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Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

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  • #16
    Re: Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

    I am currently 0/12 on this with my next attempt scheduled for this Sunday.

    What I don't like about the Omega/Ultima fights is the uncertainty of tactics. You could have the best laid plans and then all of a sudden someone can just die like that, and this can mean the failure of the fight entirely.

    I say this because we discovered the hard way that Tractor didn't work in this fight (I don't know if this is the case in all battlefields as this is the only one I've seen someone try to use Tractor) but in a fight where it can be hard to wipe in a suitable place due to sudden "one-shots", I find this most annoying.

    My static has the Mammets down no probs, and Omega can be OK, but it's Ultima's Equaliser that always ruins it. It normally goes off between Pumps as it can be hard to time the minute (of the CCB's effect) under pressure. As far as I know this is a Physical AoE so no Bar spell (yes I normally go WHM for this - probably COR next time) can assist with it.

    Are there any ways to lessen the pain on Equaliser and Antimatter please?


    • #17
      Re: Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

      Stun it with Head Butt. >.> However, if you're in a static and can't get a BLU in, then you just have to work out CCBs. Fight placement is very important as well. When you spawn, the mages should run to the left and melee to the right. Stick close to that wall and you should be able to wipe/reraise with no aggro if things go south. The only time a person should die out of position is during mammets and if that happens, it's best just to start over.

      Equalizer can be a pain, but if the mellees are /nin and the mages are far enough away, it can be avoidable.

      In regards to CCB, its amazing how long a minute really is when someone is timing it. I honestly think my groups were overlapping them all the time up until my last few wins. Once, I started timing them I realized we had been going way too early.

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #18
        Re: Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

        I know this is kinda a necro but good information~

        Notes from Airship (01/26) 1/26/2006 5:03 AM

        #Party Mix


        NIN, probably SH+1, emp hairpin, other evasion+ gear
        MNK, SH, 2 snipers, peacock charm, emp pin, tm hooks+1, af hand, af feet, af legs, brown belt, rep mantle, fang earrings
        WHM, AF+Crow

        Used super-kiter strategy, NIN kited side to side
        BLM Mammets hurt, but we got lucky and didn't have multiples
        Juices + Ballad helped out a lot here, only a few times did others need to cast cure on the NIN
        My silence stuck on the pulled mammets, the BLM was also casting enfeebles

        It is vitally important that the WHM have the appropriate macros.

        For exmaple, my paralyze macro for curing Ion Efflux:
        /recast "[Paralyna]"
        /ta (players name)
        /ma "[Paralyna]" <stpc>

        NIN entered through the left side while the mages gathered at the right.
        MNKs waited for the NIN to get some hate, I think they waited for the second voke before approaching
        Omega spammed Ion Efflux (paralyze) early on and used Hyper Pulse (dmg 180-220 consistent to the NIN and both MNKs) often in the last half of its health
        I made a mistake and didn't pay attention to its hp. It used Pile Pitch on the NIN and then turned to me. It hit me and then quickly went after the MNKs. I instructed the BLM to use his CCB then. The MNKs were doing well with their blinks with the BLM using stun to help them when they were down.
        BRD songs used: double mambo
        Near the end, I used my CCB to prevent any more specials.
        Noticed that we seemed to completely avoid Rear Laser (Petrify)
        Guided Missile was either rare or never occurred.
        Makes me wonder if it's a time based special.

        Instructed NIN to give me his CCB, had one of the MNKs give their CCB to the BLM

        Double mambo + haste on the NIN again
        Spammed wire cutter in the beginning, but NIN always had shadows up
        Particle Shield dispelled by brd
        Had erase macroed for Chemical Bomb
        At one point, the mnks got chemical bomb, I had to choose carefully when to erase their slow since I needed my erase timer for NIN (erased 1st MNK, but it was dangerous to do so without having used CCB first)
        Spammed Chemical Bomb
        At some point, it used Nuclear Waste, I told BLM to use CCB
        Ultima got off Flame Thrower before CCB used, I cast Viruna to counter
        Noticed BLM was casting low level nukes and enfeebles consistently throughout the fight and never once took hate
        Once the BLM used his CCB, I erased the 2nd MNK
        Again, Ultima tried to use Nuclear Waste, this is what tells you when to use CCB. I was ready with mine and Ultima was unable to use any elem breathe attacks.
        BRD is doing a good job hitting the MNKs with double minuet
        Ultima hp% at 30 and MNKs ask for permission to use 100 fists.
        At about 25% or so, I tell the MNKs to go for it and tell the brd to get ready to use her CCB
        A few seconds later, I tell her to use it.
        MNKs are taking hate at this point, NIN no longer needs mambo, BRD casts minuet
        BLM is now using tier 3 nukes

        On Omega, if I had paid attention and told the BLM to use his CCB at 20%, then we would not have suffered Pile Pitch. We got lucky that it didn't do some AOE and that the BLM was quick to use his item to prevent anyone else getting hurt.
        On Ultima, I could have had MNKs SP earlier but I was afraid that they would not be able to put up blinks faster than Ultima was hitting them (even with slow and elegy on).

        We practiced our positioning in sealion's den using a few of our LS mates. That turned out to be very worthwhile. Perhaps it contributed to everyone's understanding about where to stand, where to fight, and what positioning to avoid. I believe that this one-minute 'training' helped us avoid Rear Laser and the directional breath attacks. Noticed that the BLM was consistently casting lower tier nukes and never took hate away from the tank while doing respectable DoT. This helped immensely; if he had taken hate, Omega would have used Guided Missile and killed both the BLM and myself. Also, it seems to me that the BLM's damage was probably on par with another DD. Perhaps this BC can be melee-burned as well?

        MNK1 reported that he was hitting about 20 dmg/fist with about 95%+ connecting, he did not notice Omega ever using guided missle or rear laser. He used persikos au lait and recommended that melees use them in the BC
        Last edited by Restlesstornado; 09-14-2007, 04:00 AM.


        • #19
          Re: Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

          I am 0/1 on this, next run tonight.

          On our first run, we got screwed hard. Mammets were really easy. Omega, as soon as we pulled he spammed Para and Guided Missile. Died and RR, did the same again >.>.

          Stupid. Luck i guess.


          • #20
            Re: Um... so what happened here? (CoP Airship fight)

            I'm not sure how lucky you need to be for mammets, all i know was that once i Manafonted, Ultima cried

            Restlesstornado said:
            "Noticed BLM was casting low level nukes and enfeebles consistently throughout the fight and never once took hate"

            Very important. This is what differenciates good BLM from bad BLM, low level nuke spam = no hate, consistent damage, you're like a buffed up melee DD, no longer a spike DD.
            Last edited by Balfree; 09-14-2007, 04:08 AM.
            signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

