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Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

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  • #46
    Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

    Originally posted by Squiggs View Post
    I'll be around from about 8ish tonight until I go to bed. Look for Nivian, Dharme, Kaetien, Skyre, or Italo. One of them should be on.
    I don't know what time zone you live in so I'll just assume you live in CST. If this is correct, I'll be on around that time or slightly after.


    • #47
      Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

      Sorry, I live in Eastern.
      99 DNC
      99 WHM
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      99 PUP



      • #48
        Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

        Originally posted by Squiggs View Post
        My name is Squiggs. I reside on Cerberus and this Linkshell is just for you!

        "StickingWithIt" is a LS designed to specifically cater to those of you who need a little help either getting started or for those of you who are just getting back into the swing of things.

        Name: StickingWithIt LS
        Activities: Learnin' & Teachin'
        Server: Cerberus
        Recruiting?: Always, both for people who want to learn and people who want to teach

        We have many experienced, long-time players who are willing to help you out in any way they can. If all you need is a little bit of help getting used to the changes... or a complete walk-through of the game mechanics, you can count on us to get you all learned-up.

        What we Offer:
        If you have a question about your job that none of us can answer, we can easily point you in the direction of someone who considers themselves a "career" player of the job in question. Most of us have been playing for a while and have made enough friends to see to it that you will never be left with an unanswered question.

        What we do not do is provide new players with "start-up cash" or" Power Leveling". If that's what you're looking for, you should keep looking elsewhere. What we aim to do is help you to know the game as well as we do... and in the end, to be independent and self sufficient.

        If this sounds like something you would like to join, feel free to respond here or contact one of the following people in-game:

        Shellholder - Squiggs
        Sackholders - Dharme, Nivian, Daiatonn, Kaetien, Mady, and Skyre

        **Special Thanks to Yygdrasil from wherever-the-hell-Yyg-is-now, for the format and the idea behind this Linkshell**

        Updating the contact names to be current.
        Last edited by Squiggs; 11-28-2011, 08:54 AM.
        99 DNC
        99 WHM
        99 WAR
        * 99 THF
        99 BLM * 99 RDM *
        99 PUP



        • #49
          Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

          Hey Squiggs,

          I'm a returning player-wanna-be, I'll give that 14-day trial a try in Cerberus. If I like it there, I'll transfer my lv75thf/lv75sam char to Cerb.

          Waiting for that loooong update atm... I currently live in PST.


          • #50
            Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

            Okay, send me a /tell when you get on and we'll get you set up. If you don't see me the names of other sackholders are in my previous post.
            99 DNC
            99 WHM
            99 WAR
            * 99 THF
            99 BLM * 99 RDM *
            99 PUP



            • #51
              Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

              It seems you cannot send a /tell in trial, but you can respond to a /tell.

              So could you do a /tell Firuze ?


              • #52
                Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                I will do that when I get on tonight, should be around 8ish eastern so 5ish your time. I'll look for you if you aren't on at that point.
                99 DNC
                99 WHM
                99 WAR
                * 99 THF
                99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                99 PUP



                • #53
                  Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                  My first impressions:

                  In European prime time:

                  /sea all: 1064
                  /sea all inv: 16

                  1064 is not bad, but that 16 bothers me


                  • #54
                    Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                    That's a little bit misleading. Most of the time when people are looking for party at lower levels, they will go to the dungeon (because everyone is doing GoV) and just shout for an invite without even putting their flag up.
                    99 DNC
                    99 WHM
                    99 WAR
                    * 99 THF
                    99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                    99 PUP



                    • #55
                      Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                      I made some research, and it seems /sea is really misleading.

                      From what I read, SE killed low-level pting as everyone is leeching in Abyssea 30+ (whatever that is, I dunno). I also heard some ppl hitting lvl75+ with a fresh new char in 2-3 weeks.

                      And I'm not sure how much the end-game has changed. I'm not sure if I can catch up with other people for those stuff.

                      I guess I'll give it a try.


                      • #56
                        Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                        Originally posted by mostruash View Post
                        SE killed low-level pting as everyone is leeching in Abyssea 30+
                        They initially killed it, but brought it back in a slightly different form with Grounds of Valor (alliance xp parties in dungeons).

                        Originally posted by mostruash View Post
                        I also heard some ppl hitting lvl75+ with a fresh new char in 2-3 weeks.
                        Not unheard of, but I wouldn't say it's the norm.

                        Originally posted by mostruash View Post
                        And I'm not sure how much the end-game has changed
                        Most of the high-level content is in Abyssea nowadays. However, "endgame" is probably only in Voidwatch at this point.
                        99 DNC
                        99 WHM
                        99 WAR
                        * 99 THF
                        99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                        99 PUP



                        • #57
                          Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                          Firuze: I didn't see you on while I was on last night, I will be back on during the day for a bit tomorrow and tomorrow night again.
                          99 DNC
                          99 WHM
                          99 WAR
                          * 99 THF
                          99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                          99 PUP



                          • #58
                            Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                            *blows away the dust*

                            I just made a new post on the returning player forums (

                            Seems like you guys are the only group on these forums from Cerberus... and wouldn't mind joining (based on the description of the LS). I'll try to catch one of you online to discuss it further and see if it'd be a good fit (if your still accepting new members)


                            • #59
                              Re: Attention returning Players/ Cerberus Server

                              I actually broke the pearl just a couple of days ago. There was some drama a couple months ago (while I was away on vacation) that divided the shell. We were struggling for players and I finally threw in the towel. You can check with Dharme to see if she is recruiting in her shell (I honestly don't know, I have decided to do my own thing and see if I can fit in elsewhere). As far as players on Cerb, I think it is just me and Romyro since Neverslip doesn't play atm. Feel free to hit me up and I'll help in anyway I can, I just can't get you an LS pearl right now.
                              99 DNC
                              99 WHM
                              99 WAR
                              * 99 THF
                              99 BLM * 99 RDM *
                              99 PUP


