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bastok mission 2-3 an unsolved problem

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  • bastok mission 2-3 an unsolved problem

    ok this problem is ticking me off!!!!
    not the mentors nor GM can help me with it

    sandy part of the mission is to kill the warchef vagit , ok so i kill him at least 3 times (spawn killing) i get the title for killing him then i go and talk with helaku , now here comes the problem, dosent tell me anything all he says is you are to head to chatau'd oragulle or what ever it is called and speak with halver and when i do that halver tells me "when your done with the mission talk with your consul"
    so what am i missing here?

    oh and FYI i alredy tryed talking with all members of the consul i have also talked with every member of the bastok consul in windy and tryed grtting in the BCNM (it wont let me join) so i think i have just tryed every thing and yet am still stuck , i want to restart the mission but i cant
    if some one dosent help me am gona be stuck as rank 2 forever!
    ps: sory for my spelling

  • #2
    Re: bastok mission 2-3 an unsolved problem

    hmmm. im not sure and maybe im wrong but i think ur problem is ur lvl and i supouse u dont defeat the warchief solo cause it can just be soloed at lvl 25 so maybe thats ur problem,try to lvl ur char to 25 and do it again then maybe u can go to the next step of the mission


    • #3
      Re: bastok mission 2-3 an unsolved problem

      Follow this below, it should get your mission complete. I don't think your level has anything to do with completing the mission.

      Speak with NPC Malduc and Naji by the President's Office, a cutscene will play and they will escort you to President Karst.

      You will then be able to ask him questions about various topics and once you are done he will ask you to head to San d'Oria or Windurst.


      Once in San d'Oria head to Northen part of the city to the Consulate of Bastok and speak with Helaku.

      Also speak with Halver in the Chateau d'Oraguille at the stairs inside.

      Also make sure you have gotten the Gheisba Outpost Map so you can find the outpost easier. and then head there.

      Once at outpost head up the ramp near section I-6 and enter the cave that is there.
      Once in the cave head forward then make all right turns and eventually you wil lexit the cave and head forward and up the mountain.

      Once you reach the bridge at the top of the mountain cross it and slay Warchief Vatgit.

      Now return to the Consulate of Bastok in San d'Oria and speak agian with Helaku. He will ask you to head now to Windurst.

      Head to Port Windurst and speak with Melek there who represents the Conulsate of Bastok. You will be instructed to head to the Windurst Woods. Travel to the woods and head east once you are there then head north and till you come to Windurst Walls.

      Once in Windurst Walls enter Heavens Tower(use the teleport there)

      Once inside enter the Clerical Chamber and speak with the NPC Kupipi and you will be give the key to Giddeus. Also while you are there speak with Rakano-Marukano.

      Now you are instructed to head to West Sarutabaruta where you will find the entrance to the Giddeus.

      Once inside Giddeus head to the Burning Circle area where you will find the dragon and you need to slay him.

      Once the dragon has been slain head back to Port Windurst and speak once again with the Consulate of Bastok he will give you an item which you will need to then take with you make to Bastok to the Metalworks and speak with Naji and he will then speak with you and reward you with Rank 3 and 3000 Gil.


      The first half of the mission from the Windhurst side is to make a peace offering to the Yagudo at the Tresure Room in Giddeus. When you arive in Windhurst you must talk to Melek at the consolate of Bastok, then seeing Kupipi in Windhurst (Heaven's Tower, in the Clerical Chamber), she will give you a magic sword (key item) to offer. You must go to the consulate of Bastok (Port Windurst) to speak with GoldSkull, a galka, located in the 2nd room to your right. He will exchange the "Sword offering" for a "Dull blade".

      The Treasure Room is located in the tunnels of Giddeus, and once finding it, you will see it is guarded by an NPC Yagudo. Speaking to him, he says the weapon you have is not good enough to offer, and that he'd rather have the blade used by Eyy, a named monster Yagudo that spawn not far away. The battle with Eyy is fairly simple, and the weapon drop is an Aspir Dagger, which is hardly worth the effort, but neccesary. Once obtaining the Aspir Dagger, speak to the Yagudo at the door to the treasure room again, and this part of the mission is complete.

      Note: Please remeber to speak to everyone in the Consulate after completing each part of this mission, as it's a long walk back if you forget to, and you can't advance or complete the mission if you don't. You mUST speak to the consulate to get the dull sword in order to continue the mission.

      While no one can give you the best or easiest tactic to defeat the 'Horrible Beast', there is one piece of advice which is extremely pertinent. Even though the 'Horrible Beast' fight is on a burning circle, and normally as long as one person opens the circle any member of the party can enter, but they must be of Rank 3 or higher, but they will suffer a Lvl 25 cap on helping you out. People from different nations can also help out as long as their dragon is in the same burning circle and they have completed all the things neccessary for them to enter the burning circle. They may need to on the circle when you activate it to be able to help out (Unconfirmed).

      Fot the second part of the mission, head to to the Bastok Consolate in Northern San D'oria, and he will tell you to talk to Lord Halver in the Chateau. He will tell you only to head to Yughott Grotto deep inside Ghelsba Outpost. You will need to head to the burning circle to complete this mission, and it is recommended to have a solid party with you. To get to the burning circle, follow the walls to the right to the top portion of the Outpost and go into the tunnel behind an orc building, which will take you into Fort Ghelsba.
      Head all the way to the top of Fort Ghelsba, and go into a tunnel behind another orc building to get to Yughott Grotto. You will see two exits other than the one you just entered: the southern one is to the hot springs on Horlois Peak, and the NE one is to the burning circle on Horlois Peak. Head to the burning circle and enter the battlefield, defeating the Dread Dragon and The Seeker. Head back to the consolate in San D'oria, and finally back to Bastok to complete the mission.

      -- Titles Awarded --

      Warcheif Wrecker - awarded after killing Warcheif Vatghit
      Black Dragon Slayer - awarded after killing the Windhurstian Dragon
      Dread Dragon Slayer - awarded after killing the San d'Oria Dragon
      Certified Adventurer - awarded after finishing this mission completely and returning to Bastok for Rank 3.


      • #4
        Re: bastok mission 2-3 an unsolved problem

        i followed every step of the mission as it is writen
        i still cant get the second part of the windurst mission because helaku wont give me the order to head to windurst
        i alredy have the titel for killing vagiti , i dono whats wrong >.<
        is it an in-game problem?
        ps: probly not a lv problem because i am using a lv 30 job

