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BCNM Help please?

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  • BCNM Help please?

    I am looking for a BCNM that is good for a rdm that is new to BCNMs. Are there any BCNMS that a Rdm can possibly solo, or even do fairly easily to learn how to do be better at BCNMS?

    I have done BCNM 40 twice with a War, Thf, and Rdm (Me), and both times four Jellies formed the queen, then we wiped. Two would die, then I would need to convert, so that I can keep Bind/Gravity, then cure the other two, then Bind/Gravity, but I always seem to mess up some how, and then we wipe.

    Are there any tips/hints that can help me with doing the BCNM, or any BCNMS that I can possibly solo? Thank you for your help.

  • #2
    Re: BCNM Help please?

    Trials and tribulations /nod

    If you aren't looking into soloing, here's what I know from my experience:

    BCNM40- Under Observation: Good for learning how to kite. There's many different setups for this, but it's fairly common to have the red mage kite the big eys.

    BCNM60-Under Arms: You can duo this with a ranger. Or if you want to be safe bring a third person with ranged attack. All you do is gravity, bind, etc.. Basically make sure the ranger stays alive and the octopus stays gravitied.


    • #3
      Re: BCNM Help please?

      I am lvl 40 atm, so I can look into UO for a lil bit. 2.3 mil is always nice lol. I just don't like the chance of being stunned, paralyzed, and petrified and no one in the ls has a blu, or anyone that I know has a blu... We have a career thf in the ls though...

      But other than that... Any low orb ones that I can possibly solo since that I am lvl 40, and there are no blus in the ls atm. -.-;


      • #4
        Re: BCNM Help please?

        There are very very few BCNMs that can be solo'd (aside from Trials and Tribulations, which if you're lucky requires no combat whatsoever).

        If you're looking to polish your skills, don't do it in a BCNM when you have seals on the line (or worse yet, someone else's seals on the line).

        Go level up some more; at 40, you don't have Refresh yet, nor Haste (and yes I know you can't use those abilities in a BCNM40, but even so getting another level or two will do good things for your enfeebling magic skill level if you haven't capped it at 40 yet).



        • #5
          Re: BCNM Help please?

          Ok, I guess I should just try and level up some more than. I can't find the Trials and Tribulations on the wiki though. Can some one please link it? Thanks.

          I could also practice solo kitting on a few magical monsters...

          <Edit> Nvm... I found Treaure and Tribulations...
          Last edited by Takelli; 07-07-2009, 06:17 AM.


          • #6
            Re: BCNM Help please?

            Also, it would be a good idea to look up your skills on this chart and make sure they are at least at the cap for whatever level BCNM you are going into:

            Combat Skills - FFXIclopedia

            But really, the only BCNM solo jobs are BST and SMN and maybe NIN, and only on a very few specific ones. And you have to know your job pretty well, too.

            Also don't forget Royal Jelly. That's best with a RDM + 2x DD, though I've done it plenty of times as a WHM/BLM + 2x DD with just Bind. It just means that the DDs have to work faster.
            Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
            99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
            F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

            >not having all jobs at 99

            Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


            • #7
              Re: BCNM Help please?

              For the BCNM 40 Royal Jellies you have to make sure that the war and the thf are maximizing their dmg output. Thf isn't the strongest suit for this type even though their main weapon is piercing so what you have to do is make sure that you can stay up and functional for as long as possible to make up for that lack. So you need yagudo drinks and both dds need to bring hi pots (On baha X pots and hi pots + 2 both cost 1000 so X pots will be much better ) as well as milk and attack food. The war most likely was using Great axe if they werent and they were subbed nin there is a great reduction in atk there. So what should be done is the war if not capped for pole arm use great axe and a full dd build. WS are good but DOT takes precendence here because of the object and the increase in diffculty when the queen is up.

              The prefered strategy that I use (I am drk when i run this) is to have both dds start on different ends and then the rdm skips those two mobs on the bind/gravity cycle. I use pure strength setup and sole sushi and leave berserk up constantly. Now if the dd that is accompanying me is a drg they will dispatch their jelly first due to jumps, wyrven and piercing. So what will happen is we will go as far as we can to the middle and then as soon as on reaches a point to spaces from the gathering trigger we switch to it (I usually stun it) Then we pound on it before switch to the next, at this time i would pop last resort and soul eater then x pot and milk again if needed. If everything sticks we will complete before queen arises. If Things do not go right 2 or 3 will form into the queen but With a gear swap and blood weapon we usually can take it with only my death.

              Hope that helps. If you can try to get two drg to do it with next time.


              • #8
                Re: BCNM Help please?

                I do have a Drg friend that wants to do this with me, but his X-box is dead, and I haven't seen him in a while, and he hates using the computer.

                I was using Yag drinks, and the Thf was using Hi-pots. I was trying to get a Blu, or a Drg instead of the Thf. Blu for more survivability, Drg, for more Dmg, and possibly if he subbed blu, better survivability.

                I can put off the BCNM until I find more blus, or drgs that want to take part.

                I've always heard that the two melee go to the right, and the Rdm goes up the center. As the two melee kill the ones on the right 1 by 1, I Bind/Gravity the others. So I can also use Dia (Not II because that uses up way too much mp, and my mp is already streatched thin), on the ones that they are fighting, or the ones that I gravity/bind?


                • #9
                  Re: BCNM Help please?

                  Good strat Takelli very text book. I really never liked that idea because that means the jellies on the left can get the furthest to the center if a resist occures and then they are a lost cause. With no way for a quick adjustment to engage it with out leaving others open to do the same. I may try that way if I ever do it on this character to see if it increases productivity of each dd.


                  • #10
                    Re: BCNM Help please?

                    Its a stratagy that I have seen done before while I was a DD in the BCNM as sam, and we did it with a Thf that time I was a Sam, but I guess the War's dmg isnt high enough to keep them from getting to the middle though.

