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Floor Plans to... the Chateau

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  • Floor Plans to... the Chateau

    I think it's the Chateau at least. Well, the guy says to go to Ghelsba and get them back, but I've been looking everywhere. I've killed every type of monster at least 5 times, killed the Warcheif and the Notorious Monster, opened a chest, and still nothing. I have no idea where to find the plans...

  • #2
    Gelsba Fort, We killed an Orc Sergant and he had a set of floor plans on him, what quest is this so i can tell my friend who got the item. Who do you talk to?


    • #3
      Right when you enter NSan from SSan, if you turn left, there's a guy hiding in the corner. I think you need to be rank 3 first.


      • #4
        Kill the first tier orcs in Davoi, I don't beleive the top teir orcs in Ghelsba drop it even though they the same.
        【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


        • #5
          That's what it seems... I still haven't gotten it.

          Out of curiosity, how the hell do you have 500 attack and only 150 defense?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Haplo
            Out of curiosity, how the hell do you have 500 attack and only 150 defense?

            I actually wanna update that now i'm 60 with AF and better equips, probably get it to 550-600. Add drain HP (Darkness) to that and get all 4 hits of Guillotine and i'd love to see what it would make for damage. Hitting 1002 damage on a totetote pugil cost me 500hp and that was only with darkness.
            【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


            • #7
              Originally posted by Haplo
              That's what it seems... I still haven't gotten it.

              Out of curiosity, how the hell do you have 500 attack and only 150 defense?
              He could be wearing lower def equipment out of pure fancy.

              And yes, the map is dropped by Orcish Sergeants in davoi.


              • #8
                They are also dropped by Orcish Sergeants in the Grotto just beyond Ft. Ghelsba. I got mine while I was on the dragon hunt. They probably drop more often in Davoi though.

                I'm glad I finally know what to do with them, they've been rotting in my safe for over a month.

