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Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

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  • #16
    Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

    Originally posted by eticket109 View Post
    Once you get to Whitegate you need to talk to Naja in the Sentinels office above the south port.
    She'll give you a supplies package which you need to deliver to a Staging Point npc. Once you do that and talk to her again you can access the locker. Just talk to the npc to the left of the MH in Whitegate
    Okay, thanks for that. It sounds quite helpul.
    One question though.
    Once you have finished doing this short mog locker quest in Whitegate, you said to talk to the npc next to the mog-house there, which now has me a little confused about something.
    I could probably reach Whitegate just to do this little quest, but I think that most of the surrounding areas are added for higher LvL players to go and have some fun in, unlike me, who won't really be spending a lot of time at Whitegate right now, purely for this reason. (my only high LvL character being my WHM at 30)
    so what I would like to know is.... can the mog locker 'also' be accessed back at Sandy, Windy, Bastok and Jeuno too? Or only at Whitegate?

    Edit : If I get to whitegate, where do I purchase a map from please?
    (\ /)
    ( . .)


    • #17
      Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

      Mog Locker is only accesible from your Al Zahbi Mog House, so it wouldn't be that much help if you're spending all your time outside of Aht Urhgan. Maps for Al Zahbi/Whitegate can be bought from a vendor right in front of where the ferry from Mhaura docks, so when you first arrive and exit the ferry, the vendor is more or less right in front of you. They're next to some stairs I believe.

      Also regarding mules, two mules will score you an extra 60 storage space, which is more than enough for me, and I have three jobs which I switch between and have equipment for. Make sure you go through all your stuff regularly and chuck or sell anything which you don't need or won't need again in the future. Or if you're hoarding crafting materials etc then find the time to synth them and sell/use the results.


      • #18
        Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

        Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
        Mog Locker is only accesible from your Al Zahbi Mog House, so it wouldn't be that much help if you're spending all your time outside of Aht Urhgan. Maps for Al Zahbi/Whitegate can be bought from a vendor right in front of where the ferry from Mhaura docks, so when you first arrive and exit the ferry, the vendor is more or less right in front of you. They're next to some stairs I believe.
        Actually, you can elect to have access to your mog locker from any mog house, but doing so reduces the amount of time that one bronze piece will give you access. Depending on how much time you spend in Al Zhabi, it's worth it to take the time cut for more access.


        • #19
          Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

          Originally posted by Murphie View Post
          Actually, you can elect to have access to your mog locker from any mog house, but doing so reduces the amount of time that one bronze piece will give you access. Depending on how much time you spend in Al Zhabi, it's worth it to take the time cut for more access.
          I have two mules that have them now. >.>

          After Conquest tomorrow, they'll have 60 spaces in each. After that I just need to buy a few silverpieces and warp back and forth between jeuno and whitegate til I can get home nation warp access. keep the hp in whitegate for an easy back and forth. it took time to set it up and get the currency but 120 extra spaces between the two is great to have

          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


          • #20
            Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

            I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you guys are saying about these bronze and silver pieces.
            I presume you are referring to particular sets of armour, but have you got to place them in your mog locker or something? You have me confused here.
            I'm sorry.
            (\ /)
            ( . .)


            • #21
              Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

              We're referring to Imperial Currency. You earn it by trading in Imperial Standing to an NPC in Aht Urghan Whitegate, and one in Nashmau. You can also exchange larger coins for smaller denominations.
              Last edited by Murphie; 10-07-2006, 09:16 PM.


              • #22
                Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

                And you can buy them from the AH too (but that's kinda lame).

                Thanks Murphie for the heads-up on the lockers - that was news to me!


                • #23
                  Re: Do I Need Fame To Get The Next Mission?

                  Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
                  Also regarding mules, two mules will score you an extra 60 storage space
                  It's actually 160 storage space - 30 in inventory and 50 in Mog Safe, times two is 160. I definitely keep stuff in my Mules' Mog Safes, maybe others don't but I do.

                  I always log them in/out at the Mog House so they are readily available to receive anything I've sent them, and it's really quite easy for them to exit the Mog House and send whatever is necessary then run back, so I don't really see the point in not just being consistent with where they log out.

                  Except for my husband's ex-character, which is now my level 21 WAR mule, he is logged at the Sandy chocobo stables because he's raising me a bird. But that's just temporary.
                  ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                  ~I has a blog~~
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