So this is me trying to somehow, get in contact with some old LS mates of mine. I truely miss FFXI as it was my first MMO and it was such a lovely game. But the people I played with really made it great. Infact, I haven't played in 2-3 years now. But after work today I'll be going home and trying to load the game back up and pay a month subscripiton to see if I can find them online still. (wishful thinking)
But If you were on Pandy server. Or still are. And you know anyone from the LS HeavenSanctuary. Please sent a reply! A few names are Saberfang, Elenion, Tessa, Foryth, Raistlain, Alexei, Selistine, Babyseallover, Crazymammoth, Babykitkat, Hedikory.
There are lots more and some I forget. But the fact I remember these names 3 years later, and I can't even remember names from my last guild in WoW should speak volumes for the friendships this game allows.
If you know any of these people and they still play, please guide them to this thread. If you ARE one of these people, then don't be shy!
And if you're just some random person looking through threads. And feel like bringing back the great gaming experience for someone. Help me find my friends
But If you were on Pandy server. Or still are. And you know anyone from the LS HeavenSanctuary. Please sent a reply! A few names are Saberfang, Elenion, Tessa, Foryth, Raistlain, Alexei, Selistine, Babyseallover, Crazymammoth, Babykitkat, Hedikory.
There are lots more and some I forget. But the fact I remember these names 3 years later, and I can't even remember names from my last guild in WoW should speak volumes for the friendships this game allows.
If you know any of these people and they still play, please guide them to this thread. If you ARE one of these people, then don't be shy!
And if you're just some random person looking through threads. And feel like bringing back the great gaming experience for someone. Help me find my friends