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Assault Points

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  • Assault Points

    How many of you all have done the new Assault Missions?

    My LS and I were thinking about doing an Assault static. The goal would be to build up Assault points to get items. One member suggested constantly doing one area until we all have 20k points, then moving to next. I suggested doing an area 6 times, then moving to the next.

    My theory was that we need to finish the first mission in each area to raise our Mercenary Rank to open up the further assault missions. But my friend wondered, do we get more assault points for successfully completing higher assualt missions. Because if we don't, is it really important to get a higher mercenary rank.

    Now, I just want the freedom to do different missions, b/c doing the same one over and over again would be tedious, but I did want to get an answer to his question. So, do you all know the answer:

    Do you get more assault points for successfully completing a higher Assault Mission than you would from doing the Private Second Class Assault Missions?

  • #2
    Re: Assault Points

    I havn't personally done higher assault missions, as I'm still stuckon Halvung and Atoll, but I hear you do get more points for higher assaults. That and some of the higher assaults may actually be easier for you...
    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:


    • #3
      Re: Assault Points

      Originally posted by Onionsoilder
      I havn't personally done higher assault missions, as I'm still stuckon Halvung and Atoll, but I hear you do get more points for higher assaults. That and some of the higher assaults may actually be easier for you...
      It's all Ilrusi Atoll for me, that Lv72 set has some pretty nice pieces... I want to just work on one area for as long as possible because I'm the type that when I get onto something new, I never want to go back to the old.


      • #4
        Re: Assault Points

        Seems to me the more you do an area consistently, the lower assault point reward you get. At least it was that way for me. The more we did cleansing the less I got in return. I did the one with the walls and went back to it and my points went up again.
        75 RNG-BRD-BLM (working on the rest)


        • #5
          Re: Assault Points

          I have done just ONE assault. Some of my LS members are talking about tier 2 assault etc, but I am still focused In leveling my BLM to 75 asap, I am currently 66. I am still not very sure what the purpose or assault is really, i have 3/5 staging points, so I guess I need to work on that.


          • #6
            Re: Assault Points

            Originally posted by Farasi
            Seems to me the more you do an area consistently, the lower assault point reward you get. At least it was that way for me. The more we did cleansing the less I got in return. I did the one with the walls and went back to it and my points went up again.
            I see... I'll keep that in mind. I've only done two in Ilrusi Atoll so far; good to have that info before I set myself up for failure.

            (I had been thinking it was like doing quests where the 1st completion gives 'x' ammout of fame and repeating it gives a lesser ammout but the same ammount each time after the first)


            • #7
              Re: Assault Points

              Well, the Assault Missions serve two purposes:

              Raise Mercenary Rank
              Give you Assault Points which can be used to give you some pretty awesome items.


              • #8
                Re: Assault Points

                Originally posted by Rolks
                Well, the Assault Missions serve two purposes:

                Raise Mercenary Rank
                Give you Assault Points which can be used to give you some pretty awesome items.
                I understand that; to clarify, I was speaking about the number of assualt points gained... I just used the fame thing as an example of how I thought the points were gained.


                • #9
                  Re: Assault Points

                  I haven't seen about whether or not higher-tier ones give you more points or not. I would, however, encourage you to actively work toward finishing them all, as at some point that's got to be useful. :-)

                  Some of the higher-tier ones seem substantially less annoying than the lower-tier for the same area.

                  As far as going down over time, I think it's just that you receive more Assault Points the first time you do the mission.


                  • #10
                    Re: Assault Points

                    I will try to finish my staging points and finish my assaults!


                    • #11
                      Re: Assault Points

                      You get substantially fewer assault points if you do the same one repeatedly in one day.

                      The higher tier assaults are both different (come on you know doing the same thing every day for a month is gonna get borning), and give better rewards in terms of the ??? items (supposedly) and more assault points.

                      Finishing each 'tier' of assaults also gets you another mercenary rank which means your sanction lasts substantailly longer.
                      Crafts 520/520+5: Bone 100+3, Leather 60+1, Alchemy 60+1, Others: 60
                      Bard: Making 5 people better than 6 one party at a time.
                      Beastmaster: It's not a mindless killing machine, it's my friend.


                      • #12
                        Re: Assault Points

                        Originally posted by tordall
                        Finishing each 'tier' of assaults also gets you another mercenary rank which means your sanction lasts substantailly longer.
                        I hate to hijack a topic, but do you know how much longer sanction lasts at rank 2? I'm currently 2/5 on the tier 1 assault missions.
                        75 Bard and holding..
                        San d'Oria Rank 7
                        Sky: O / Sea: X


                        • #13
                          Re: Assault Points

                          Originally posted by TenchiHawkwing
                          I understand that; to clarify, I was speaking about the number of assualt points gained... I just used the fame thing as an example of how I thought the points were gained.
                          how much Assult points ("AP" hereafter) u can get is calculated as follows;

                          1. each missions have base AP of either 2000, 3000, or 4000. (at least for those currently available; future missions may offer more.)

                          2. base AP is devided by the number of party members (numbers below decimal points r rounded off), and then given to each.

                          3. the following bonuses r added if applicable;
                          a. Party Leader - 10%
                          b. First Time to complete each mission - 50%

                          these bonuses can be applied and multiplied together, so if u r a leader and at the same time first time to complete the mission, the toal bonus is 65% (1.5*1.1 = 1.65). note that the first time bonus is applied when a player "completes" each mission for the first time; even if u fail it on a 1st try, u will get a bonus on a future successful attempt.

                          Example 1:

                          party of 3 goes to Leujaoam Sanctum for the 2nd rank mercenary's mission, and successfully completes the mission. this area's 2nd rank mercenary's mission offers base AP of 2000.

                          member 1 is first time to complete this mission
                          member 2 has completed this mission before
                          member 3 has completed this mission before and is a leader

                          2000/3 = 666.66666.....

                          rounded off to 666, and given to each member

                          member 1 gets 666*50% first time bonus = 999
                          member 2 gets 666 as is
                          member 3 gets 666*10% leader bonus = 732.6, rounded off to 732

                          Example 2:

                          party goes to Leujaoam Sanctum for the 2nd rank mercenary's mission again, and successfully completes the mission. but this time, this party has 5 ppl.

                          member 1 is first time to complete this mission and is a leader
                          member 2&3 r first time to complete this mission
                          member 4&5 have completed this mission before

                          2000/5 = 400, given to each member

                          member 1 gets 400*50% first time bonus*10% leader bonus = 660
                          member 2&3 get 400*50% first time bonus = 600 each
                          member 4&5 get 400 each, as is

                          no cases have been reported which do not fall into the above formulas, although lvl capped missions r yet to be reported.

                          try to remember the differences of each time u've done it, as there must have been some differences which can be explained by above.

                          btw, if u fail it, each of u get 100 AP.

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Originally posted by Meth
                          I hate to hijack a topic, but do you know how much longer sanction lasts at rank 2? I'm currently 2/5 on the tier 1 assault missions.
                          4 hrs total, so u get another hr.
                          Last edited by bside; 05-08-2006, 02:02 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

