Hello everybody, i think the title says it all really, after spending five years in Vana'diel with my girlfriend we finally parted ways and i left Vana'diel n search olf adventure elsewhere, i moved from MMO to MMO maxing characters on the way but none of them seemed too satisfy and i always missed Vana'diel with a passion.
Well now i have a lot of free time on my hands and i'm thinking of coming home, iv'e read a lot of posts about server populations and new game mechanics and easier leveling, but i'm still undecided, my previous account is sadly gone along with the girlfriend (goodbye 75 WHM, SAM, NIN, BLKM, BLM, PM and Alice
) so it will be a brand new start.
A few questions if you'll indulge me,
Which server has the highest population at the moment? the reason i'm asking is that i still have two friends on Unicorn but they are thinking about quitting as the population is "non existant"
Has crafting been overhauled?
What's the situation with RMT'S?
Are there any known problems with the Steam version?
And if anybody has a welcoming and friendly LS then please by all means let me know, tho i am from the UK so please take time zones into account.
Well now i have a lot of free time on my hands and i'm thinking of coming home, iv'e read a lot of posts about server populations and new game mechanics and easier leveling, but i'm still undecided, my previous account is sadly gone along with the girlfriend (goodbye 75 WHM, SAM, NIN, BLKM, BLM, PM and Alice

A few questions if you'll indulge me,
Which server has the highest population at the moment? the reason i'm asking is that i still have two friends on Unicorn but they are thinking about quitting as the population is "non existant"
Has crafting been overhauled?
What's the situation with RMT'S?
Are there any known problems with the Steam version?
And if anybody has a welcoming and friendly LS then please by all means let me know, tho i am from the UK so please take time zones into account.
