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Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

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  • Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

    Hi again everyone.
    I'm requiring help with the game again, (if it's okay) and this time it's with the "Onion Rings" Quest - Click Here

    Some few days ago, I was lucky enough to have someone from my LS to guide me through Castle Oztroja to try and get the ring from the round trap door on the ground. It was lucky because they needed to do this quest too, so I met them up by Castle Oztroja, and on we went.

    Okay, now here's my problem.
    I spoke to "Kohlo-Lakolo" in Port windurst who gave me a little speech about needing a ring. I have written it out so that I can check with you guys that I am getting the correct speech from "Kohlo-Lakolo" as I wasn't able to get the ring when I went up there, and I'm not very sure why, though I have an inkling.

    "It seems as if the cat burglar has been coming and going in and out of the ghosty house! We should be investigating what she's up to in there, but that haunted house has a magic lock placed on its doors!
    I hear if we had the minister's ring we could unlock the place, but we can't just run up to Doctor Koru-Moru and borrow it from him, can we?"

    I had read all the info for the quest beforehand, and guessed that I needed to go to the castle to get the ring, but for some reason, when I clicked the ?? on the round trap door on the floor, I couldn't get the ring, (key item) thus it didn't work for me! The player I was with got the ring fine though without any problems. So why is it not working for me? (I have even gone by instruction on what people have said, and standing next to the circular trap door to get the ring and clicking the ???, and not going down it)

    The player suggested that I try going to Koru-Moru Manor in Windurst Walls, then trying again, though I'm not sure if it will work or not, becausue Koru-Moru didn't really say anything which was related to the quest at hand.

    There is just one other reason I think I may not be getting the ring.
    Do I need a certain amount of fame to be able to get the ring? (even though I am still getting the speech about needing it)
    If so, then how much do I need please?
    I checked my fame for Windurst, and I was told through the dialogue by the NPC that I am LvL 2. Though I do have either around LvL 3 or 4 (not too sure right now) for Bastok and Sandy.

    Just one other thing.
    I initially tried to get round Castle Oztroja myself, (I had bought a map beforehand) following instructions on how to get round it from a poster in the link I gave (at the top of my post) for this quest at the alla site, but on trying to follow it, I got lost half way through and got killed by all manner of bats and yags.

    I'm just wondering if anyone may be able to provide me with a better walkthru/instructions on how to get round the castle to get to the trap door again, as I will need to go back there again at some point, (next time will be 3rd time lucky for me. Fingers crossed) and I fear that I will not always be lucky enough to have someone to guide me there.
    But one good thing is that I have my WHM at LvL 30 with Sneak and Invis, which will help me pass by the yags and bats, providing I don't get lost again.

    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!
    If you only have lvl 2 fame, then I'm not sure how you got the quest before this one, but you need lvl 4 for this one.
    As for getting around Castle O. I'll have to leave that to someone else who's spent more time there. Basically just spend time running around and figuring out where things lead. Being able to sneak/invis yourself will help tremendously. Constantly check your map as your run, and us since it labels a lot of the areas you won't find on your map in the game.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

      The Old Ring in Oztroja is found when you pull the wrong lever on the first door and fall through the trap door. It will be on the ground when you click the exit hatch. It's quick, it's easy, no deep delving into the bowels of Yagudo town.


      • #4
        Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

        Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
        The Old Ring in Oztroja is found when you pull the wrong lever on the first door and fall through the trap door. It will be on the ground when you click the exit hatch. It's quick, it's easy, no deep delving into the bowels of Yagudo town.
        When I went in there, (the castle) the player who I had help from, decided to add me to their party and I accepted. They pulled the lever for the door, (dropping us both through the trap door) not me.
        Do you think it's quite possible that I needed to activate getting the ring myself, thus I should be the one to pull the lever instead? Then I may have got the ring. Is that true? But then if I had been the one pulling the lever, then the other player wouldn't have got the ring and I would have got it instead. Is this true?
        If this is the case, then maybe we shouldn't have partied up and taken turns to pull the (wrong) lever. would this still work?

        Other than that, I may need to get LvL 4 fame, but is it just Windy I need it for, or do I need the same for Bastok and Sandy aswell, to be able to complete it?
        (\ /)
        ( . .)


        • #5
          Can't read your post...

          Sorry for the off-topicness, but...

          Check how your post looks like on the dark theme:

          Just a suggestion, dont type in colors, or not everyone will be able to read it, best way of getting information is making it so that everyone can read your post.
          Attached Files
          signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


          • #6
            Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

            Originally posted by Snowball View Post
            When I went in there, (the castle) the player who I had help from, decided to add me to their party and I accepted. They pulled the lever for the door, (dropping us both through the trap door) not me.
            Do you think it's quite possible that I needed to activate getting the ring myself, thus I should be the one to pull the lever instead? Then I may have got the ring. Is that true? But then if I had been the one pulling the lever, then the other player wouldn't have got the ring and I would have got it instead. Is this true?
            If this is the case, then maybe we shouldn't have partied up and taken turns to pull the (wrong) lever. would this still work?

            Other than that, I may need to get LvL 4 fame, but is it just Windy I need it for, or do I need the same for Bastok and Sandy aswell, to be able to complete it?
            You don't have to be the one to pull the lever.

            When you fall down the hole you fall into a little room. In that room on the gound is a "???". Target the ??? and click on it to recive your old ring.


            • #7
              Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

              I haven't done this quest myself, but I checked Alla and saw this post:

              Originally posted by Jcsx
              Don't stand on the little circle just target [???], then click it. Ring obtained. After you get the item, then stand on the circle, target, click to drop down again so you can get out. I went back to talk to Kohlo and got cutscene. I went to the House of Heros but nothing happened. Back to Kohlo and got club and title. Good luck!
              I don't know exactly what he means by "little circle", but maybe you do since you've been there.

              Also, some players mentioned they had gotten the Ring before they got the quest. Is it possible you already have the Ring?
              They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


              • #8
                Re: Can't read your post...

                Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                Sorry for the off-topicness, but...

                Check how your post looks like on the dark theme:

                Just a suggestion, dont type in colors, or not everyone will be able to read it, best way of getting information is making it so that everyone can read your post.
                Okay, I have noticed over the last 2-3 days that the forums here have had a bit of a change around. (looking quite nice too, I must admit) I had noticed that very few people also had this new dark version which I have been wondering about, and how to get it. I knew it was a new version, but I never knew that it made the forums a dark colour. I have just been over to check it in my side of the "Edit Options" under the Control Panel, and sure enough I just realised that people using this new version cannot properly see my purple text.

                As you can see, I am using Light - Version 4, (and have kept it that way for a while now) which gives the site background a very pale blue and white texture, which means I can easily see my purple text.

                I'm sorry to say this, but I have always preferred to type in colour in my posts and may probably decide to keep it that way for the most part. It's just the way I like it I'm afraid. Now, if a moderator were to disable the use of coloured text in posts then I would have no option but to stick to this original black text, which I could very easily get used to within a few days and there wouldn't be too much of a problem for me, but as it is at the moment, since the colours are available to use, then I have decided to stick with what I like best.

                If there is a colour which can be seen by both the light and dark version, then I would be happy to change the colour, though I'm not sure if there is one available.

                But just for the sake of your post, as you can see, I have been deterred from using colour.
                (\ /)
                ( . .)


                • #9
                  Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

                  Originally posted by Nakti View Post
                  I haven't done this quest myself, but I checked Alla and saw this post:

                  I don't know exactly what he means by "little circle", but maybe you do since you've been there.
                  I do indeed!
                  The ??? you click on, if I can remember correctly, is right on top of a circular trap door on the ground. You have to stand right beside the circular trap door and click the ??? on top of it to get the key, then click the ??? again to open the trap door (once you have the key) to drop down and make your way back out of the castle.

                  I have read that a few people have said that it's not easy to find your way back out once you drop through the trap door. It might be possible they didn't have a map, I don't know, but I do have a map for the castle, and if I don't manage to find my way back out, then I would probably just do a blood port bcak to windy.

                  Also, some players mentioned they had gotten the Ring before they got the quest. Is it possible you already have the Ring?
                  If I did have the ring, (key item) then wouldn't it show up in my Key Items list as having it? I have looked through my list a few times trying to look for it, but cannot see anything of a description for it.

                  If anyone here knows what the description reads when you get the key, then I could always check it against my key items list to see if I have the same description, but I'm quite sure that I don't have it yet.
                  (\ /)
                  ( . .)


                  • #10
                    Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

                    I know red works well, not sure about blue, maybe a lighter blue perhaps. Green I think is alright too. Not sure about the ones that show up poorly on light version.
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #11
                      Re: Onion Rings In Windy. Please Help!

                      I have encountered similar problem, Snowball . I got the quest and I went to Castle O twice to look for the ring, its just was not there after the drop from the lever trap, no matter I tried falling thru the hole and simply clicking the ???.

                      Later I did the Windurst Mission 3-1 - To Each His Own Right, as you may aware, it involved dropping down the same trap door and upon approaching the ???. I noted some sparks there and upon examining the ???, I got the ring.

                      This puzzles me as I dont know if this quest is mission related! I read from Alla on ppl getting it done together with Mission 3-1 and this is what happen to me.

                      For your information, I went to Koru-Moru's house and then return to Castle O and tried, it didnt help. Just a glitch in the programme, maybe >.<

