot cancel or start new trials once one has been completed.

      -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
      -Farsha (90) Completed!!
      -Verth (90) Completed!!
      -Guttler (95) Completed!
      -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
      -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
      -Aegis just started

      ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


      • #4
        Re: Magian Trial Questions

        I have a Q regarding magian trials.
        I remember reading somewhere about fully upgraded weapons "not empyrian the one's like surya's staff" <- forgive sp
        As I play Bst I have read about the PDT and Eva axes for my pets. I remember somebody mentioned not being able to macro them or not being able to macro more than one if they have the same name.
        Is it possible to do now? Was it ever impossible?
        I'm just curious as I'll be starting them soon and just want to be prepared to manually switch them in if needed.
        Forgive me if this sounds like I've been on the weed. It's been a hard day

        Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


        • #5
          Re: Magian Trial Questions

          With macroing all items of the same name, if both are unequipped when your macro goes off, it will either choose the first one listed when you do an inventory list or will just randomly pick one.

          Either way, if you want a specific one you'll be manually switching weapons.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: Magian Trial Questions

            If your using 2 axes that are +2, such as 2 axes with pet -10% PDT, you just need to hit your macro twice.

            If you have say 2 PDT axes and 2 MDB axes, you’re best bet is to make the PDT ones +2 and the MDB ones +1 (or vice versa) for macro purposes.

            ---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:40 PM ----------

            I guess it varies depending on what type of Bst you are and what jugs you like…but I personally suggest skipping out on the Eva axes. Or at least work on them last.

            If you spend more time outside of abyssea then maybe that’s a different story. But with 2 PDT axes and the right gear/atmas (which aren’t hard to obtain) you can get Pet -100% PDT.
            99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

            -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
            -Farsha (90) Completed!!
            -Verth (90) Completed!!
            -Guttler (95) Completed!
            -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
            -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
            -Aegis just started

            ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


            • #7
              Re: Magian Trial Questions

              Thanks so much for the responses. I have a better understanding now.
              I just used Eva axes as an example as I've read of others that use it.

              As for my Bst style I'm a lvl 71 Bst/Whm at the moment. I'm currently thinking of Bst/Dnc as it gives me similar tools Bst/Whm gives me without having to rely on Mp which I find the Mp pool too small to be practical. Even now at 71 I do not have the native Mp to cast RR which is a spell I have had since Lvl 50. I seem to have it in my mind that Tp is easier to obtain than Mp. Plus /Dnc I can dual wield and still have use for my Gaudy harness with 2 Rune axes. I know it's a gimmiky Bst thing but it's handy in a pinch.

              Oh and don't get me started on merits I'm totally lost on those. I have 2 Aby expansions visions/scars but have only ran in and out. So I still have all that to look forward to.
              I plan to be able to use Bst both in and out of Abyssea. I don't want to be badass or anything but. I do want to stand out a little to know I never burned my way up.

              Lol didn't mean to hijack another persons thread but I'll take any advice.

              Thanks again guys

              Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


              • #8
                Re: Magian Trial Questions

                Thanks to everyone [even a very, very, naughty little boy that never levels . . .] for replying and all your advice.
                I shall now go and kill my 100 monsters with a 'Gale Axe' ws and pray !
                Watch this space . . .
                Bst80 Pld40 Whm40 Nin37 War35 Thf32 Blm21 Mnk9


                • #9
                  Re: Magian Trial Questions

                  Thanks so much for the responses. I have a better understanding now.
                  I just used Eva axes as an example as I've read of others that use it.
                  Evasion axes were cool until Hereos came out (imo). I personally find them worthless now (in abyssea at least). But again, every Bst is different and you might enjoy them.

                  Remember, if you’re doing 2 sets of Axes (pdt/eva/mdt…etc). Make one set +2s and the other set +1s. I currently have 2 +2 PDT axes and working on 2 +1 MDB axes. That way I can macro swap them in during a spell instead of manually.

                  I may even get the final form of the evasion axes eventually (the upgraded Axe, but not +1 or +2). I have a feeling some non-abyssea stuff will happen in future updates.

                  As for my Bst style I'm a lvl 71 Bst/Whm at the moment. I'm currently thinking of Bst/Dnc as it gives me similar tools Bst/Whm gives me without having to rely on Mp which I find the Mp pool too small to be practical. Even now at 71 I do not have the native Mp to cast RR which is a spell I have had since Lvl 50. I seem to have it in my mind that Tp is easier to obtain than Mp. Plus /Dnc I can dual wield and still have use for my Gaudy harness with 2 Rune axes. I know it's a gimmiky Bst thing but it's handy in a pinch.
                  Rune/gaudy is gimpy if you’re full timing it when it’s not necessary. If you need to get some HP and have no other means of healing, I don’t see the issue swapping them in. I rarely ever use them these days but I still have them in my satchel just incase.

                  If you need MP, pick up some cheap MP accessories (earrings/rings/neck). Put them on, reraise, then put your other gear back on. Better to be safe than sorry.

                  As for subs, there are a few varieties.
                  Bst/Dnc – I use this most often when soloing for DW/Sambas/waltzs/Stun
                  Bst/Nin - also works very well but I find myself using it less and less
                  Bst/Whm - used to love this combo, but I have not needed it in a loooong time…it’s losing its flair for me
                  Bst/Blm - is actually nice in Abyssea xp parties (but only if you have Atmas and Primal Rend)
                  Bst/Rdm – Like Bst/Blm, will help your Primal Rends. You lose out on some whm spells but gain others.
                  Bst/War – Also nice for xp parties with good Atmas on

                  Oh and don't get me started on merits I'm totally lost on those. I have 2 Aby expansions visions/scars but have only ran in and out. So I still have all that to look forward to.
                  Here’s how I went and I’m quite happy with them
                  Group 1
                  Call Beast 5/5
                  Reward 5/5
                  -New jugs are so good and there’s really not much to charm these days
                  -faster you can heal your pet, longer it lasts

                  Group 2
                  Beast Affinity 5/5
                  Beast Healer 4/5
                  Feral Howl 1/5 (mainly to help claim NMs)
                  -Affinity should be a no brainer
                  -I chose Healer. For a constant minor Regen, Killer instinct seemed useless to me since most of the time I party with other Bsts.
                  -Feral How is for O-shit non NM moments (big spell) and/or for NM claiming

                  I plan to be able to use Bst both in and out of Abyssea. I don't want to be badass or anything but. I do want to stand out a little to know I never burned my way up.
                  Don’t kid yourself. You DO wanna be a Badass. Everyone does

                  At this point, I think it’s safe to say you can join abyssea parties w/o considering your Bst ‘burnt up’. You got to the 70s the old fashion way and it’s not like your going to get any new abilities (lolspur). I’m a firm believer that leveling at least 1 job outside of abyssea to upper levels (and not much level syncing) will make you a better player (I didn’t say ‘good’ player. Just better than you would be burning it).

                  I leveled Bst to 81 the old fashion way. Once I hit 81+ though camps outside of abyssea were pretty few and far between. I didn’t really learn anything different from 76 -81 other than what some of the new jugs are capable of. It’s not impossible to get to 90 outside of abyssea, but by that time you hit 70s, you should know all the aspects of your job and really wont miss much just skimming though those last levels.
                  99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

                  -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
                  -Farsha (90) Completed!!
                  -Verth (90) Completed!!
                  -Guttler (95) Completed!
                  -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
                  -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
                  -Aegis just started

                  ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


                  • #10
                    Re: Magian Trial Questions

                    Wow I never expected such a detailed response.
                    Once again Jeubond sorry for jumping onto your thread I hope this was of some use for you also.
                    I just thought my questions were sort of the same thing and didn't want to create another post when both our questions are kind of related.

                    My mp set isnt so much of a set lol. I'm at a stage where throwing in an Astral ring takes me just over enough for RR.
                    My gaudy isn't a full time thing. I just keep it because I obtained it when it was a bit annoying to obtain so it's mainly sentimental, with the exception of my back slot every item changes in going from Chr/Charm -> "battle" gear. Upon reaching 100% Tp I change my rings and belt to ws then switch back. At the moment I use Rampage which I feel is serving me quite well.
                    As for merits I think I'm going to have to copy you, I see them as solid options and I think would suit my playstyle and give me good balance both in and out of Abyssea.

                    Once again thank you.
                    /jobemote Bst Satori is listening intently /bunny ears

                    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                    • #11
                      Re: Magian Trial Questions

                      Wow I never expected such a detailed response.
                      I get really bored at work…reealllyyyy bored..
                      99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

                      -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
                      -Farsha (90) Completed!!
                      -Verth (90) Completed!!
                      -Guttler (95) Completed!
                      -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
                      -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
                      -Aegis just started

                      ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


                      • #12
                        Re: Magian Trial Questions

                        Hiya all,
                        Satori, no problem at all, you raise some good points and have had some useful advice in return which helps me and I'm sure others.
                        On the Merits issue I agree that Call Beast/Reward are the ones to do first.
                        On the Reward front I also have an extra macro:

                        /equip "Beast Jackcoat"
                        /equip "Beast Trousers"
                        /equip Pet Food Zeta [or other]
                        /ja "Reward" <me>

                        this is so that I not only equip my Bst af trousers [Pet food +10%] but also my Bst af Jackcoat which removes any status ailments [Para, Poison, Blind] at the same time.
                        On average I now get 1062 from a Zeta [usually 900] plus of course it's 'Regen' effect which is well worth it.

                        As for subbing Nin, wish I'd done it sooner !
                        Going for a 'Glyph' axe once I get enough people interested but meanwhile use a 'Doom Tabar' and 'Maneater' and very happy with the results. [currently doing trials for my -10% pet Dmg axes]
                        Suddenly I'm getting invites from my LS members who want someone solid next to them.
                        With a full set of 'Perle', 2 Axes, 'Spectacles', 2 x 'Woodsmans Rings', 'Potent Belt' and usually NN or LL I can hold my own against most of the Vanadiel mobs.
                        I can usually manage a hit rate with each axe of 100+, frequent 'Criticals' of 160+ and 'Rampages' of 1000+, this on top of NN who can always be relied upon to hit for over 200 and 'Lamb Chops' of 600+ although I have had 1000+ several times now, this allied with 'Snarl' and 'Reward' means I'm usually the last one to ko if at all.
                        I've heard that many Bsts suffer frequent ko's, not a problem for me I'm glad to say, always pull to a safe place ['Heel' is a godsend for this] and keep your wits about you.
                        Sometimes praying helps too . . . l

                        Ok enough, good luck everyone but above all, have fun !
                        Bst80 Pld40 Whm40 Nin37 War35 Thf32 Blm21 Mnk9


                        • #13
                          Re: Magian Trial Questions

                          Going for a 'Glyph' axe once I get enough people interested
                          I personally can’t confirm, but have heard many times Bakka is soloable by Bst. But that’s probably with the PDT/MDT setups. On the bright side, very common drop. Seems like 50% drop rate w/o blue proc or TH. Also think 2-3 90 Bsts (regardless of gear) can easily handle.

                          I know I sound like a broken record when I say ‘every bst is different’ but I don’t see the use for this axe anymore. I’m not saying don’t waste your time on it as it is a nice axe, but to me it’s uses are very limited. I only use it outside of Abyssea. Inside abyssea your better off getting a Regain Atma (VV if applicable) and using a more up-to-date axe. When Visions of abyssea first came out, my LS spammed Bakka and we all got the axe. At this point…not one Bst in my shell uses it. It certainly has its uses (BCNMs and outside abyssea) but I haven’t been doing much of that 

                          I do see some Bsts using it…but for me it’s just become a trophy piece collecting dust in my storage.

                          ---Also--- some key reward pieces. These drastically help bring up your numbers.
                          Zoraal Axe (x2 if possible, NM is soloable)
                          Pallas Shield or Muse Shield (nice for when not DWing)
                          Bison head or AF+1 (original AF, not Emph)
                          Kirin Osode (fairly cheap these days)
                          Ogre Gloves (+1 if possible)
                          Ferine Earring
                          Monster Feet > Suzaku Sun-ate > AF(+1if possible) feet
                          99 BST, PUP, WAR, MNK, THF, WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, BLU, RUN, PLD

                          -Ukon (85) 27/75 claws
                          -Farsha (90) Completed!!
                          -Verth (90) Completed!!
                          -Guttler (95) Completed!
                          -Gandiva (80) 24/50 wings
                          -Ochain 27/50, 50/75, 8/75
                          -Aegis just started

                          ***Thank you xxFunWithJugsxx for all the help/support***


                          • #14
                            Re: Magian Trial Questions

                            Hi Romyro,
                            Many thanks for your input and I do appreciate your advice about not only the Glyph but also the other gear which I shall certainly look into getting once access to FF is available again.

                            As far as the Glyph is concerned I'm thinking of using it as my main axe when subbing Nin with possibly a Doom Tabar in other hand outside of Aby and using Magian axes inside ?
                            My only reason for wanting the Glyph apart from it's Dmg is the tp gain which I think will be useful when doing CoP, Zilart and ToAU missions, obviously any input on this most welcome.

                            I have been after the Zoraal Ja axe now for quite a while and after 9 fights still have had no drop . . .
                            I think now though that although it has a 'enhance Reward +10% hp' effect the Dmg output is not up to either the Glyph or Doom axes and that to spend so much time trying to get it better spent on Magian axe trials instead.

                            Thanks again !
                            Bst80 Pld40 Whm40 Nin37 War35 Thf32 Blm21 Mnk9

