Sorry if some of these questions have been answered before, it seems like this forum is a pretty active FFXI community so ill just ask here. Anyways i played when the game first came out, and had a level 75 thf/nin. I quit for a few personal reasons back around the time WoW came out and now it seems like i need an MMO fix that doesnt have the same concepts/graphics of wow.
To be honest im a hardcore endgame player and most of my questions are focused around that. Anyways...
1) Im one of the rare MMO players who enjoys playing all the different types of classes, however im curious as to what some of the highest demand jobs are for end game content. I've been hearing BLM and WHM are what a lot of LS's are looking for, but im also curious what sort of melee or tanking class is needed as well.
2)Is the population of this game still pretty stable or am i going to end up like one of my old servers in WoW where theres maybe a total of 40 or 50 capped characters on to run content. On top of that is there any server recommendations people might have? Such as servers that are/were dead but are starting to build a pretty good population, or a well established server with open recruitment.
3)Do people still regularly run older end game content like Zilart and such, or am i going to have a REAL hard time finding a group for that stuff. As much as i enjoyed this game and it was one of my first MMO experiences the memories of hanging out in jeuno for hours at a time trying to get a group was not that enjoyable.
and lastly
4)Is there anyone out there interested in establishing a static group? Like i said previously im willing to play any class, but im some what yearning to play a healer or ranged DPS. I'm playing from my 360 so im able to join live chat or ventrillo if needed.
I have a slight paranoia about it being excessively difficult for me to find a group early on and a good endgame LS to play with, but ive been reassured by a few people that its not that difficult. Plus i heard that its much easier for certain classes to solo now, which is a huge plus in my book. Anyways, if anyone could provide some help it would be much appreciated. And if anyone is looking for a well rounded experienced player to join their ranks feel free to let me know!
To be honest im a hardcore endgame player and most of my questions are focused around that. Anyways...
1) Im one of the rare MMO players who enjoys playing all the different types of classes, however im curious as to what some of the highest demand jobs are for end game content. I've been hearing BLM and WHM are what a lot of LS's are looking for, but im also curious what sort of melee or tanking class is needed as well.
2)Is the population of this game still pretty stable or am i going to end up like one of my old servers in WoW where theres maybe a total of 40 or 50 capped characters on to run content. On top of that is there any server recommendations people might have? Such as servers that are/were dead but are starting to build a pretty good population, or a well established server with open recruitment.
3)Do people still regularly run older end game content like Zilart and such, or am i going to have a REAL hard time finding a group for that stuff. As much as i enjoyed this game and it was one of my first MMO experiences the memories of hanging out in jeuno for hours at a time trying to get a group was not that enjoyable.
and lastly
4)Is there anyone out there interested in establishing a static group? Like i said previously im willing to play any class, but im some what yearning to play a healer or ranged DPS. I'm playing from my 360 so im able to join live chat or ventrillo if needed.
I have a slight paranoia about it being excessively difficult for me to find a group early on and a good endgame LS to play with, but ive been reassured by a few people that its not that difficult. Plus i heard that its much easier for certain classes to solo now, which is a huge plus in my book. Anyways, if anyone could provide some help it would be much appreciated. And if anyone is looking for a well rounded experienced player to join their ranks feel free to let me know!