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Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

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  • Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

    Anyone have any details or a walkthrough on this quest?? Some how...i dunno when but i opened this quest. Really odn't recall how.

    any help would be great

    Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

  • #2
    Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

    per wiki it's the PUP limit break quest

    get a test from Troll Puppetmaster mobs and trade it to Shamarhaan in Bastok Markets

    I'm presuming it's a lot like the Maat fight

    per wiki:
    Dropped From

    Name Level Zone
    Troll Surveillant 72-73 Bhaflau Thickets
    Troll Engraver 71-75 Halvung

    Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


    • #3
      Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

      one problem...

      i don't even have PUP unlocked not even started!

      i was checking bastok quests to just ckeck off which non repeatable ones i've done and i saw this one in there and gave a lil description but it talks nothin about pup...

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #4
        Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

        haha, I don't know then. per everything I can see, it shouldn't even get flagged if you aren't past the AF stages.

        What's the Quest Description in game say?

        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


        • #5
          Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

          I can't remember what it says i'll edit this post later tontie when i getr home just found my list of things to research on and this was on it among some other things.

          PS camping VE again on fairy tonite for a few people in LS anyone is welcome. we'll all take turns getting drop

          Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


          • #6
            Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

            That's strange. Both FFXIclopedia and somepage agree that this is the Puppetmaster Limit Break 5 quest.

            Are you sure you have the right quest title?



            • #7
              Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

              I called a GM last nite while camping VE lastnite with some friends. I asked him about any glitches with this quest. I guess Similar to the Cookaroon quests in Alizab or white gate i can't remember that NPC gave 2 quests and one wouldn't be availible until you finished the 1st quest and in the end causing you to not finish it or not to end it becasue of the CS or dialog between the NPC and you...or something to that matter but he still didn't and couldn't explain how i opened the quest...Bascially i had to log off call SE for tech help and they had to do some internal fixing. When i logged back on the mission wasn't there in my log and 3 of my rare/ex items were gone. I didn't have my bounding boots, emp hairpin, wing pendant, gassan, my rogetsurin and my warm egg. Called a GM and called SE back i asked SE what they did to my account and they said they just reset my quest logs and any CS that i saw with the quest. Then i told them i had almost all my currently holding and equiped rare/ex items were gone. They told them they'll have a GM contact me in game...3 hours later after customer service closes a GM contacts me. Told him what i've been telling customer service and the GM said he couldn't regenerate any lost items and that i would have to get them over again... Fusterated at this point i told him it wasn't my fault that their lost i told him they had to reset my quest logs maybe something happened. GM said its probable but tech support shouldn't of had the ability to get to my items or even control my char. Anyway, GM said sorry for the incovience and left....being pissed i ran over to the trees in the water in the dunes and called a GM. this time i got GM Luminous (SP?) i know we've all seen this GM. he/she is a great GM i've never had troubles with him/her. I've got stuck quite a few times and that GM always comes and resets me. Luminous told me before i said anything about the other GM (it was Ragingsomething i can't remember) and said if more than 15 rare/ex items were lost the GMs can help retrieving them becasue of known technical issues and not caused by players dropping them.

              well to sum it all up the only lottery NMs i have to camp again are Bendiget Vran and Leaping Lizzy.....still kinda sad but i got a Empress hairpin with no trouble and 2 more POS voke botters got banned last nite.

              Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


              • #8
                Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

                holy sh*t. that really sucks man.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: Bastok Markets: Achieving True Power

                  Yeah tell me about it. but see i could easily buy leaping boots of AH and i could have bought Emper hairpin too but its not the point. I experienced the patience and the kill the countless times i've camped LL VE and Bendegit Vran. buyinh them can't replace the feelings...i know that sounds sappy but whatever. if i'm 0/5 on LL tonite i'll just find a AH with the boots and buy them.

                  Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004

