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AM42 -> ugh

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  • AM42 -> ugh


    So I just got done with this mission with a whopping 0/6. Granted, it was a random pick up PT, but my regular group isnt as far as I am. We tried to sleep the gears + boss, then take down gear after gear. 0/4 We tried kiting gears and going straight for boss 0/2. After this myself and another bailed. the PT was whm, rdm, smn, brd, drk, nin. I think we lacked dmg, as the gears didnt last long when actually enganged. Our whm and nin we're very good either.. so that might have been it. And of course half the runs Naja just plain messed us up but attacking something we didnt want her to. Im really upset because now I wont be able to rank up in assaults until I beat this mission (thanks SE), for those of you who have, any pointers? Perhaps we were doing it right but just had less than stellar members ><

  • #2
    Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh


    42 was a joke. 44 is the real challenge.



    • #3
      Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh

      Oddly, we had more trouble with 42 than 44. Mainly because we couldn't figure out the best way to aggro the gears, took us a couple of goes (ok, Naja was an idiot and went after the blu). In the end we had one melee on each of the gears, took them down, then went after the boss.

      44 went really well, apart from our pld tank taking a 1650 Eyes on Me. The boss we had 30 mins for, and just took it down slowly till 15%, when we CS stun locked it down and went hell for leather.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • #4
        Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh

        42 can be very easy or very complicated depending on if you plan things beforehand or not.

        Best strategy for the first 2 rooms is having each DD/tank solo a gear while the rest of the party focus on keeping the BLU asleep. It works kinda like the melee version of ODS. And you gotta pull the gears to each corner of the room to avoid AoE from stacking.

        The gears spawn in a square formation around the blu so it's easy to pick which gear every melee is gonna kill, but you gotta make sure everyone knows exaclty what gear they are gonna get so they can pull it asap, not doing so will get people killed fast.

        After the gears are dead you just kill the BLU, she doesn't have much HP.

        The soulflayer is ugly as hell, but it isn't that tough. Plus you have plenty of time for resting to full after each room.

        PS > If for some reason Naja picks the BLU to fight instead of a gear it might be best to simply exit the BC and try again.

        Edit > For that formation the best would've been having the SMN solo one gear and the RDM go RDM/NIN to keep another gear entertained while the NIN and DRK finished their gears. RDM would also need to back up the WHM and BRD in keeping the BLU asleep.

        It would've been kinda messy if the BLU resisted sleeps but it would've worked if the RDM was skilled enough.
        Last edited by Raydeus; 10-22-2007, 10:31 AM.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #5
          Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh

          I figured 42 right off the bat (too bad my idiot party didn't catch on until our 2nd run -. -)

          Basically, the moment the gears pop have your tank try to super tank (works best with PLD) the BLU and 1 gear and have all the melee just pound them into the ground. Those gears have very little HP (When I did it I was doing nearly 1k Gekko's on /WAR with Onimaru) and the sooner you drop them the sooner you can get back to killing the BLU and saving Naja.

          The other thing to be careful of (and again, I had my suspicions but no one wanted to wait) is after you beat the BLU the 1st two times, DO NOT CHASE AFTER NAJA!!! She will come to a stop just short of aggroing the BLU, giving you plenty of time to rest between the 3 forms.

          The 3rd form can be a challenege if it gets off those tier 3 ga spells, otherwise it's a joke. Take note that stun usually fails for some reason (at least it did for us) so if you see the casting starting up, try for a quick stun or someone should ready either a bar spell or Curaga to save everyone's ass (Thundaga 3 will put you into the red if not outright kill you)

          Both times I fought the 3rd from (I'm 2/4 on the fight, 1st two tries were spent figuring it out) we never lost a single person to the 3rd form.



          • #6
            Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh

            Yeah once we figured it out, we actually went through with no deaths. And we did the supertank method in the end (does help that our pld has w legs and can kite all day).

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


            • #7
              Re: AM42 -&gt; ugh

              the time i did mine we went NIN MNK DRK RNG BLM RDM and sleepga 2 the BLU and each DD take out a Gear Asuran Fists one shotted them Cross reaper did and Sidewinder did so NIN has the harder time for it but its not that bad... The Gears are the hardest part of the mission actually i was the NIN and i kited the Soulflayer like kirin around the poles with DD follow style which prevents AoE and then Prevents from Cure Spams so it makes it 100x easier imo.

