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Greetings - any help would be appreciated

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  • Greetings - any help would be appreciated

    G'morning/afternoon/evening all,

    Just wanted to see if I couldn't get some help concerning a few questions. I played the FFXI "Beta" on the 360 a few years back but let it go begrudgingly once that time was passed. Move ahead a few years and I've been playing SW: Galaxies for almost a year; between all the recent class updates and the lack of PVP updates for the next few months (soonTM), it's starting to get a bit dry.. and I bloody well need a break from the drama and all.

    Which set me looking for another game to play; I'm halfway limited by my laptop.. It's halfway alright but choked on Oblivion. Have no interest in WOW after hearing all the gripe stories of the game play type (I prefer the sandbox-type gameplay of SWG). Which in turn yanked me into researching if FFXI was still kicking about and doing well enough to invest time and money into. I'd only ever gotten up to like level 18 on that Beta; but it was extremely fun.. I barely had time to dip very far underneath the surface gameplay and realize that. Especially considering I'll have more time over the summer as I'll not be taking graduate courses (will still be working full time but will have most weekends /weeknights cleared for play), figured it might be the perfect time to try and dive in.

    From at least the beta, I know Monk was a blast (but seemed hard to get picked up on low level groups, especially for that sub class quest); WAR was just as fun. I'll probably restart as a Galka WAR just to get back into something that should be vaguely familiar, then take Monk. My biggest concern at this point involves which server would be the most fun and that would most likely be determined by what sorts of linkshells are available (linkshells are the 'clans' right? - was never in one before and don't have the slightest clue).

    I'm a fairly self-reliant player in terms of trying to figure out the "n00b" questions on my own and otherwise just listening to instructions and watching other players; not the type to go asking for gear or begging for Gil when I know I can just go grind for it. Consider myself fairly helpful where I can be and'm overprotective of guildies as soon as I'm pulled under any given flag.

    Are there any particular places I could go to track down a guild? I'd be most interested in the combat-oriented guilds and especially those that wouldn't mind fielding questions from time to time; as I'm not attached to any server, I can go wherever. I'll have a few weeks to try and plot through this as finals won't be over till the first week of May. The game is on the way from Amazon and I may end up trying to drag guildies from SWC over ( not sure how successful that one'll be though).

    Oh, and one more question before I forget; is there any use of programs like Vent or any other voice chat-based guild communication? It's turned out to be fairly useful so far in SWC.

    Anyways, thanks for any responses and my apologize to whoever trudges through this whole novel. <.<

    *Edit/recap: Looking for guild/linkshell and trying to figure out what server to start on to thereafter.Am Central Time Zone and will be most active on weekends/ week nights.
    Last edited by HHG of Antioch; 04-16-2009, 12:58 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Greetings - any help would be appreciated

    Some people play on Vent and some play on XBL so they can use their mics. The problem would probably be finding a linkshell that does it.

    There are some pretty friendly peeps on the board that just signed on to Leviathan *Looking at you Drakendame and Erinrose XD* But other than that the servers are pretty much all the same. Sounds like you are looking for a Social type linkshell, usually the best way to grab a linkshell is to ask around or shout around in the starting areas for a Social linkshell. Some of them are able to help with the occasional run ins and they should be able to answer questions. There are quite a few FFXI websites out there, but and are the bible sites for FFXI. ffxiclopedia is a wiki that explains pretty much anything you'd want to know about from jobs to weapons to armor to missions. ffxiah shows you the Jeuno Auction House on your server so that way you don't have to run all the way there to find out if something is in stock.
    {New Sig in the works}
    "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
    Originally posted by Solymir
    What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


    • #3
      Re: Greetings - any help would be appreciated

      The game is still up and kicking (just got a small expansionette). Any server is the same as any other. There is very little PvP and most requires you to enter a battlefield of sorts (and untouchable by non-participating passers-by. The game is much more beginner friendly now than it used to be, so getting parties together and soloing is much less of a hassle.

