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Mission 2-3

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  • #31
    Re: Mission 2-3

    Originally posted by kai_samoht
    I have some questions. Would this mission be possible with one rdm/bm, one war/mnk, and a thf/blm? I was just wondering because me and two of my friends need to do this mission and these are the setups that we have. I am the rdm/blm. And i was just wondering if it would be possible. oh and we are all lv 24 and close to lv 25. any help would be great.thanks in advance.
    Most definately. Me and a rdm/whm did it and ALMOST (so close, I'm pissed) defeated it. Got it down to wee health, and I messed up in the sense that I didn't realize the rdm was paralyzed.


    • #32
      Re: Mission 2-3

      Originally posted by Mog View Post
      Most definately. Me and a rdm/whm did it and ALMOST (so close, I'm pissed) defeated it. Got it down to wee health, and I messed up in the sense that I didn't realize the rdm was paralyzed.
      I'm finally going to fight the Giddeus NM for this mission... so it's possible with two lvl 25's? I'm going as RDM25. Any suggestions on a good partner?
      Character: Bricklayer
      Server: Ramuh
      31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


      • #33
        Re: Mission 2-3

        Someone who can tank and dish out some damage too. So WAR/MNK, MNK/WAR, DRG/WAR or something like that.


        • #34
          Re: Mission 2-3

          Yeah...if you're not level 30 yet, you're going to want a real tank. However, if you're capped, a rdm/nin could tank this.
          ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


          • #35
            Re: Mission 2-3

            I'm not sure about the strat posted above...

            it's been a year or so, but i dont remember there being an "uncapped" version of the fight, and i thought the fight was capped at lv 20? So how could you be "22+"?

            I plan on trying to solo this for fun as a summoner when i start working on missions at level 25. just a personal goal i've started for myself.

            I've solod this as a DRG/WHM using less gil than the video that was posted on the internet a few years ago. It's not bad, just spam poisona or barstonera on yourself when you get low


            • #36
              Re: Mission 2-3

              Originally posted by Shinoe View Post
              I'm not sure about the strat posted above...

              it's been a year or so, but i dont remember there being an "uncapped" version of the fight, and i thought the fight was capped at lv 20? So how could you be "22+"?

              I plan on trying to solo this for fun as a summoner when i start working on missions at level 25. just a personal goal i've started for myself.

              I've solod this as a DRG/WHM using less gil than the video that was posted on the internet a few years ago. It's not bad, just spam poisona or barstonera on yourself when you get low
              I'm pretty sure cap is 25

              Skye(Remora) | BLM 75/RDM 75/WHM 73


              • #37
                Re: Mission 2-3

                The cap is 25.

                Its very possible for it to be trio'ed or duo'ed. I've actually heard of monks soloing it with Hundred Fists and a lot of meds.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #38
                  Re: Mission 2-3

                  I helepd out a LS friend, we went as a group of 4. (capped at 25 obviously)

                  Me as mnk, a taru pld, mithra thf and a hume whm.

                  The ahriman I hundred fisted and took 75% of its health down while the thf sneak attcked and DD'd, the pld tanked the dragon while the thf and I took down the ahriman, whm helped keep the pld alive and threw a few cures my way as I tanked ahriman while hundred fisting. Ahriman died, then we DD'd the dragon, pld cast invincible to keep hate and whm just helped cure pld with cure 1's to minimise hate spikes while I and the thf helped lay into the dragon, with theif sneak attacking when she could.

                  We cleared it in 3 minutes 15 seconds. We all ate standard food for our job and looked out for each other.

                  Its easy with 4.


                  • #39
                    Re: Mission 2-3

                    Cap is definitely 25.

                    I duo'd this using BRD/WHM + MNK/WAR. Monks make this fight ridiculously easy with Hundred Fists and some high-damage claws.

                    To the person asking about RDM/BLM + WAR/MNK + THF/BLM, yes it's very doable. Have the RDM/BLM cast Sleep on the Dragon, then kill the Ahriman as fast as you can (Mighty Strikes is a good idea here - save your Chainspell on RDM to kill the dragon since the Ahriman is heavily magic resistant). Oh, and make sure to bring Holy Water just in case he curses you.



                    • #40
                      Re: Mission 2-3

                      Oh awesome. Like i said, it's been a while
                      I was actually doing missions 1-1~1-3 last night after i won my fight with Leviathan. Was going to speed through them and get up to 2-3 to fight him, but i'm 24 now so i should be 25 by then (aerial armor = yes pleeez!).

                      I'll try to fraps the fight if it ends up going well. I plan on trying to solo many fights in the game that are otherwise done in parties. One of my biggest regrets in FFXI are the "mandatory" party setups. I like to go with the flow. It led me to one of the most interesting job combinations i had played previously: PLD/NIN. Want to know something funny about it? I tanked through my 50's doing this, and had no problems at all on tough mobs like Spiders in B. Tree, or any other areas. It was a Japanese only party, so that had something to do with it (i've never met anyone who was non-japanese that would take an odd combo like that, even if there was no one else to invite). Lol.

                      I've seen a video of a Monk/War who solo'd the Dragon.
                      I've solo'd it as a DRG/WHM.
                      I plan on soloing it as a 25SMN/WHM.

                      But i *will* make a movie if it works out ^^ lol


                      • #41
                        Re: Mission 2-3

                        PLD/NIN is actually a pretty standard HNM tanking option.

                        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                        • #42
                          Re: Mission 2-3

                          Really? Wow, i didn't know that. It must have been done recently, because i got nothing but Enmity+ in my chat logs from being a PLD/NIN. The only times i used it were with parties with Japanese friends, and when farming in Sanctuary of Z'tai "farming the chinese farmers" (flash is faster than Jump, you stupid DRG/WHM farmers!). Between Flash and Utsusemi, you hardly get hit...and with inredible defense and health, not to mention your own healing magic, you can go on forever with even the lowest level juices (Orange/Apple).

                          I remember there was a DRG/THF (who sometimes subbed /WHM if there was a THF in their party), and a RDM/THF, who were *always* in Sanctuary farming gooblidygoobs (i can't remember their names). Lol

                          It was good times. I kick myself daily for deleting my account....ARG!
                          Oh well, i got summoner now, so when i hit high on that i'll start soloing PLD until i can get into the Jungle (it took 3 weeks to go from 1-25 on PLD/WHM solo. Lol)

                          Anyway, not to hijack the rank 2 last night, dragon fight comin up soon!


                          • #43
                            Re: Mission 2-3

                            I'm such a hoser... 3 LS buddies came to help out with the 2-3 Windy fight, we got into the BC, I finally got through the cutscene, I'm running to the arena, and I get a POL-2901 (or something to that effect)... I still can't get back into FFXI, and I seriously hope they understand ><
                            Character: Bricklayer
                            Server: Ramuh
                            31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


                            • #44
                              Re: Mission 2-3

                              Silly story...
                              I live in Japan so there were no americans on that wanted to do it, and i was only able to find two of my japanese counterparts that were available to go. BLM/WHM and a WAR/MNK.

                              After waiting 2 hours for them all to gather (silly warrior went to bastok and not windy, but really i think its because he needed to finish that part of the quest since he was from sandy), we headed to Giddeus, then Balga's Dias.

                              We all go to enter after i explain the fight...and the BLM can't get in. "wtf?".
                              It turns out that when he took /anon off, he was from Windurst...and thus couldn't fight the dragon in Giddeus. GRrrrr, i hate /anon.

                              So i end up getting inside as a 25SMN/WHM and pop out Garuda for Aerial Armor, wait a minute, Carbuncle Shining Ruby, protectra, use a Roasted Shroom and rest for MP. I was talking with the BLM who was at the BCNM entrance trying to find out why he cant get in, and i walk off to grab my drink and come back, only to find the Warrior already at the entrance and provoking (and attacking ) the dragon. lol.

                              I stand up, summon ramuh, and as soon as he appears, the warrior dies.

                              I popped a Yagudo Drink and sic'd Ramuh on the Eye, hit Astral Flow, and Judgment Bolt. Then i ran down to the entrance of the BCNM. *poof* i get pulled back in with the dragon's teleport. I ran away again as Ramuh Died, bu got him out in time just as Judgement Bolt came up again. WHAM! Eye's dead, dragon is still there. I kite him around for a while and got the 3rd one off and finished the BCNM.

                              The night before, i tried it solo at 24, but i misspelled "Judgement Bolt" (Judgmnt Bolt, lol...stupid me being nervous) so i got canned with a quickness.

                              So i started with a party of 3/3, entered with 2/3, and solo'd it after my last party member died before the fight even started. lol.

                              I tried to fraps it but it was so laggy i couldnt do much. Sorry. I'll keep working on it when im bored to see if i can get it on film. It was an awesome feeling though...and that damned warrior got a free rank up. lol.


                              • #45
                                Re: Mission 2-3

                                RDM & SAM or DRG would be able to duo it easily..add a whm to that and it would be extremely easy...i did it with BLM,WHM and WAR back before 3 years ; ;


