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Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

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  • Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

    Hey all, just curious.

    I had a Galka WAR in Bastok (in Shiva server) until just recently, since I recently made a magician Tarutaru.

    I didn't open the key item on my Galka and I got a good report thing. But on my Tarutaru, I just did the mission about 2 hours ago and I accidentally opened it and got a semi-advice/lecture.

    Does it matter or is there some way to fix it?

    EDIT: Ok, I have no idea why I posted about a mission in the quest forum. Can a mod move this please? o_o Sorry. Still, I dunno what I can do, didn't particularly want it to start out bad. lol
    Last edited by Zaneu; 12-30-2005, 02:45 AM.

    Selphiie the Enchantress is ftmfw.

  • #2
    Re: Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

    Double-post = Sorry. -_-

    Just to add onto this, my "fame" or something hasn't gone down, has it? I think I might just restart my character, considering he's only Lv5, and I can do that quest on Level 1 it seems.

    I guess it's a fairly good idea, I may need to fix up my weapon skills, considering the Ash Staff I'd bought didn't put up anything on my RDM.

    Selphiie the Enchantress is ftmfw.


    • #3
      Re: Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

      It shouldn't hurt your fame or anything or progression in your rank. It's just there for a little extra story or personalization.


      • #4
        Re: Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

        I believe if you dont look at it you get a slightly better reward.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #5
          Re: Bastok 1-1 Mission Question

          the money or experiance recieved by finishing that quest is set but it is lowered by 1/3 or 1/2 if you open/use/read the key item, its not a bad thing, just remember not to do it next time so you recieve the maximum reward from the time you spent on the quest.
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