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CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

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  • CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

    I'm a ninja, so what's the best way to tank 6-4?

    -I mean do I spam ninjutsu, if I do, should I just ditch all melee equipment and go for Elemental Staves/INT/Ninjutsu+/Magic attack+?

    -If meleeing is better, how much acc I should have or atk? I mean should I focus all on acc, all on atk, or mixed on both?

    -Evasion versus enmity, now should I go with all evasion? Or part enmity and evasion? I can either use some sort of evasion earrings or eris earrings (+2 enmity each). I can use either bat cape (+5 evasion) or the cape that gives +5 enmity enchantment. I can also use mermaids, but should I use mermaids instead of INT rings (for nuking) or acc/str rings for meleeing?

    -Also when do I tank backwards (heard you have to tank backwards at some part).

    A little off topic question but also do job specific merits like "Shorten soul eater recast" or "Enhance Katon effect" stick with your job at any level?

  • #2
    Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

    The tactics for the opening bunch of mobs varies depending on party make up but I'll assume you have that part down. As for the weapons, I went mainly evasion with a little accuracy gear ie snipers. I pulled with para to the S-W corner (left side of where you zone in) and then popped on slow and blind and tanked like any normal HNM.

    There are a number of attacks that cause problems, the AE para and missiles basically. It's important that para is removed as fast as possible so I'd suggest making a hotkey if you're not confident in your Whm noticing fast enough. As for the missiles, they hurt bad if they catch you with your shadows down and a couple of successive melee hits will have you eating dirt so make sure your stunners are ready to land stun after a missile attack to give you a chance to get your shadows back up.

    Other than that, have a large amount of potions, the more powerful the better, and that special thingy you get from Cid after farming the chips, the name fails me. Try and use them wisely and make sure everyone in the party has one. You may wipe once or twice but have reraise up and make sure you die at the opposite end of where the weapons initially appear. Don't be afraid to use Mijin Gakure on those last 1-2% HPs.

    Oh, and good luck.

    *edit* I should have added keep loading slow, para, blind on whenever possible and it's a while ago now but I believe I opened with Spirit's Within on the first weapon after I pulled with para then switched back to duel katanas. I really wouldn't recommend using elemental ninjitsu, you'll have enough on your hands trying to stay alive and using all your other abilities.
    Last edited by Grizzlebeard; 07-28-2006, 03:33 AM.


    • #3
      Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

      Originally posted by Grizzlebeard
      Other than that, have a large amount of potions, the more powerful the better, and that special thingy you get from Cid after farming the chips, the name fails me.
      CCB Polymer.

      Not a ninja, but when my group did this fight we had 6 of these, and they helped
      alot. Definitely worth taking the time to farm them.


      • #4
        Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

        And then again, if you don't want to farm them, you can always buy them too.
        ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
        PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


        • #5
          Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

          How much damage on average were you meleeing the weapons for?


          • #6
            Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

            Too long ago now to remember exact numbers but it was pretty low. Something like 35-40 maybe. After the initial Spirit's I was focussed on hate really so everyone else could unload so my numbers might be way off, I wasn't really paying much attention to them.


            • #7
              Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

              Use Katanas until about the last 15-10%. Omega will start using some AOE move that will completely own your shadows. For this, I suggest having an Earth Staff Macro. It worked wonders for our NIN.
              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


              • #8
                Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

                get 2 blm with you. at least it work great before the magic resistant latest patch on NM.
                at about 20% get your 2 blm to nuke ancient spell at it and it will die in no time.
                Most of the time, all the chaos begin at 20% or below so this timing is very critical and therefore the 2 blm anicent surely take it down to like few % left saving a lot of trouble and time during those important timing.
                When i go without any blm we really find it very hard to take it down during the last 30% or 20% even with 5-6 CCB but with 2 blm in another try, it got owned using only 4CCB.


                • #9
                  Re: CoP 6-4, how to tank as a ninja?

                  Originally posted by Newuser
                  A little off topic question but also do job specific merits like "Shorten soul eater recast" or "Enhance Katon effect" stick with your job at any level?
                  Job specific merits are only accessable by that job while it is at level 75. Being level capped makes it so you can't use them.
                  Generic Info!

