Credit goes out to the OP Eldelphia and the rest of BG
Shantotto Ascension - Order of the Blue Gartr
Shantotto Ascension - Order of the Blue Gartr
OK, logged in and heading to Windy... post up if you find the start 

1. Initial Cutscene is gained zoning into Windy Walls not via Mog House
2. Second CS gained zoning into Sara (West works, East not sure yet). Says head to Qufim with an item in your posession.
Enfeeblement Kit of Silence
Enfeeblement Kit of Poison
Enfeeblement Kit of Sleep
Enfeeblement Kit of BlindnessAll kits involve three synthed items from one drop and one synthed item. Each kit will also require a particular potion depending on which you were assigned.
Talk to Kuroido-Moido in the Orastery (Port Windurst) - 2 Bast Parchment+Inferior Cocoon + earth = Padded Box
Talk to Faulpie in the Tanner's Guild in South Sandy - Pumice+Parchment+Dark = Fine Parchment
Talk to Abd Al-Raziq in the Alchemist Guild in Bastok Mines - Magiked Blood+Black Ink+Dark= Enchanted Blood
The following items are not rare ex and can be bazaared etc so you can send a team to farm in Ordelles whilst another goes to Gusgen and exchange extras. You will need 1x cocoon, 2 x pumice and 2 x blood to make the materials for your kit.
The final kit is synthed... you must synth this yourself as it cannot be traded.
Alchemy - Earth?
2 x Fine Parchment
2 x Enchanted Blood
1 x Padded Box
1 x the potion related to the kit you were assigned (i.e. poison pot/sleep pot/silence pot)
3. Once you have your kit, head to Qufim Island and trade it to the 'Trodden Snow' on the ice on the pond at (H-7). You receive 6 Key items called 'Domina's xxxxx seal' where the xxxx is a different colour (scarlet, cerulean, emerald, amber, violet and azure). These relate to Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Titan, Ramuh and Shiva.
4. You're sent to the protocrystals, defeat at least 3 fights (touch crystal after cs) and then head back to Qufim for your reward. The fights are called 'Sugar-Coated Directive'. If you do all 6 you receive 50,000 gil.
6. Zone to Gustav tunnel from Terrigan... At F-10, there is a targetable thing called a Outcropping... Touch it for a CS and then a fight. The NPCs spawn green and you gotta fight their shadows. After a minute, they turn into fightable mobs and you gotta kill the 3 main ones. They are easy to distinguish because they cast Utsusemi: Ni, and have slightly higher evasion and defense, as well as hit points. Kill these 3 and then you get a Cactuar Key, some EXP and then touch the stone for a Cutscene!against 3 Nins?
7. After the Fight, head to Aldo in Tenshodo HQ in Lower Jeuno, then go to Ro'Meave...
8. Ensorcelled door at B-10. Need to kill mobs in Ro'Maeve and the Sanctuary to get the 6 fragments needed to open the door?
Steely Weapon - Ranged only
Lode Golem - Magic only
Fired Pot - Slashing only
Zi'Tah - will despawn once night ends
Blest Bones - Magic/Cures
Holey Horror - Piercing
Skeleton Scuffler - Blunt9. CS in Full Moon Fountain


1. Initial Cutscene is gained zoning into Windy Walls not via Mog House
2. Second CS gained zoning into Sara (West works, East not sure yet). Says head to Qufim with an item in your posession.
Enfeeblement Kit of Silence
Enfeeblement Kit of Poison
Enfeeblement Kit of Sleep
Enfeeblement Kit of Blindness
Talk to Kuroido-Moido in the Orastery (Port Windurst) - 2 Bast Parchment+Inferior Cocoon + earth = Padded Box
Talk to Faulpie in the Tanner's Guild in South Sandy - Pumice+Parchment+Dark = Fine Parchment
Talk to Abd Al-Raziq in the Alchemist Guild in Bastok Mines - Magiked Blood+Black Ink+Dark= Enchanted Blood
The following items are not rare ex and can be bazaared etc so you can send a team to farm in Ordelles whilst another goes to Gusgen and exchange extras. You will need 1x cocoon, 2 x pumice and 2 x blood to make the materials for your kit.
- Inferior Cocoon - Crawlers in Maze of Shakrami
- Pumice - Wights in Gusgen Mines
- Magiked Blood - Stink Bats in Ordelles Caves
Alchemy - Earth?
2 x Fine Parchment
2 x Enchanted Blood
1 x Padded Box
1 x the potion related to the kit you were assigned (i.e. poison pot/sleep pot/silence pot)
3. Once you have your kit, head to Qufim Island and trade it to the 'Trodden Snow' on the ice on the pond at (H-7). You receive 6 Key items called 'Domina's xxxxx seal' where the xxxx is a different colour (scarlet, cerulean, emerald, amber, violet and azure). These relate to Ifrit, Leviathan, Garuda, Titan, Ramuh and Shiva.
4. You're sent to the protocrystals, defeat at least 3 fights (touch crystal after cs) and then head back to Qufim for your reward. The fights are called 'Sugar-Coated Directive'. If you do all 6 you receive 50,000 gil.
E.g. Earth Protocrystal - fight is called 'Sugar-Coated Directive'. You have to touch the crystal twice to enter. Capped at 75 so buffs wear on entry. Fight was much easier than normal prime. Didn't seem to melee, just to spam a weakened 2hr. You gain 400 xp from winning the fight. After the fight is over, examine the crystal again for a short cs and obtain a counterseal.
5. The cs on Qufilm sends you to Norg and speak to a NPC called Andrause to get hold of a Black Book. Andrause is at I-8 in norg, up the big stairs and then turn left. Do some Pankration >.> to get the Black Book6. Zone to Gustav tunnel from Terrigan... At F-10, there is a targetable thing called a Outcropping... Touch it for a CS and then a fight. The NPCs spawn green and you gotta fight their shadows. After a minute, they turn into fightable mobs and you gotta kill the 3 main ones. They are easy to distinguish because they cast Utsusemi: Ni, and have slightly higher evasion and defense, as well as hit points. Kill these 3 and then you get a Cactuar Key, some EXP and then touch the stone for a Cutscene!against 3 Nins?
7. After the Fight, head to Aldo in Tenshodo HQ in Lower Jeuno, then go to Ro'Meave...
8. Ensorcelled door at B-10. Need to kill mobs in Ro'Maeve and the Sanctuary to get the 6 fragments needed to open the door?
Steely Weapon - Ranged only
Lode Golem - Magic only
Fired Pot - Slashing only
Zi'Tah - will despawn once night ends
Blest Bones - Magic/Cures
Holey Horror - Piercing
Skeleton Scuffler - Blunt