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Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

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  • Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

    I Joined FFXI about 3 years ago when it first came out on the Xbox 360. I loved the game. The only reason I stopped was because I didn't have a credit card, and my friends card I was using expired, and he didn't get a new one. Now I do have my own card, and good timing too, because I've been looking for a new MMO to play. I quit WoW 3 months ago when I realised that since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, it is a broken game.

    Anyways, enough chit chat. How has the game progressed since it's 360 launch? I'm sure it's not dying. And how does it play on the PC? I HATE controllers, which is why I moved on to High End PC gaming. Is there an option to use WASD to move? (I think there is when you use Compact keyboard mode). And how do you select your abilities on PC? Could someone link me a Keyboard control layout?
    Also, can anyone mention something that will spur me to go buy the PC version right now?

    Thanks! And I'm hoping to see you all in Vana'diel soon!

  • #2
    Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

    1- yes, you can WASD on the compact keyboard, although I still have no idea why people prefer that.
    2- For macros? You CTRL or ALT + keyboard number. For regular abilities, tap enter to bring up the menu that controls attacking and the like, and you'll get the option to choose between magic, job abilities, items and so on.
    3- dunno about that, I think most people learn FFXI's controls through a combination of guessing, picking up random tricks, and the manual. I think the manual comes with a key chart though.
    4- Yes. Vana'diel looks stunning with some simple resolution upgrades.


    • #3
      Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

      Err, couldn't you just have used a keyboard on the XBox?

      Not that you shouldn't get the PC version, it really does look better if you have the hardware to support it.


      • #4
        Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

        Honestly, I don't think you can find PC hardware on the shelf nowadays that won't make FFXI look dozens of times better than it does on consoles with a bit of customization (resolution upping, mainly, also draw distance, although that's a little shadier)


        • #5
          Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

          Honesly, I don't have to worry about hardware. I'm running with a Core i7 processor, nVidia GeForce GTX 295, and 6gb of ram...

          Thanks for the input!


          • #6
            Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

            use a game pad.... FFXI is not a keyboard and mouse game, you can use them, but controller is so much better

            and like others have said (and since you seem to have a beefy system) go with this PC version, and in a year, you can switch to FFXIV like half the player base will ;p
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #7
              Re: Thinking about starting again! Can anyone help me out?

              using the mouse is pretty bad; just learn how to do everything with the keyboard. Fastest option.

