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Omg Help Me

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  • #16
    Re: Omg Help Me

    Originally posted by Feba View Post

    To make it clear- go do the flower quest, collect the jars, talk to the opo opos, turn in the items, THEN wash the scent off in the jammer leech pools. If you wash it off before hand, just go pick the jars again, and it should work.

    If you do this it may take a few hours for each flower to couph up the item you need. And I think you dont have to visit each flower each time you obtain a Rare /ex item just zone back and check another flower... After you recieve all 3 the other flowers say "you find nothing"

    If all three say that and you ahve 3 jars of pollen then talk to Lupupp to get CS... Also FYI VUIN will say if you mess up come talke to her... Well after further investigation Vuin can only be accessed if you mess up buy talking to Lupupp...

    She is NOT anywhere in Kazzam just in CS.
    Lynsey ~ Hades+++++

    There is a hidden door in every situation... You just are not looking hard enough.


    • #17
      Re: Omg Help Me

      Originally posted by Malevolent View Post
      my brain hurts from reading all the poor grammar... >.<

      Lynsey ~ Hades+++++

      There is a hidden door in every situation... You just are not looking hard enough.


      • #18
        Re: Omg Help Me

        Almost everyone nowadays has a PC of some sort. If I can play FFXI using a PC with little more power than a dreamcast, and if I can surf the web smoothy using an imac I picked up for 60$ then I have no idea what would be stopping anyone.

        Seriously, if you don't have a PC, go to craigslist or eBay, look for an old iMac G3. Will do everything you need it to as far as internet goes, and most of them even come with a keyboard and a mouse. If it doesn't, you can buy a set for around 10$.

        There, full computer, 50-80$.

        EDIT: OH, and before you say you can't afford 50-80$, if you honestly can't, you really shouldn't be playing an MMO.
        Last edited by Feba; 03-23-2007, 06:58 AM. Reason: Removing reference to a mac as a PC because i'm anal like that.


        • #19
          Re: Omg Help Me

          Originally posted by Tirrock View Post
          85% RMT?

          ...Do they sell gil to themselves?

          I would not pass up that idea.... There are about 5-10 sights that come up in a search that sell Gil and/or other services... And Hades is one server that all the sellers went to when SE did that Migration back 1.5 years ago.

          Anything on this server is about 3x as much as it would be on a normal server like lets say Shiva or something.

          If you buy a SH on my server it goes for 3-5 million... I have asked other people on different servers on how much it goes for and they tell me 500k to 1 mill but the prices have fallen as of late.
          Lynsey ~ Hades+++++

          There is a hidden door in every situation... You just are not looking hard enough.


          • #20
            Re: Omg Help Me

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            Almost everyone nowadays has a PC of some sort. If I can play FFXI using a PC with little more power than a dreamcast, and if I can surf the web smoothy using an imac I picked up for 60$ then I have no idea what would be stopping anyone.

            Seriously, if you don't have a PC, go to craigslist or eBay, look for an old iMac G3. Will do everything you need it to as far as internet goes, and most of them even come with a keyboard and a mouse. If it doesn't, you can buy a set for around 10$.

            There, full PC, 50-80$.

            EDIT: OH, and before you say you can't afford 50-80$, if you honestly can't, you really shouldn't be playing an MMO.

            You have a point... on that
            Lynsey ~ Hades+++++

            There is a hidden door in every situation... You just are not looking hard enough.

