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Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

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  • Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

    So I have gotten my Sapara of Trials sword and need WS Points.

    But as RDM, the native WS's we get access to are rather crap and I am finding it hard to close any decent Lvl 2 SC's for more points. All I can do are close a few Lvl1's...

    So, since I am fighting EP/DC mobs anyway...would it be faster for me to sub a gimped /23WAR?

    Im not worried about damaged etc, but would subbing WAR allow me to use more WS's, thus giving more of a chance to be able to close a Lvl2 SC?

    Its shameful that at 75 I still dont really understand how SC's are forumlated ><

  • #2
    Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

    i did mine in the Eldieme Necropolis on bones at the bottom they were EP sometimes DC i subed /BLU for extra DEF and used Fast Blade to keep them alive longer i soloed from 0 ->250 points then my frined helped me finish with my dagger i solo it from 0 -> 300 with the Joyeuse in the off hand the TP flys in, so goodluck and hope you break it soon
    "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
    "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
    "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


    • #3
      Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

      Still a bit novice at the skillchain thing too but if I am reading my chart right, subbing pld, war or drk would give you red lotus blade, Seraph Blade and Vorpal Blade if you have over 200 skill.

      Vorpal blade can close a distortion with it's primary aspect (it has an impaction secondary aspect but I can't see a way of getting the impaction secondary aspect to activate to let you close a fusion, you would just get a scission)

      Edit: Just checked wiki to make sure, you can get Vorpal blade subbing blu too.
      Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


      • #4
        Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

        forgot to add the sword can not make light without Savage Blade and Saren /BLU also five you those WS to your best bet is to make lvl2 SC for 3 points or just solo them
        "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
        "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
        "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


        • #5
          Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

          If MP won't be an issue, /WAR gives you Double Attack as well, to speed up TP gain a bit. Add sushi to that, then you shouldn't too bad at getting TP.

          If MP may be of some concern, go with /PLD for auto-refresh. All depends on who you are breaking the latent with and which monsters you're fighting, I guess.
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

            Just like with Dagger, all we can do is close 100 level 2s. Grab a buddy (or NPC) and go for it.

            RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
            Image by Askannyi


            • #7
              Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

              I did RDM/BLM doing 2 birds right outside Nashmau. Did 40 points in a skillup party but the rest was all soloed. It didn't really take that long.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                it feels like iv WS'ed a gazillion times... still nothing lol


                • #9
                  Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                  I had to do the same with Staff of Trials, you can only make a Lv2 skillchain with it, no matter what job you are. I did it over three sessions.


                  • #10
                    Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                    with a Joyeuse offhanded i was able to solo 200 points in 6 hours with my dagger, never had the chanse to try it with the sword as i never had the joyeuse then
                    "Death shall seek you out, If death fails, I promise you, i wont." ~ Srxjo (me)
                    "My lips are stained scarlet red from my blood" ~Srxjo (me)
                    "The greatest pain in this world is losing that which is closest to ones own heart" ~Srxjo (me)


                    • #11
                      Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                      I unlocked it whenever I was doing something... Amongst my other projects, it ended up taking 6 weeks since I haven't been RDMing for melee purposes all that much and I don't like grinding solo on WS points at 1 point per WS....

                      My MNK friend helped me break it down most of the way using "Spinning Strike" > "Flat Blade".


                      • #12
                        Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                        Well Iv been doing a lot of things amongst soloing WS points....

                        Helping farm 2 Test's, Camping 4 NM's, Skill Up Pt's, grabbed a LS buddy or 2 for a few hours to WS with me....

                        Still have the latent :/ I have got to be close lol.

                        I dont have Joytoy so thats out, best I can do is offhand Hornetneedle and Haste. I wish SE made an NPC that could tell you even a "rough" guide of how far along you are.


                        • #13
                          Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                          Originally posted by hongman View Post
                          it feels like iv WS'ed a gazillion times... still nothing lol
                          Don't mean to be funny here but you have unequipped it and re-equipped it to check right? So many people have broken the latent and went on to hammer out another 100 WS points without realising.

                          I know it's a long shot, but if you have a good friend who is in possession of a kraken it'll help out amazingly if you're solo grinding WS points. I had a kraken for my dagger latent and it seemed to take half the time it took me for my katana one.


                          • #14
                            Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                            Funny you say that....actually I havent (not recently anyway) - It said on Wiki that the elemental resistences woukd disappear without unequipping the weapon.

                            I dont think anyone I know has a kraken, although I'll make a point to ask tonight lol.


                            • #15
                              Re: Umlocking Sapara of Trials faster

                              Originally posted by hongman View Post
                              It said on Wiki that the elemental resistences woukd disappear without unequipping the weapon.
                              It's been over a year now but I'm pretty sure that's incorrect unless there's been a change since last April.

