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Filling Rank Bar

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  • Filling Rank Bar

    I just wondered if anyone else noticed this:

    In short, trading Dark crystals fills it up faster than trading any other? (not tried Light)


  • #2
    Re: Filling Rank Bar

    I haven't noticed any correlation between the type of crystal and the amount of rank points it gives you. But maybe someone else has.


    • #3
      Re: Filling Rank Bar

      Well, I havent really done specific testing but before 6-1 I was on empty and Wiki said to trade 3 stacks to get 6-1. I traded 4 stacks of Dark, and my bar was completely full, which allowed me to do 6-2 without anything further.

      The guy I duoed it with had to trade 3 stacks of Earth's both times to get the missions activated.

      EDIT: Jesus my typingis poor today

      EDIT 2: lol


      • #4
        Re: Filling Rank Bar

        I think dark and light both give the same amount but more then the other crystals for the reason they use to be rare and sell at a higher price (npc wise)
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • #5
          Re: Filling Rank Bar

          Well even now I havent come across that many Light crystals, but since meripo in Caedavre Mire I had like 12 stacks of the things ^^ But yes you are right, Darks sell for 80g a piece and Wind sells for 13g in Lag Gate.


          • #6
            Re: Filling Rank Bar

            I wish I'd known you were doing 6-2. I've been wanting to do that since November. :/


            • #7
              Re: Filling Rank Bar

              Murphie, you can solo 6-2 or if you would like the company, /tell me on Thursday and we'll duo it. Its amazing easy.

              I duoed it with a SAM, and I threw maybe 2 Cure III's, and nuked the rest of the way. We even had to turn our backs after it had gotten down to 20% health so we didnt kill it before the other 2 skele's despawned!!

              I was surprised at the difficulty, especially was we got our ass's handed to us on 6-1 when the cactuar kept spamming 1000 Needles (3 of us there). In the end I went back, subbed SMN20 (hehe) and also called my NPC out to make a party of 5 to reduce the dmg.


              • #8
                Re: Filling Rank Bar

                My full AF and Hornetneedle may not be enough. But I'll give it a shot solo and get back to you.


                • #9
                  Re: Filling Rank Bar

                  You'll be fine. Not that I even need to tell someone of your calibre but SS, Blaze, Enspell are all thats really necessary. Your AF is prolly the most suitable armour to wear anyway.

                  To save you time Murphie though I will say this!

                  When we first tried it, we thought Wiki meant wait for the other 2 skele's to depop BEFORE taking on the Warrior. But they all depop at the same time after about 3-4 mins. We then had to fart around forever and then endded up zoning to get them to repop!

                  When you sneak pop them, pull the middle one (WAR).


                  • #10
                    Re: Filling Rank Bar

                    Those skeletons are a joke drg/whm w/ staff > then them lol
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #11
                      Re: Filling Rank Bar

                      The reason I asked was because I have virtually zero RDM gear anymore. But if they are that easy, then I'll just go in there as I am.

