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some selbina, mhaura, rabao, norg and kazham quests

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  • some selbina, mhaura, rabao, norg and kazham quests

    Ok, after doing quests like crazy, I decided to help poeple with them, and I'll post how to do some in these towns:


    - Quest giver: Melyon. Trade him 5xƒ‰ƒe?[ƒkƒLƒƒƒxƒc or 3xƒ~ƒŠƒIƒ“ƒR?[ƒ“
    or a ƒ|ƒ„?[ƒ_‘Û. Right now I don't know how to get that items (i guess that the first is droped by steppe hares in Latheine but not sure). reward: 120g

    - Abelard: Stonemonument quest. You need to visit all the stone monuments and you can get money from eachone, and you can get the crawlnest map. I found a good web where you can see more details about this quest (, and thanks to the creator of that web....)

    - Romeo: Trade him 5 "onion equips from the same kind". The onion equip is the sword you start if you are a warrior or the staff if you are a mage. to clear the quest you must recolect 5 swords (for exemple) and trade him. Reward ?E‚¸‚©‚², an ex furniture.

    - Vuntar: Trade him a rollanberry??? (ƒ?ƒ‰ƒ“ƒxƒŠ?[???), how to get them is explained on the royall jelly quest. reward: 800g if you traded a ƒ?ƒ‰ƒ“ƒxƒŠ?[881, 2k for a ƒ?ƒ‰ƒ“ƒxƒŠ?[874 and 3k for a ƒ?ƒ‰ƒ“ƒxƒŠ?[864.

    - Devean: You need to go daboi and find "jar" that can be anywhere in, like a chest or coffer. reward: it depend on the money you bet and in the time you say you would do it.

    - Oswald: first you need to fish a rare/ex fish in selbina, then you must talk to Yaya then Jimaida, Oleg, Oswald, Jimaida, Zaldon and then trade teh fish to oswald. reward:ƒAƒ“ƒp?[ƒsƒAƒX

    - Oswald: Once you finish the first quest, you must trade ƒIƒhƒŠƒ_ƒP to him. I haven't completed this quest, but i guess that you can get the item from shriekers in ordelles. reward: ƒXƒŠƒvƒ‹ƒ_ƒK?[

    - Oswald: trade ƒVƒƒƒ‹ŠL to him. the item is droped by pugils in buburimu and valkum. reward: ƒOƒ‰ƒXƒ?ƒbƒh

    - Thunder Hawk: You must trade the rare item from headhunter in beadeaux (same as m10) at the door in I-8 (beadeaux too). reward: 3000g and ranguemont pass map.


    *rycharde quests series:
    1. Rycharde: trade him 2xƒ_ƒ‹ƒ?ƒ‹‚Ì“÷ droped by dhamiels in buburimu and tharongi. reward 1500g
    2. Rycharde: trade a ƒ_ƒ‹ƒ?ƒ‹‚Ì“÷ and –I‚Ì‘ƒ‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç (droped by bees). reward 1500g
    3. Rycharde: trade him a ƒpƒtƒ{?[ƒ‹ (droped by walking trees???). reward 2100g
    4. Rycharde: you must got to selbina, and talk to valgeir. If you take the ship from mhaura, you won't pay the trip. reward: toraimarai canal map
    5. Take: you must talk to valgeir in selbina, and trade —¤ƒKƒj‚Ì“÷ (droped by crabs) and ƒTƒPƒrƒ^ƒP (droped by ???) to Valgeir. report back to take. reward: ?HŠíˆêŽ®
    6. Rycharde: trade him 4x峂̗‘ (droped by ???) reward: 3000g
    btw, I couldn't apply that quest till i completed genkai2.... I don't know if they are related....
    7. Rycharde: go and talk Valgeir like quest4???

    - Celestina: To apply the quest, you first need some fame, and talk to Zexu, then blandine and then celestina. Trade ?»‚̌아 to her (that item is droped by crossbones in the pirates attacks on te boat. reward: bostaunex oublite map

    - Orlando: trade him 8xƒSƒuƒŠƒ“ƒ_ƒCƒX, or 8xŽ•‚Ì“ü‚Á‚½–ƒ‘Ü, or 8x’Ü‚Ì“ü‚Á‚½–ƒ‘Ü, or 8x•…“÷, or 8xƒSƒuƒŠƒ“ƒJƒbƒv, or 8x‹›‚Ì?œ, or 8x’¹‚ª‚ç, or 8x?b?l‰Ý, or 8x?b?l‹â‰Ý, or 8x?b?lƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‰Ý, or 8x?b?l‹à‰Ý. that items are buryed by goblins diggers, you can get them with chocobo. reward: 100g-900g, each item have each reward

    - Nereus: you must take ƒOƒXƒQƒ“?zŽR‚Ì“y, from gusgen. you can find it inI-7 of the third map. to get there you must enter the central door at the first room, and then the right one. reward: 2160g

    ~~ Ripapa: Ramuh quest ~~


    - Alfesar: You must find the ??? in quicksands, and report back to alfesar, then go to sandoria cathedral, talk to charlaimagnat and wait till the next day at 00:00 (jpn time) reward: ƒeƒŒƒ|ƒ‹ƒe

    - Datta: form a lvl -40 pt, and go from rabao to terrigan tunnel ?????

    - Edigey: trade him ?»‚³‚»‚è‚Ì“Å droped by doom escorpions in east altepa. reward: “¯“cŠÑ (2h katana)

    ~~ Agado-Pugadoka: garuda quest ~~


    - Jaucribaix: Sam quests, you can see hw to do it in too.

    - Muzaffar: trade him 4x–k•û‚Ì–Ñ”ç (droped by giants in delfkutts towar and qufim), or 4x“Œ•û‚ÌŽ¥Ší (droped by clockwork pod in fei-yin), or 4x“ì•û‚Ì–Ø”TˆÉ (droped by ???). reward: 1500g

    - Heiji: trade him 10 ŽK‚Ñ‚½ƒTƒuƒŠƒK (you can fish it in lots of places) reward: “Å?·‚Ì?p:ˆë

    - Heizo: trade him 10 ŽK‚Ñ‚½ƒŒƒMƒ“ƒX (can be fished too). reward:ˆÃˆÅ‚Ì?p:ˆë

    - Keal: you must touch "???" in seaserpent grotto. to get there you must follow the right wall from norg and you will get it, come back and report keal. reward:“Ù?b‚Ì?p:ˆë

    ~~ Edal-Tahdal: leviatan quest ~~

    - there are others quests here I don't know how to do or apply... I would thank anyone who help to complete this guide...


    - Rauteinot: you must get a rare/ex item from ivory lizards in jungle, and trade it back to rauteinot, then go to north sandoria, and talk to Mulaujant (near the blacksmith guild), and wait till nxt day at 00:00 (japan time). reward: ƒeƒŒƒ|ƒˆƒg

    - Magriffon: trade him 10k

    ~~ Ronta-Onta: ifrit quest ~~

    - And here, like norg I don't know how to do or apply more quests.... and btw, for teleport quest, you need fame from windurst, and to apply summon quest you don't need kazham fame, I could apply once i completed genkai2.

    Ok this is it, I hope it would help, and if anyone know info that isn't here, please tell it...
    - PLD 70 / WAR 35 / BRD 57 / WHM 30 / BLM 17 / THF 15 /
    - Guilds:
    tanner: 40, bs: 22, gs: 50, cullinarian: 32
    - Quests all over the world: 221+
    - SandMisions: rank10
    - Ziraatmision: 14 - sky ok!

  • #2
    ur the man , this gonna be bookmarked


    • #3
      great job man you deserve kudos 100%
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