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CoP The Mothercrystals.

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  • CoP The Mothercrystals.

    Question regarding the boss on all 3 of these Teleports,
    which spells do they use?

    I only did Teleport-Dem, which is supposed to be the easiest one. It used Paralyze on me and thats pretty much all I can remember. How about the rest?

  • #2
    Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

    I don't remember all the abilities, but a quick rundown of the important ones:


    Boss: Delver (Craver type)

    Notable abilities:

    Carousel - area effect, knockback, large amounts of damage, can be blocked with 2(?) shadows

    Promyvion Brume - Wide angle cone attack, magic damage cone, add effect Poison with large damage per tick


    Boss: Wreaker (Thinker type)

    Notable abilities:

    Shadow Spreads - Area effect Sleep + Curse

    Trinary Absorption - Absorbs at least 1 beneficial effect from target player and gives it to the NM (can also absorb Protect, Shell, and if I recall correctly, even Utsusemi and Food effects, beware!). If no buffs are available to absorb, drains over 100HP from the target.


    Boss: Progenerator

    Notable abilities:

    Fission: Spawns an Offspring NM

    Promyvion Charge: Large single hit damage, blinkable

    Last edited by Icemage; 08-10-2006, 08:18 PM.


    • #3
      Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

      If you get a good group of people, going up to the spire is more difficult then the mission BCNM is. I don't remember any of the NM's casting any spells, just using their special abilities.

      Incidentally, the first one Icemage lists (Craver type) is Mea, not Holla.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #4
        Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

        Thanks. Appreciate the great responses.

        Does poision potion prevent you from getting sleeped as well as hp absorption?

        Does Holy Water prevent curse? Or do you need to take it only when you get cursed?

        I heard one of the bosses uses gravity, which one is it?


        • #5
          Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

          Originally posted by raidenn
          Does poision potion prevent you from getting sleeped as well as hp absorption?
          Yes. In short you will be poisoning yourself when you go up against th Holla boss, and yes it will absorb negative effects as well as positive effects. Of course that would mean you would have to poison yourself again.

          Does Holy Water prevent curse? Or do you need to take it only when you get cursed?
          Holy water only removes it.

          I heard one of the bosses uses gravity, which one is it?
          Mea? I believe it was my first time having gravity cast on me, man that was funny. I don't know if it was the boss that did it though or mobs we were killing for recollections.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

            The Clan of the Angry Monkey LS does lots of Promyvion runs, and they have a couple excellent guides.





            • #7
              Re: CoP The Mothercrystals.

              Originally posted by Mhurron
              If you get a good group of people, going up to the spire is more difficult then the mission BCNM is. I don't remember any of the NM's casting any spells, just using their special abilities.

              Incidentally, the first one Icemage lists (Craver type) is Mea, not Holla.
              Fixed the typo. Was in a hurry when I posted that, didn't notice I had Holla listed twice. Thanks.


