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Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

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  • Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

    Hi Guys, I really need some expire advise in doing the promvy holla run!!!!!

    I am having a very terrible experience with promvy holla now (as in i did 8th runs already), all of them I fail. I'm not sure why it fail and I'm still trying to figure out why!

    The party set up is as below and it is more like a party static (i'm the one whom needed it) but the other members in the party already done it!

    smn/whm x2

    Everyone on in the party bring poison potions x2 and necessary drinks such as yag juice and anima.

    When we encounter the boss, there is not buffer at all, the strategy is as following.

    - war/nin (tank) voke on mob,
    - sam/war dd the mob
    - 2 smn using garuda (smn constantly changing different avatar) attacking the mob,
    - rdm nuke
    - and whm heal tank

    Well this is basically the summary for my promvy holla run (this weekend going to be another run) 9th RUN!!!!! >.<


    If this run failure again i think it is going to pull me off soon

    Thanks in Advance

  • #2
    Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

    Originally posted by seiyaa View Post
    2 smn using garuda (smn constantly changing different avatar) attacking the mob,
    Astral Flow

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

      I'm sure they are using AF though, I mean that's standard procedure. <.<;

      Hey Seiyaa (has anyone told you you can't use that name unless you train in Greece for a few years?) how exactly do you guys die? If you asked me just from looking at your setup I'd say you need a better tank, but without knowing what's going on it's kinda difficult to give any suggestions.
      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



      • #4
        Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

        Only thing I can think of (which cause my fail on this mission) was while trying to use Ariel Blast, my avatar was put to sleep. I remember it took 5 Ariel Blasts (using the same method as in the mini fork BCNMs) + a little melee damage to win.

        I didnt read anything about you PT using hi-ethers to make full use of the SMN Astral Flow. You can get 3 Ariel Blasts off before Astral Flow wears off. I would suggest using either paralyzing or "cant use WS" anima before using Ariel Blast. This way the avatar will not be slept before Ariel Blast goes off.
        PSN ID: Kelshan
        Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
        Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


        • #5
          Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

          Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
          I'm sure they are using AF though, I mean that's standard procedure. <.<;

          Hey Seiyaa (has anyone told you you can't use that name unless you train in Greece for a few years?) how exactly do you guys die? If you asked me just from looking at your setup I'd say you need a better tank, but without knowing what's going on it's kinda difficult to give any suggestions.

          Raydeus, regarding my name it is a japanese name it should be seiya not seiyaa, however seiya has been taken so i not choice just to add another a behind!!!

          ehh.... both smn did use AF but according to what they tell me every time they use AF must have missed hits. And they changed the avatar quite frequently.

          in the beginning of the fight everyone pop poison potion (and we don't do any buffer at all), starting the fight is ok, but till near 10% of the wreaker's HP it started to its AoE and drain. By that time WHM mp is considerable low, SMN same as well. WAR/NIN is having problem to hold the hate. the same thing happen every time (after 7th attempt killing the boss, 1 failing to reach to the 4th floor to much arggo)

          i mean this is the summary of the fight (non of the time manage to kill it when it is at 10%HP)... what is your advise and suggestion!!!

          this weekend another attempt i really want it to be done >.<

          thanks again


          • #6
            Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

            Three suggestions.

            Have the two smn main heal the first 25-30% of the fight and the whm just handle the whm only things like the status removes and a bit of back up curing for that portion of the fight. Smn don't need maximum mp to Astral flow with just about 80+ when they start their summon to make sure they have 60mp when they hit the astral flow BP and they shouldn't really be casting any blood pacts but astral flows in this fight other than perhaps a buff at the start before you attack. This definitely helps the whms mp endurance.

            Have the smn use avatars that match the day you go on, Carbuncle for Lightsday, Ramuh for Lightningsday etc. The avatars are a little stronger on their corresponding day, the Prommy bosses aren't elemental in nature so you don't have to worry about that. I don't really see a reason why the smn would be switching avatars around a lot.

            I'm not sure if you did this but it can be a good idea to save your anima for the second half of the fight when the boss starts spamming his TP moves.
            Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


            • #7
              Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

              I have three words for you

              USE MORE ANIMA

              If it's spamming anything in those last few ticks, it means you're not using Anima. In the past dozen or so fights I've done against this guy I've always had at least 2/6 psycos left over and 3/6 Hystos. And I do these without a single Smn.

              After the second failure, there should be no reason everyone in the party didn't have one of each. Set up an order, have someone keep track and use them efficiantly and the mob will be so helpless it'll be like beating on a really ugly kitten.

              Another suggestion I'll make is replacing at least one of the Mages with a strong melee. Whether it be a Smn or the Rdm. These fights aren't about endurance, they're about raw power. And while Smns may be nice to use as a big 'ol cannon, if you can't do it effectively it's time to switch things up and get a heavy hitter involved.

              Also, cover your tank with as many crap buffs as you can stack. Have him eat cheap, crap food like eggs or honey or something. Give him things that the boss can drain off of him so he doesn't drain your tank's HP. Hell, go out to La Thiene and kill a bunch of birds to get some eggs so he can pop a new one after the old one gets drained. As a War/Nin he will need Utsu to survivie, so that's something he'll have to cast, but if there are other buffs up the boss may not drain the shadows.
              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


              • #8
                Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                I tank Holla as a PLd/war with shade tiara which gives vit but also
                intimidates boss, up to 15 times in some fights. ( I used full set of HQ shade but one piece was good enough. Better def with Kamph gear.)
                I'm 7 and 0 for Holla and almost never lose hate. Anima plan and poison pots are the key here.
                Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                • #9
                  Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                  Originally posted by Heartily View Post
                  I tank Holla as a PLd/war with shade tiara which gives vit but also
                  intimidates boss, up to 15 times in some fights. ( I used full set of HQ shade but one piece was good enough. Better def with Kamph gear.)
                  I'm 7 and 0 for Holla and almost never lose hate. Anima plan and poison pots are the key here.
                  Shade Tiara doesn't give vit and that's the Anima intimidating the boss, not you. Shade gear isn't really worth it on the bosses as it will very rarely proc.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #10
                    Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                    Your setup is fine, but I agree with the Anima usage. Use it more often and have a set order. Have someone call out which anima to use and when. If the WAR is having hate issues, have them 2 hour immediately upon fighting. All those crits will help build enmity. Have the SMNs hold Astral Flow until the mob is ~50%, they can be handling curing assistance until then. SAM should 2-Hour around the time the mob gets around 10-15% and try to cut it down fast.

                    If you have the resources in your group, have the RDM or WHM change to a heavy melee. I always went to these fights RNG, and it's absolutely brutal against these. Eagle Eye Shot is a great finisher as well.

                    But even if you don't have another melee, your setup can win. Just use anima intelligently and time Astral Flow correctly and you should be fine.
                    Mains: 75 RNG/MNK/BLM/BLU/NIN/SAM/BRD
                    Proud Sackholder: Celestial Guardians, Legacy of Old


                    • #11
                      Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                      You are correct on HQ tiara not giving Vit- +1 gives eva.
                      When you have any shade gear you will see the following in
                      log for NM fight" Cerebrator is intimidated by *tank name here*".
                      Has nothing to do with the anima effects. I reviewed fight log each
                      time to evaluate if shade gear was effective as "empty killer".
                      Most intimidates was 18, but that was one of the first fights before our group
                      became better with anima usage.
                      Beast 69 Blue 42 War 36 Pld 35 Red 35
                      Thf 30 Nin 23 Rgr 17 Sam 15

                      Cook 100 Wood 52 Fish 31 Leather 30 Cloth 30
                      Smith 22 Alchemy 20 Gold 16 Bone 15


                      • #12
                        Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                        I know how shade gear works, I have my own shade gear, but when you use Psyco anima it causes the boss to be intimidated by anyone with hate for up to 30 seconds, halting it's normal melee attacks. It's not the shade gear, I constantly do these fights with shade gear, I've had plenty of Plds and Nins with shade gear, the effect very rarely procs on bosses.

                        The Psyco anima is what's causing the intimidate, not the shade gear.
                        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                        • #13
                          Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                          thank you everyone for the precious advised it is really appreciated ^^

                          i finally get my promyvmion holla done yesterday ^^, and the party set up for yesterday is slight different from the previous party setup, the setup is as following pld, mnk, war, thf, whm (me) and smn.

                          This time fight is well prepared with poison potion x2, hi-eitherx3, yag drinks, anima x5 (each melee with one anima). the tactic is still similar party did not have full buffer, all melees eat food incase that wreaker decided to AoE and drain us again.

                          the fight was going smooth,pld and war poping the hate around each other to control the wreaker avoid it running around while smn using blood pact and AF on the wreaker (everyone health bar is at 70% above) ^^ and i'm just standing to heal everyone xD
                          Killed wreaker in 7 min ^^

                          i'm happy now and thanks for everyone advise again


                          • #14
                            Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                            Congratulations! What did you think of Lufaise Meadows? That's one of the prettier zones in the game imho.
                            Mains: 75 RNG/MNK/BLM/BLU/NIN/SAM/BRD
                            Proud Sackholder: Celestial Guardians, Legacy of Old


                            • #15
                              Re: Promvy Holla Run!!! Help Please

                              thank you!!!

                              "Lufaise Meadows" this place is really a breath taking view, by 1st time seeing it ^.^ however i still haven't have the change to explore it yet, as that day when i finished the mission i'm in a rush >.< but tonight i'm going to do the CoP 2-3 wow.... just looking forward now for the CoP mission.

                              thanks again for everyone's advise

