So, I decided I should become a RNG/SAM. So, I started the SAM quest. First thing you must do is travel to Norg and speak to a few people. Then I recieve two items which I need in order to fight monsters. One item is iron fillings which I need to trade to ??? in Konschtat to fight a monster called Forger. Upon beating forger, he is supposed to drop an item you need to complete the SAM quest. The other item I recieved was a little sappling bag I need to rcieve an item in Zitah. So I go trade my iron fillings to the ??? in Kon and fight forger. Forger drops the item. I roll for it, since I was in a PT with some oher people. I transport one person back to Jeuno then another person had to take a choco back to Jeuno. Then I transport myself back. Then I just realized I only rolled for the item and didnt recieve it yet, so when I left Kon the item fell. So now, I dont have the iron fillings to fight forger again. The person I recieve the fillings from will not give me another one. So essentially, I am screwed out of being a SAM. I talked to a GM but they said that they can not offer in game hints. I can think of one way to get the forger item, but then somebody else wont be able to become a SAM.
Is there anyway I can fight forger again without the fillings? This really sucks
Is there anyway I can fight forger again without the fillings? This really sucks