Ok, I'm staying home right now with my 2 kids so my play time is usually limited to short 30 minute bursts and maybe a few hours in the evening. Only game I've found so far that I can do that and advance much in is WoW. Only bad part about that is that is the only thing I really like about WoW and I was thinking about trying out FFXI again. I remember before it was kind of a time sink and was hard to play for short periods.
So I'm asking if the way things are currently in FFXI if it's possible for some one with my schedule to be able to play and actually get things done in short bursts. Not sure if this effects anything at the lower levels but I only have the first two expansion as well. Was thinking about getting the new ones but wanted to wait and see how the game is now days.
Oh yes, and because of my play time, and since my wife hates the FFXI UI I imagine I'll be solo'ing a lot. I've read that solo'ing is feasible now in FFXI. Advice on that would be greatly appreciated as well.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
So I'm asking if the way things are currently in FFXI if it's possible for some one with my schedule to be able to play and actually get things done in short bursts. Not sure if this effects anything at the lower levels but I only have the first two expansion as well. Was thinking about getting the new ones but wanted to wait and see how the game is now days.
Oh yes, and because of my play time, and since my wife hates the FFXI UI I imagine I'll be solo'ing a lot. I've read that solo'ing is feasible now in FFXI. Advice on that would be greatly appreciated as well.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.