I use to be on Midgardsormr but somehow my character is now on Cerberus (should be Quetzalcoatl), but oh well. Doubt it'll matter.
I'm starting FFXI back up tomorrow or monday with a friend... we're going to primarily duo (he's starting from scratch; I'll be leveling aside him - have a high 60 & low lvls) and wanted to be apart of LS with like-minded individuals (mainly friendly/casual)... or at least have some people to chat with ingame. We'll primarily be on 6 PST+ weekdays and a good chunk of the day on weekends.
Only guy I saw on Cerberus with a quick look through the forums was Squiggs... I'd send him a pm but I need 5 more posts
Anyone else from Cerberus?
The major change I've noticed, from reading/viewing forums, is the whole leveling structure is completely different. 1-30 GoV/FoV (don't even think they existed when I played last), then leech up 30-99 assuming you can afford it.
I'm starting FFXI back up tomorrow or monday with a friend... we're going to primarily duo (he's starting from scratch; I'll be leveling aside him - have a high 60 & low lvls) and wanted to be apart of LS with like-minded individuals (mainly friendly/casual)... or at least have some people to chat with ingame. We'll primarily be on 6 PST+ weekdays and a good chunk of the day on weekends.
Only guy I saw on Cerberus with a quick look through the forums was Squiggs... I'd send him a pm but I need 5 more posts

The major change I've noticed, from reading/viewing forums, is the whole leveling structure is completely different. 1-30 GoV/FoV (don't even think they existed when I played last), then leech up 30-99 assuming you can afford it.