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Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

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  • Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

    I have been trying to git this done for some time and for some reason i never win im am around 0/8 so far i have been thinking for some time of a solution to this i have came up with the idea of this set up and plan PLD/war or NIN/war + MNK/drk whm/blm rdm/whm dnc/whm and DRG/sam (me) i have a qustion for all you out there do you think that a MNK/DRK that hundred fists souleater with drain samba III on would do around 40%-50% damage to the last form? do you think there is a good chance that with the rdm cureing and chainspelling if need be would this work to win any feed back will help thank you for your ideas and opinion

  • #2
    Re: Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

    Why would you use a NIN tank vs Alexander? That doesn't make any sense... NINs are next to useless tanking Alexander. Just use a good PLD and have him stand at range.

    Also, I can't suggest using anything but WHM (or maybe SCH sticking w/ Light Arts) for main healing. RDM is useful in the fight for other activities (Refresh, Debuff, backup curing, backup nuking, haste maybe...)

    Also, for the WHM I highly suggest /SMN or /SCH to help with MP, especially if you dont have refresh, as you will go through a lot.

    Anyway, from my experiences.
    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



    • #3
      Re: Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

      I've had some issues with this mission also, im about 0/5 at the moment. Ive gone with Pld/nin or/war, Sam/war or /nin, thf/nin(me), Rdm/blm Whm/smn and a Blm/sch. And every time for some reason we barely, JUST barely are able to defeat the blu, yet alone get a chance to fight alexander. Here i thought the fight with gessho was hard
      Thf75/Cor75- Time to work on this...



      • #4
        Re: Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

        I'm about 0/17, lots of people leaving after one or two attempts, etc, etc.

        One of the reasons why Paladin tank is most often used is that Fealty makes Alexander's Divine Judgement rather laughable ~IF~ the Paladin anticipates it. Drops it from 1k+ damage to between 150 and 300. I checked the precise moment he does it several times, and I believe it's when Alex drops from 47% HP to 46% HP, as in at least two occasions he was below 50% and it didn't trigger, while the DD's whittled him away.

        If there's anything to stress about this fight, is that unless you are going with people that have beaten this multiple times is bring a Blue Mage. DRK/??? and ???/DRK are decent stunners, but a BLU spamming Head Butt is invaluble for both Raubahn's Eyes on Me and Alexander's Gospel of the Lost.

        Edit: In regards to the questions... I doubt a tank could hold hate off a MNK/DRK Hundred Fists'ing with Soul Eater, and thus ensuring the Monk will die very early into his rampage, unless it's triggered at the end when Alexander drops to 10% and goes nuts. In this case, it's better for the RDM to Chainspell nuke for extra quick damage instead of attempting to keep the Monk alive...

        I have no experience with a Dancer for this fight, so I do not know how effective Sambas would be.... Also Debuffs are generally considered a waste of MP as Alexander's Gospel of the Lost removes all debuffs, I don't know if it removes Dancer sambas.

        Red Mages are generally long-term support healing of a main heal White Mage, as the Red Mage can take over healing duties on Alexander when the White Mage eventually runs out of MP.

        One thing to note is that Alexander does not regen HP during the battle, so if you kill Raubahn reasonably quickly, you can wipe to Alexander, tractor/raise/wait for weakened, then begin again from where you left off.
        Last edited by Empedocles; 10-12-2008, 07:20 AM. Reason: Added stuff...


        • #5
          Re: Aht Urhgan mission 44 Nashmeira's plea

          Maybe I just got lucky, but I'm 1/1 on this guy, and the fight went fairly easily. There's a really long time to get the battle done, and we wiped once to Alex. The setup was, PLD/NIN DRK/SAM BLU/NIN RNG/NIN(me) SCH/WHM and BLM/RDM.

          We went in, killed Raubahn with fairly little trouble. He dies quickly and the only thing to watch out for is Eyes on Me, but even then it doesn't do too much of damage until he 2hrs. I know wiki says that he has to take certain types of damage so that you can actually kill his last form, but we didn't give that much discretion and he went down easily. Our PLD died to the 2hr'd Eyes on Me, and we raised and re-buffed for Alex.

          For Alex, the PLD stayed out of range for normal attacks and just kept himself cured and continued flashing. The BLU and DRK stood behind Alex, spamming headbutt and stun for Gospel and anything they could stop. I stood off to the far left shooting the entire time as much as I could. Our BLM nuked as much as he could, and we got him down to about 30% before we wiped.

          We wiped near the entrance, all except the PLD who didn't have time to move, tractor -> raise, etc, and we recovered. Re-buff, went out and zerged the rest of the fight. 2hrs and all that good stuff, and we won.

          From what I can tell with my single try, the hardest part about this fight is the BLU, as he has the potential to just kill your tank flat-out, and then can ravage the rest of your pt. If you're careful and stun him as much as you can, I think the fight should be easy once you're done with him.

          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D

