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Bastok Mission 3-1

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  • Bastok Mission 3-1

    In this mission, do I have to kill the 20 Quadavs in Beadeaux or can I go somewhere like Palborough Mines? Will the Quads I kill in Palborough count towards the 20? Thanks.

  • #2
    Bastok Mission 3-1 (Cut Scenes)

    I think you do have to go to Beadeaux, cause there were cutscenes there when I went.

    Originally posted by Edoras
    In this mission, do I have to kill the 20 Quadavs in Beadeaux or can I go somewhere like Palborough Mines? Will the Quads I kill in Palborough count towards the 20? Thanks.

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    • #3
      Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

      Thanks for the quick response. I've already been to Beadeaux to get the first cutscene and killed a few Quads. I was wondering if I could now go kill Quads somewhere else then go back for the last cutscene. The only reason I want to know this is because of a friend that told me the Quads in Palborough are a little weaker and I could finish the mission faster, but he wasn't sure if they would count.


      • #4
        Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

        Well when ever I left, there was another cutscene or something that told me I still hadn't killed enough Quads. So I went back in there and killed more unti li finally got another cut scene when I left.

        Oh if your with someone who knows what the yare doing, be sure to kill 2 or 3 Certain Quads too that drop certain Items that you are going to need later on for the Magicite Missions comming Up.

        Originally posted by Edoras
        Thanks for the quick response. I've already been to Beadeaux to get the first cutscene and killed a few Quads. I was wondering if I could now go kill Quads somewhere else then go back for the last cutscene. The only reason I want to know this is because of a friend that told me the Quads in Palborough are a little weaker and I could finish the mission faster, but he wasn't sure if they would count.

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        • #5
          Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

          No, you have to kill all of them in Beaduex. Make sure there all Copper also. If you want to make it quicker then bring along some friends. You still only have to kill 20 no matter how many of you there are.
          You kill one man, your a murderer
          Kill many and your a conquerer
          Kill them all... your a God.


          • #6
            Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

            Also I'm pretty sure if you zone out and then back in you have to start again at 1 unless they updated this.
            75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
            Woodworking 91.9+2
            ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


            • #7
              Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

              I didn't have to start over again. So I guess they did update it. I think they tell you how many you killed or how manys left. But I can't remember that well.

              Originally posted by Aeolus
              Also I'm pretty sure if you zone out and then back in you have to start again at 1 unless they updated this.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #8
                Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

                No, you can zone in and out as often as you like. I did this as WHM, so I'd take out like two to four Quads then zone out to rest MP before going back in.
                Ellipses on Fenrir
                There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                . . .


                • #9
                  Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

                  Crazy Bastokan missions. That sounds pretty miserable. We Sandorians do it right! We run around invisible and talk to NPCs! No namby pamby monster killing for us.

                  You know, that doesn't actually make us sound so tough on second thought.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

                    What level is recomended for this?

                    Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bastok Mission 3-1

                      Depends on the job a bit, as some are a little better at soloing than others. I did solo it at WHM30. I don't know how low you could go with a full party.

                      Edit: At 30, the Quadavs in question where Easy Prey, while there were stronger ones around, so I had to pull carefully with Dia and bring them to the entrance to Beadeaux to fight. It wasn't exactly a five-minute mission. I'd recommend either waiting a handful of levels past 30 or bringing help.
                      Ellipses on Fenrir
                      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                      . . .

