At 26th February, my team set the date for PM6-4: One to be Feared (5x Mammet's / Omega / Ultima) must be done in 45 min, classified as one of the hardest mission in game no?
My team prepared for this mission for 1 week with farming and such and our preparation was worth around 5 mil (No kidding). Some of us bought a little stuff from AH but the rest was by farming. Especially me I was a nervwreck about this mission because I "heard" that this mission is very hard with PLD tank and some people say it's do-able. So we adjusted our team setup a little bit
PLD/WAR with evasion gear (+60 EVA + 2x Mambo from BRD)
Basically a balanced EXP PT. The items that was worth around 5 mil (Remind the price might have drop now) was:
CCB Polymer: They cost like 500k/each on Fairy Server
Vile Elixir: Around 200k
Vile Elixir +1: Around 500k
Hi-Potions: Around 10k/Each
Ethers: Around 5k/Each
Yagudo Drink: Around 5-7k/Each
Basically we had 6 CCB, each mage and the tank had Vile Elixir and a +1. And this is the funny part, Me as tank had around 30 Hi Pot, the other 2 DD's had 30 as well so they could put on bazar and the mages had a few Hi Pot as well. So basically around 100 Hi Pot. And we didnt buy those pots, we farmed the malboro vines and one of our DD and Mage were highlevel alchemist's. Same thing with the 6 CCB we did the quest and farm the chips. Of course people get frustrated when they buy the stuff and expect to win. But if you farm and prepare well this mission wont cost as much as you think. We all were kinda suprised when we calculate the total worht of our 1 week farming.
We basically enter the BC check the CS and exit the BC to save us around 2-3 min for the battle and re-enter the BC again for the real fight and our plan was me as tank sight aggro and kite all 5x Mammets. While the rest of the PT kill one at a time. Went smoothly. We came to Omega we all used Reraise items and engaged Omega. From 100% --> 50% Omega wasnt a pain. But at start we kinda got suprised because he start the battle with Guided Missiles and the mages almost got killed but we managed to keep everyone over yellow health.
At 50% we used a CCB to decrease the spamming from Omega and as well at 25% and at 10%. But we were so busy to keep us alive at 10% because one of the members didnt use CCB and Omega run around and spam Pile Pitch like there was no tomorrow. Basically Omega had around 2% left while everyone whipe. I was the only one who had RR up and the other didnt duo they raised up again to try to chip off the last 2%.
So basically we lost like 10 minutes to wait for me as PLD to raise up ther other. And the original plan was to whipe together and not RR up again if you die till everyone is dead (Save at least 5 min instead of 10).
We raised up and waited for weakness to wear off and kill Omega fast. We came to Ultima and had 5 min left. We just gave all we got on Ultima and @ 30% we got booted from BC because of time out.
Everyone in my team were kinda frustrated and we discussed about our mistakes we did and the main big mistake was about the RR part we decided to farm up the CCB's and buy up the left remaining medecine we needed and waited for our 2h to be available again.
So around 2-3h later we tried the BC again everything went smooth till we got to Omega @ 25%. We whipe duo to Omega did use Guided Missiles twice in a row so we wipe together and raised up again. Killed Omega after everyone was unweakened those 25% left went kinda fast though in my opinion.
When we came to Ultima we had like 15 minutes left with 3 CCB, everyone wanted to kill Ultima ASAP which we did. And we won the battle with 10 min left and we kinda had alot of left over medecine which we will use for later missions.
At the end this mission wasnt classified so hard as people claim I'm 0/54 on this mission I can say that PM3-5: Darkness Named was harder duo to mistakes and not enough prepared, it's also depends on how prepared you are but you cant say this mission is hard if you havent give it a GOOD try. I ended PM6-4 mission with 1/2 with a balanced EXP PT, with good preparation and teamwork and I say this mission is a bit hard BUT not that hard as people claim it to be. You can do it, aslong your team are prepared.
And finally the reward after beating PM6-4 that is classified as one of the hardest mission in game? Figure it by yourself.
*Check the last screenshot at the end of the screenshot serie (The Chatlog).

*That's the team spirit after a hard preparation work
We also had FFXI Parser program on to check out our dmg. We found out that Omega/Ultima had the same amount of HP. Like people claim that Ultima has less HP than Omega is wrong (or am I wrong?)
Both Omega and Ultima had around 14.5k HP according to Parser. I think Omega had much more base defence than Ultima. I mean we had 35 minutes left when we entered Omega and had 15 min left on Ultima. So basically 10 min on Omega and 5 min on Ultima and both have save amount of HP.
But this is not official I just took this information from Parser and post it here for you guys information.
I hope this help people who are gonna do this in the future, this mission is not hard as you think and all kind of jobs are good to beat this mission aslong it's balanced and prepare well if you guys lose that's not a biggy just re-structure your stradegy and notice that mistake you did on your previous run.
Good Luck Everyone!
My team prepared for this mission for 1 week with farming and such and our preparation was worth around 5 mil (No kidding). Some of us bought a little stuff from AH but the rest was by farming. Especially me I was a nervwreck about this mission because I "heard" that this mission is very hard with PLD tank and some people say it's do-able. So we adjusted our team setup a little bit
PLD/WAR with evasion gear (+60 EVA + 2x Mambo from BRD)
Basically a balanced EXP PT. The items that was worth around 5 mil (Remind the price might have drop now) was:
CCB Polymer: They cost like 500k/each on Fairy Server
Vile Elixir: Around 200k
Vile Elixir +1: Around 500k
Hi-Potions: Around 10k/Each
Ethers: Around 5k/Each
Yagudo Drink: Around 5-7k/Each
Basically we had 6 CCB, each mage and the tank had Vile Elixir and a +1. And this is the funny part, Me as tank had around 30 Hi Pot, the other 2 DD's had 30 as well so they could put on bazar and the mages had a few Hi Pot as well. So basically around 100 Hi Pot. And we didnt buy those pots, we farmed the malboro vines and one of our DD and Mage were highlevel alchemist's. Same thing with the 6 CCB we did the quest and farm the chips. Of course people get frustrated when they buy the stuff and expect to win. But if you farm and prepare well this mission wont cost as much as you think. We all were kinda suprised when we calculate the total worht of our 1 week farming.
We basically enter the BC check the CS and exit the BC to save us around 2-3 min for the battle and re-enter the BC again for the real fight and our plan was me as tank sight aggro and kite all 5x Mammets. While the rest of the PT kill one at a time. Went smoothly. We came to Omega we all used Reraise items and engaged Omega. From 100% --> 50% Omega wasnt a pain. But at start we kinda got suprised because he start the battle with Guided Missiles and the mages almost got killed but we managed to keep everyone over yellow health.
At 50% we used a CCB to decrease the spamming from Omega and as well at 25% and at 10%. But we were so busy to keep us alive at 10% because one of the members didnt use CCB and Omega run around and spam Pile Pitch like there was no tomorrow. Basically Omega had around 2% left while everyone whipe. I was the only one who had RR up and the other didnt duo they raised up again to try to chip off the last 2%.
So basically we lost like 10 minutes to wait for me as PLD to raise up ther other. And the original plan was to whipe together and not RR up again if you die till everyone is dead (Save at least 5 min instead of 10).
We raised up and waited for weakness to wear off and kill Omega fast. We came to Ultima and had 5 min left. We just gave all we got on Ultima and @ 30% we got booted from BC because of time out.
Everyone in my team were kinda frustrated and we discussed about our mistakes we did and the main big mistake was about the RR part we decided to farm up the CCB's and buy up the left remaining medecine we needed and waited for our 2h to be available again.
So around 2-3h later we tried the BC again everything went smooth till we got to Omega @ 25%. We whipe duo to Omega did use Guided Missiles twice in a row so we wipe together and raised up again. Killed Omega after everyone was unweakened those 25% left went kinda fast though in my opinion.
When we came to Ultima we had like 15 minutes left with 3 CCB, everyone wanted to kill Ultima ASAP which we did. And we won the battle with 10 min left and we kinda had alot of left over medecine which we will use for later missions.
At the end this mission wasnt classified so hard as people claim I'm 0/54 on this mission I can say that PM3-5: Darkness Named was harder duo to mistakes and not enough prepared, it's also depends on how prepared you are but you cant say this mission is hard if you havent give it a GOOD try. I ended PM6-4 mission with 1/2 with a balanced EXP PT, with good preparation and teamwork and I say this mission is a bit hard BUT not that hard as people claim it to be. You can do it, aslong your team are prepared.
And finally the reward after beating PM6-4 that is classified as one of the hardest mission in game? Figure it by yourself.
*Check the last screenshot at the end of the screenshot serie (The Chatlog).

*That's the team spirit after a hard preparation work
We also had FFXI Parser program on to check out our dmg. We found out that Omega/Ultima had the same amount of HP. Like people claim that Ultima has less HP than Omega is wrong (or am I wrong?)
Both Omega and Ultima had around 14.5k HP according to Parser. I think Omega had much more base defence than Ultima. I mean we had 35 minutes left when we entered Omega and had 15 min left on Ultima. So basically 10 min on Omega and 5 min on Ultima and both have save amount of HP.
But this is not official I just took this information from Parser and post it here for you guys information.
I hope this help people who are gonna do this in the future, this mission is not hard as you think and all kind of jobs are good to beat this mission aslong it's balanced and prepare well if you guys lose that's not a biggy just re-structure your stradegy and notice that mistake you did on your previous run.
Good Luck Everyone!