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Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

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  • Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

    I found a nice loophole in M 1-3 Bastok! Buy the parts at Auction House. What, like I'm gonna get em myself from Pally? Wth...

    Post any more if you know em!
    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

  • #2
    Buy the Crystal Bass for San'Doria missions 3-2? which is skippable anyhow.

    Buy Rusty Daggers in AH for Windurst Mission 3-2

    Other then that no other missions that I know of have loop holes.

    CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


    • #3
      a LS mate of mine came up with a great idea for a ZM5 scam..
      at least the ifrit's cauldron part
      you pair up with the correct partner... and you have perma invis sneak until you zone...
      and when you get to yuhtunga again.. voila you are your main char/level again XD

      pure genius don't you think?


      • #4
        Except you can't solo the monsters and you'd have some fun waiting for the fire walls


        • #5
          Originally posted by Taoist
          a LS mate of mine came up with a great idea for a ZM5 scam..
          at least the ifrit's cauldron part
          you pair up with the correct partner... and you have perma invis sneak until you zone...
          and when you get to yuhtunga again.. voila you are your main char/level again XD

          pure genius don't you think?
          That and ash dragon having true sight n all.
          55% Skill
          35% Equipment
          10% Race

          White Mage - 75 - Completed
          Ninja - 75 - Completed
          Summoner - 75 - Completed
          My Livejournal


          • #6
            heeh I used to be the one making runs through Ifrits for peoples Zm5 for some of my friends on Titan. Sneaking by the Ash Dragon was a rush.

            I always though one person running through Ifrits then tractoring people and raising them was the best way hehe.

            CoP/Zilart/San/Win Finished, Bastok 1-1


            • #7
              Re: Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

              Ash Dragon doesn't have true sight...I ran all around it once while sneak and invis were up and no aggro.
              Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


              Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
              Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
              Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
              Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
              Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



              • #8
                Re: Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

                cop sacrarium mission, if you have someone who already did the mission wait inside the door, you only need 1 key instead of 2
                63/63 maps obtained


                • #9
                  Re: Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

                  Originally posted by Susurrus
                  Ash Dragon doesn't have true sight...I ran all around it once while sneak and invis were up and no aggro.
                  Oh yes he is true sight


                  • #10
                    Re: Some Mission Loopholes (post em if ya know em!)

                    Originally posted by Ka1'E1
                    Oh yes he is true sight
                    No, he's not.
                    All Nations: Rank 10
                    Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                    Chains of Promathia: Complete
                    75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                    What to level next? (DRK!)

