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CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

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  • CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

    I'm putting togeter a couple of runs for me and my friends. I know about the standard party setup but I was wonder how to make a few...well more unusual things work(not dumb things...I have people capible of subbing Ninja). One of my friends is a lvl 40 Blue mage...I heard they can kite ok(and rip up mammets ok) but I'm not sure...I need to try to work is out...can you help me abit?

    Tharpy- Dark Knight
    Madalynn- WHM (do you need the Minotaur still?)
    Soteria- paladin, warrior, and ranger
    Lorelei(need to talk still for job info)
    Aarahs(need to talk still for job info)
    Nilych-BRD, WHM, SAM and posibly Summoner
    Shadowneko- Summoner, THF(prefeably Summoner here)
    Caboose- BLU
    Linmayu- MNK, PLD

    All I saw for the stragity for this was the defacto setup(aka: cookie cutter)...I need to know how to make other things work out ok....any tips would be aprecated!
    Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
    (have fun MMO players ^^)
    Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl

  • #2
    Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

    Basically you need a good PLD that can hold all 3 Mammets without trouble, or some people to kite Mammets around... OR 3 DD/tanks that can hold a Mammet each.(All of those ways can work).

    Then of course you need enough people to keep tanks alive. Anything else should be DD.

    I won as BRD/WHM, the rest of my group was
    PLD/WAR(tanked one with the WHM healing)
    WAR/NIN(Tanked one with my support and BLM DD on the side, also BLM did some light curing)
    and SMN/WHM(Kited the final Mammet until WAR was done...)

    Mostly what I did was... at the start gave PLD Minne/Ballad(Had all mages gather for that one). Then PLD ran in and had them all aggro him. The SMN used carby and took one, then the WAR/NIN took one... played March/Madrigal for the WAR and Elegy'd the Mammets the WAR and PLD were fighting(WAR's was first) and kept everyone's buffs up, and did a bit of curing.

    The fight was so easy, it's not even funny.


    • #3
      Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

      Originally posted by Shadowneko View Post
      Tharpy- Dark Knight
      Madalynn- WHM (do you need the Minotaur still?)
      Soteria- paladin, warrior, and ranger
      Lorelei(need to talk still for job info)
      Aarahs(need to talk still for job info)
      Nilych-BRD, WHM, SAM and posibly Summoner
      Shadowneko- Summoner, THF(prefeably Summoner here)
      Caboose- BLU
      Linmayu- MNK, PLD
      The key jobs in this fight are tanks and pet jobs. The overall strategy is to survive by neutralizing two of the mammets while you kill the remaining one. For this, your winning jobs tend to be SMN, NIN, RDM, BST, and PUP. I suspect BLU/NIN can also handle this task quite acceptably. A RNG wearing Strider boots and with /NIN can also handle this task.

      Need more information about your unknown party members to formulate a strategy for them, but you can certainly win with something like:

      PLD SMN SMN WHM BLU <insert DD of choice>



      • #4
        Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

        I'm gonna ask them what they have available as soon as I track them down
        Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
        (have fun MMO players ^^)
        Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


        • #5
          Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

          I'm not sure if it still works... and if it doesn't, then meh ; ;

          If you send someone into the large open area, have them proximity aggro all mammets, and kite them taking no aggressive action (no provokes or anything) - have healer dedicated to the kiter.

          Have the others pull one mob at a time, kill it (using liquids when necessary). Then pull the next until there is only one left.

          Maybe SE "fixed" this bug. I think it was a result of the MPK patch. As long as that kiter gets initial aggro, but does not actually take an aggressive action on that mob, those mobs won't aggro the healer no matter how much HP he pumps into the kiter.

          I do believe that some pet classes can mess this up. I've seen a SMN that dismisses a pet suddenly get aggro while the kiter is running around.


          • #6
            Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

            Originally posted by Loial View Post
            I do believe that some pet classes can mess this up. I've seen a SMN that dismisses a pet suddenly get aggro while the kiter is running around.
            We had this problem with my run. Dragoon calling wyvern seemed to get aggro. Others in my LS reported similar things with Summoner pets, so I think that pet classes can mess it up, but you can still use them. (Just maybe extra carefull and have an exit strategy if hate is messed up)


            • #7
              Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

              Originally posted by Loial View Post
              I'm not sure if it still works... and if it doesn't, then meh ; ;

              If you send someone into the large open area, have them proximity aggro all mammets, and kite them taking no aggressive action (no provokes or anything) - have healer dedicated to the kiter.

              Have the others pull one mob at a time, kill it (using liquids when necessary). Then pull the next until there is only one left.

              Maybe SE "fixed" this bug. I think it was a result of the MPK patch. As long as that kiter gets initial aggro, but does not actually take an aggressive action on that mob, those mobs won't aggro the healer no matter how much HP he pumps into the kiter.
              It still works but I don't see it as an especially good strategy. The mammets are fast enough to keep up with the kiter so he might as well just stand still and take the beating.


              • #8
                Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                Originally posted by Maju View Post
                It still works but I don't see it as an especially good strategy. The mammets are fast enough to keep up with the kiter so he might as well just stand still and take the beating.
                It works perfectly, but a NIN or RDM might not be your best kiter here. Use a PLD with good DEF gear. The PLD just runs around like a chicken with its head cut off while a WHM stands in range and cures them. They could just stand there and take it, but try convincing someone to do that. The other 4 grab one mob, kill it, grab the second and kill it, then run in to grab the third off of the PLD. You have to be fast as by this time the WHM and PLD might be very low on MP and the PLD might be wondering when you're going to help him.
                Doing this the party I did the mission with handled 2-5 easilly and won on our first try with PLD, WHM, RDM, BLM, NIN, [DD I can't remember].
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                  Occassionally, one of the mammets will attempt to cast something (whether that be a spell or some sort of TP move) - if you are running, you just put yourself at a greater distance from those mammets. Or maybe you'll run out of range of whatever it is they are casting


                  • #10
                    Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                    Well, I'm going to be doing this fight soon, and since this is the most recent active thread about it, I figured I'd ask...does anyone have parses of this fight? I was wondering if I could get some info on roughly how much HP they have, what the usual hitting rate is, roughly how much damage they take (i.e. high defense, low defense) and roughly how much time it takes to beat down a mammet.

                    As for the kiting/curing trick, this is something that has been baffling me for ages. The only instance in which you can heal someone and not get any aggro for it is when that person isn't on the mob's hate list to begin with. This is usually achieved by just aggroing a mob; nothing new there. On the other hand, I've read/been told a few times that when it comes to BCNMs, you're automatically added to all mobs's hate lists. Obviously, that's not the case here, otherwise the trick wouldn't work. Still, it's not like I have many opportunities to test something like this. Can anyone tell me for sure what the general rule is for BCNMs? Do you, or do you not usually get added to all mobs' hate lists automatically?

                    And yeah, I'm gonna have to side with Maju...if I were to kite them, and I KNOW I'm going to be hit constantly anyways, may as well just engage, take advantage of shielding/parrying, and at the same time start wearing down that Mammet.


                    • #11
                      Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                      The easiest way to do this fight is the cutscene trick. Its how I did it anyway. Here are the steps to glory:

                      1. Everyone enter BC, one designated member only view the cutscene until the part where the mammets touch down. Have that member stay on that scene.

                      2. 4 party members log out right at the edge of agro range pretty much, just far enough from the member in the cutscene not to agro the mammets when they log back in.

                      3. The designated sacrificial lamb then agros the mammets, pulling them back past the member in the cutscene. He dies. The mammets will then agro the member in the cutscene who is immune to everything.

                      4. The other 4 members log back in (timing is best coordinated on vent or teamspeak. lacking that set a time period, the group i did it with waited 2 minutes before logging back in).

                      5. Now you can simply pull one mammet at a time til they are all dead.

                      Don't complain to me if you get in trouble for this as I'm sure the GMs would see it as abusing an exploit.
                      Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
             - Bahamut Endgame LS


                      • #12
                        Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                        Originally posted by capitalistnihilist View Post
                        The easiest way to do this fight is the cutscene trick.
                        Ya and the easiest way to get good gear is with real money. If you're going to play the game, play the game.
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #13
                          Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                          Originally posted by capitalistnihilist View Post
                          The easiest way to do this fight is the cutscene trick. Its how I did it anyway. Here are the steps to glory:

                          1. Everyone enter BC, one designated member only view the cutscene until the part where the mammets touch down. Have that member stay on that scene.

                          2. 4 party members log out right at the edge of agro range pretty much, just far enough from the member in the cutscene not to agro the mammets when they log back in.

                          3. The designated sacrificial lamb then agros the mammets, pulling them back past the member in the cutscene. He dies. The mammets will then agro the member in the cutscene who is immune to everything.

                          4. The other 4 members log back in (timing is best coordinated on vent or teamspeak. lacking that set a time period, the group i did it with waited 2 minutes before logging back in).

                          5. Now you can simply pull one mammet at a time til they are all dead.

                          Don't complain to me if you get in trouble for this as I'm sure the GMs would see it as abusing an exploit.
                          Supposedly it's been patched, so I don't think you can do it anymore. Still, it's a pretty cheap way to win and I'd hate it if that were the only way I could pull out a win, especially considering this is one of the easier CoP fights.


                          • #14
                            Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            Ya and the easiest way to get good gear is with real money. If you're going to play the game, play the game.
                            Also seems to be the most popular way to get gear in my experience.

                            Of course the fact that RMT = best gear underlies a flaw in the game itself.
                            Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
                   - Bahamut Endgame LS


                            • #15
                              Re: CoP2-5/slightly unusual setups

                              Originally posted by TenchiHawkwing View Post
                              Supposedly it's been patched, so I don't think you can do it anymore. Still, it's a pretty cheap way to win and I'd hate it if that were the only way I could pull out a win, especially considering this is one of the easier CoP fights.

                              The primary motivation for cutting corners and/or using best or easiest strategies is not always lack of skill.
                              Sky:O Sea:O Koga: 3/5 Melee: 1/5
                     - Bahamut Endgame LS

