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Mog House

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  • Mog House

    Hey I was wondering if any of you had done the moogle quests that expand your mog safe capacity? From what I understand you have to have certain items in your house to start it off before the quest can begin, any idea what these might be?

  • #2
    Re: Mog House

    Haha. You have to put a Bronze Bed in your Mog House, and set it up in Lay out.. then wait for the next Conquest Tally, and your Moogle should ask you for 2 items (cheap ones) when you click on him. Then you trade those 2 items to him, and he will expand your Moogle Safe to 60.. For the next quests, you need to set up a Mahogany bed in your MH.. and for the rest, check

    War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


    • #3
      Re: Mog House

      Ok, thanks for the help, I appreciate it.


      • #4
        Re: Mog House

        you can put a simple bed in first and your moogle will give you 4 lumps of ore

        I friend made me one of these when we were both about lvl 3 or 4 and i sold them to an npc, this dim galka hadnt worked out the AH yet doh


        • #5
          Re: Mog House

          Please don't spam old threads to increase your gil/post count.


          Title: Sergeant Major
          SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
          Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
          Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
          Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)

