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Should I return? Please help.

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  • Should I return? Please help.

    Hello, my name is Alex.

    Character name was Alexfitz


    Now, I was level 25 on almost all Jobs ((Couldnt decide which one I wanted.., until I finally knew that Monk was it for me.)), highest Job Monk Level 42, 46? Cant remember, and Warrior 32 for a sub.

    Now, this is what i do currently most of the time. Play a game called minecraft almost every day. I tell myself, if I go back to FFXI Online it will be a major time sink. But thats currently what I do anyway on Minecraft, I just probably achieve allot more in the time I play minecraft then FFXI Online. ((FFXI Online is by no means a quick rewarding/earning game. - In terms of leveling up, xp, getting rare items, etc.)

    A few questions.

    Economy: Id like some players to let me know, where is the game at now? Are the AH Prices reasonable for a returning player? Or are prices kind of like working as a peaseant in china, then trying to take that money over to the US and buy something?

    Player base: Will I be able to party anymore from Level 25~46? Or am i going to find myself soloing..Allot?

    Any other things/feedback much appreciated.
    -Alex Fitz / A_FITZ

    PS- I feel if I was ever, EVER addicted to any online game ((I have played PS2 games, PS3 games, PC Games..)) and out of all of them,
    i remember this one.. being really, badly addicted to. Like a drug.

  • #2
    Re: Should I return? Please help.

    You will find yourself soloing a lot unless you can get into a GoV alliance (from what I've seen recently, they have kinda gone the way of the dodo). The traditional party is dead. The AH at lower levels is fairly reasonable for most things I think. The problem has become finding that low level piece of gear. Levelling up has gotten much faster, so most people don't buy the best (or any, in some cases) gear for the job because you are going to level out of it so fast. The game is very enjoyable for me, but I can't speak to how it will be at lower levels. Hope this helped some.
    99 DNC
    99 WHM
    99 WAR
    * 99 THF
    99 BLM * 99 RDM *
    99 PUP



    • #3
      Re: Should I return? Please help.

      You mentioned XI being a time sink - Well it still is, but SE has vastly changed the difficulty of most things now, meaning its easier than its ever been generally speaking. I cant speak for other servers, but for Asura a problem nowadays is that people are less willing to help out on content other than end-game, so you might find it harder to get people together for limit break quests, missions etc.

      Find some new/old friends though and you'll be whizzing through everything youve missed in no time :D


      • #4
        Re: Should I return? Please help.

        I just started playing again in the last month. It is very different than when I left. People sinc levels in parties and different things like that. I decided to group up with a bunch of people I ran into yesterday while leveling my 32 DRG (I have a friend that I was going to group with and wanted to get close to his level before we started running around together and he is 42 Thf... I have a 44 PLD as well but wanted the DRG up there). Anyway I ran into a group just inside the mines and they invited me. I went ahead and joined. They where killing skele's and it was 3 parties allianced. They did the level sinc thing and we where doing the first page in the book. I was hitting 1300 exp or so every 5 minutes if that. In a couple hours I had leveled up to 46 almost 47. It was crazy fast. I remember sitting in the dunes months leveling.... it seems those days are gone.

        Anyway for me the game without the fast leveling with a group is a bunch more fun because you can solo at higher level. This is good for me because I cant always stay online for hours at a time.

