I haven't played the game in 2 years, and from what I read, I left right before all the big changes began. So the games seems to be very different. I plan to start as a rdm. What should I do starting out? Like lvl 1-30 or 40. Can anyone give me any advice? Like where to party, what to sell? Please?
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Need advice on what to do for early levels
Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
Start with Fields Manual right outside your starting city. Pick a page that you feel comfortable with--generally tells you to kill 5 worms/mandies/bunnies/etc. and every time you complete one 'page' it gives you roughly 200-300 exp at that level. You can set it to auto-repeat now so no need to run back to the book unless you want to pick up buffs. Around level 5 or so, you can probably do the page in your town's 'mini-dungeon' (Zeruhn Mines, Horutoto Ruins, Bost. Oubliette) and there should be a page that lasts till about 10-12 if I recall. The advantage of doing this "indoor" pages--Grounds Tomes, is the exp you get per page increases every time you do them, something that field manuals do not do.
As a general rule of thumb, you want to stick to easy prey pages if you can help it. The harder the mobs, the longer it takes to kill them, the longer it takes to complete a page. Say you fight mobs that gives you 100 exp per, but takes you 5 minutes to complete a page for 1200 exp versus fighting mobs for 50exp. Well, The mobs give you less hp, and the page will probably only give you 1000 instead of 1200, but you can complete that page in 2.5 minutes versus 5 minutes.
As for 'partying', some times you'll find parties or even alliances at Gusgen Mines (12ish to 30ish) , Crawler's Nest (30ish to 60ish), and the Oubliette (60ish to 75ish) but it really depends. Of course with level sync you could technically stay at any of them as long as there's a low-level to sync down to.
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
Remember to get Signet before heading out the city gates, and get some cheap Attack-boosting food (e.g. Meat Jerky) to help you kill faster. Use whichever weapon has the best DMG/Delay ratio for your level (and that you have skill in, of course.) Avoid those teeny-tiny bucklers, they kinda suck at absorbing damage; round wooden shields are fine though. Don't hold TP to 300, just go at 100. Hayde's advice is good.
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
A few of us are still on Valefor/still playing. My in-game name is also Hayde--look me up if you need additional advice/help. I'm AFK *a lot* so it make take some time before I get back to you.
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
I'm on Valefor too, but my play times are kind-of sporatic. If you catch me online I'd be happy to help you out or give you advice if you need it.
Alternatively, if you're looking for a server with a population of members from this forum who are a little more consistant with their play times, I'd urge you to check out Cerberus. Romyro, Squiggs and a few others play there and are on a lote more often than Hayde and I are.
Bastok & Windurst Rank 10. ZM, CoP, ToAU, WoTG, ACP, MKD, ASA & SOA Complete.
99 Kannagi / 99 Armageddon / 119 Nirvana Adventuring Fellow: Level 99
99 SMN / 99 NIN / 99 COR / 99 WHM / 99 PUP / 99 BLM / 99 THF / 99 SCH / 99 GEO
Yyg's Blog: Tree of Awesome!
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
I play on Leviathan.
I'm helpful but nowhere near as useful as the others on t his forum. They get so much more done than myself.
Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
What to sell? well get signet and sell stacks of crystals they help. You can solo to 50 these days. I did it by the following:- Gustaberg till 17, Konchat till 24, Dunes till 28, Korro tunnel till 31, back to dunes till 34, Delfort tower till 46, Sea serpant grotto till cap. Thats all solo using fields of valour and groudns tomme pages.
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Re: Need advice on what to do for early levels
Thank you all for the adviceIt's working out great. I finally got to log on around midnight last night lol, probably be on again that time tonight. My character's name is Frostnova on Valefor. I will be sure to look you guys up in game :D
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