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Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

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  • Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

    Hello all,

    I played FFXI back when it first came out for about a year, but got distracted with other things and have not been back since. I've been considering playing again recently though, but I hardly remember a thing about my account, and I'm not even sure that they'd be able to retrieve it from that long ago. So my question is: would it be very difficult to start over from scratch? Most of the other posts on the board seem to suggest that players are coming back with their old characters, so I would like to ask specifically about starting with a blank slate . I would hate to get back into the game just to be stuck soloing and bored.

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    Re: Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

    Starting from scratch is easier now than before, what with this new level sync system that has been added in. Also, there's Fields of Valor for when you solo, to augment the exp gain

    Edit: Would link you to the articles on FFXI wiki, but... having less than 10 posts, I can't do that >.>
    Andrzej (Kujata) - RDM75, WHM37, BLM37
    Daiyumi (Kujata) - WAR40, DNC25, THF22


    • #3
      Re: Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

      Originally posted by Andrzej View Post
      Edit: Would link you to the articles on FFXI wiki, but... having less than 10 posts, I can't do that >.>
      Level Sync - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki
      Fields of Valor - FFXIclopedia - a Wikia Gaming wiki


      You might get stuck soloing for longer than you would have back in the day, but soloing is a hell of a lot easier and quicker now, too.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #4
        Re: Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

        Erm and not forgetting the new NPC quest for beginners which gives you free exp ring, food, cash and exp points.

        My guide is here


        • #5
          Re: Considering coming back... starting from scratch?

          Ok i hear your call. If you do return to FFXI i suggest coming to the Remora Server. I run a social linkshell there called 'theblackdragonclan' and one thing you will not be is bored We have players of all different levels in our LS and even have a recently released forum that is supported by If you are interested in joining us, please send a /tell to jamiefulton, thats me or if im not around to try dakaran, echos, elizar, stafford, setha, forque, waren, ulrik, goldiex, galen, silverwing, hollowwind, skud, and domokun. There are many others but they were the ones i cud think of from the top of my head.

