Hey guys i'm coming back to Ragnarok server and i'm looking for a friendly LS out there. my two highest levels are Drg 54 and Blu 50 but i have most of my jobs into their 30s. I also have a friend whose joining who would love to join as well, hit me up ingame my name is Koll.
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Returning to Ragnarok, Any Friendly LS out there?
Re: Returning to Ragnarok, Any Friendly LS out there?
I play on Ragnarok, but my account is inactive until I can afford to play again. FellowTraveler run by Sealdorie is very friendly. Free forum : FellowTravelers is their site if you want to see which sackholders are still active.http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/gen...igure-out.html
http://www.assemblergames.com/forums...n-on-NA-US-PS2 (Adoulin install on NA PS2)
My PlayStation2 HDD guide. Made with a Japanese PS2 with a HDD and PSBBN 0.20-0.32.
Thanks 0