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Quest translation HELP please

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  • Quest translation HELP please

    I really really need someones help.....

    I took on this quest from a Portaure in the Port San d'Oria Cargo room B and the jonnyram guide says to pass the goods to the Mithra worker in the Tensyodo HQ in lower Jeuno. I went to lower jeuno and went to the HQ and talked to everyone there especailly the mithra and nothing i decided to go back to san and worry about that quest won't let me on the airship anymore. Can someone please help me finish this quest so i can get back on the airship.

    Thank you for your help
    Attached Files

  • #2
    By the way this is what each of the ppl who let you on the airship say to me now...
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Here're tips.

      ƒTƒ“ƒh?`‚©‚ç”ò‹ó’ð‚É?æ‚èƒWƒ…ƒm‚©‚ç?o‚ê‚΂悢?B–³Ž–’ʉ߂ł«‚ê‚ΓV?»“°‚É?s‚Á‚Ä•ñ?V‚ðŽó‚¯Žæ‚邱‚Æ‚ª‚Å‚«‚é?BƒWƒ…ƒm‰º‘wJ8‚ÌYin Pocanakhu‚Ɖï˜b?BƒWƒ…ƒm‚Å?o‚é‚Æ‚«‚ɂ‚©‚Ü‚Á‚½‚玸”s‚µ‚Ä‚µ‚΂ç‚_”ò‹ó’ð‚É?æ‚ê‚È‚_‚È‚é?B?i?oŒû‚Ì•K‚¸˜b‚µ‚©‚¯‚È‚¯‚ê‚΂Ȃç‚È‚¢?lˆÈŠO‚ɘb‚µ‚©‚¯‚È‚¯‚ê‚ÎOK?B?j


      You got on the airship from San d'Oria to Jeuno. So far so good. But you shouldn't have talked to anyone else but the mithra (Yin Pocanakhu) at J-8 in Lower Jueno when you go out. That is because this is the quest of smuggling. :angel: You must have been captured for smuggling, and that's why you cannot get on the airship for the time being. But please don't get upset. you'll be able to get on ship a few hours later (of earth time).

      I don't know if you have to undertake the quest again. Please talk to Portaure before getting on the airship anyway. You can undertake this quest again and again even after completing it. Go through the custom without talking to anyone else but the right person next time. Good luck!

      Eriwilde - Red Mage of literary and military arts from Bastok - Garuda

      The Bilingual Website for FFXI


      • #4
        Thank you very much i really appreciate the help that you were able to give me. Thank you for translating that for me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gantoris
          Thank you very much i really appreciate the help that you were able to give me. Thank you for translating that for me.
          No problem!

          Eriwilde - Red Mage of literary and military arts from Bastok - Garuda

          The Bilingual Website for FFXI

