I dunno, I guess Im too hightly strung for this game 
So I get a random invite from a distant friend in game (as in only met them brielfly), asking if was interested in the Garliage Coffer. Woot! That was my next one. And they had a 75 War/Nin to kill whilst we did support (2 x WHM/BLM, and me)
Spend 4 hours, got 3 Coffer Keys. Sweet.
Go back next day to find the coffer, thought it would be a piece of cake with Sneak/Invis (as it was for Elidieme after I had got the key).
Since then, have had trouble getting even 3 other people together to help Gate Breach. People came and went, lots of deaths (I take no responsibility for - at lvl 39-58 you would think they know how to avoid aggro).
So last night, after the last 2 deaths, I resigned to solo it with nothing but strangers to chance opening Gates. Whilst I am appreciative of people coming along to help, even if we are not 4/4, I am getting sick of people dying and then me having to feel guilty for their deaths. How comes I can manage to not die once? Is it that hard to run to a safe spot to sneak up/invis when you get 3 warnings?
This has got to be one of the worst coffers so far. Last night, I heard of 3 people /sh Woot I found the Coffer! whilst I was sitting behind Gate 1 trying to get through.
So now Im behind Gate 2. Next time I log in, I will get past that. Then Im camping the 4 spawns until I get it.
Half of me is thinking, everyone must have gone through this stage, and the other half of me thinking "I just dont know enough people". Maybe its becuase all my LS's are US? So time zones dont match? I help out eveyone else when I have time, and especially since I started AF and LB to make a point of helping out more.
There are a few things I need from BCNM60's. How am I going to get 2 or 5 other people together for a BCNM60 if I cant even get 3 ANY level people to help with this?
Yes, I know there is shouting in Jeuno/WG. But I like to be doing something - anything - productive with my limited playing time and not have to spend all evening shouting for help.
Boo hoo!

So I get a random invite from a distant friend in game (as in only met them brielfly), asking if was interested in the Garliage Coffer. Woot! That was my next one. And they had a 75 War/Nin to kill whilst we did support (2 x WHM/BLM, and me)
Spend 4 hours, got 3 Coffer Keys. Sweet.
Go back next day to find the coffer, thought it would be a piece of cake with Sneak/Invis (as it was for Elidieme after I had got the key).
Since then, have had trouble getting even 3 other people together to help Gate Breach. People came and went, lots of deaths (I take no responsibility for - at lvl 39-58 you would think they know how to avoid aggro).
So last night, after the last 2 deaths, I resigned to solo it with nothing but strangers to chance opening Gates. Whilst I am appreciative of people coming along to help, even if we are not 4/4, I am getting sick of people dying and then me having to feel guilty for their deaths. How comes I can manage to not die once? Is it that hard to run to a safe spot to sneak up/invis when you get 3 warnings?
This has got to be one of the worst coffers so far. Last night, I heard of 3 people /sh Woot I found the Coffer! whilst I was sitting behind Gate 1 trying to get through.
So now Im behind Gate 2. Next time I log in, I will get past that. Then Im camping the 4 spawns until I get it.
Half of me is thinking, everyone must have gone through this stage, and the other half of me thinking "I just dont know enough people". Maybe its becuase all my LS's are US? So time zones dont match? I help out eveyone else when I have time, and especially since I started AF and LB to make a point of helping out more.
There are a few things I need from BCNM60's. How am I going to get 2 or 5 other people together for a BCNM60 if I cant even get 3 ANY level people to help with this?
Yes, I know there is shouting in Jeuno/WG. But I like to be doing something - anything - productive with my limited playing time and not have to spend all evening shouting for help.
Boo hoo!