so ive been asking a lot of questions but i have one more.(im not sure where i should post it so ill put it here.) i think im going to return to the game. when i played it i loved the teamwork involved and the party aspect. ive been researching and im just not sure if its worth returning considering all of the "snobs" or "elitists" in the game who will shun you if you dont have a /nin for a melee or if you are a mage other than a rdm. i absolutely despised nin as a main and as a sub. and rdm wasnt for me either, nor was bard.i enjoyed thf and sam. blu sounds interesting to me but i dont have a lot of time to stand around seeking for a pt. so should i return and if i do what job should i be lol? i know it is a matter f personal preferance but i dont enjoy standing around scratching my ass waiting for a pt. thanks...
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is it worth it?
is it worth it?
Last edited by soundbreaker; 04-14-2009, 11:38 AM.''fuckin trees... getting in the way of all the car parks..." -NG -
Re: is it worth it?
Torn about how to respond to this. It's hard to get an impression of just how serious you think the elitism situation really is, and just how serious you are about what you're willing to put up with, etc.
First of all, keep in mind that you only hear/read about the exceptions. Nobody comes on a forum to post "I had a completely average party that was in no way memorable last night" or anything like that. Asshats get posted about because asshats are exceptional and memorable. If you have the impression that you simply will not get a party as anything but a RDM, or that no one will ever invite you without the best gear and subjobs, your impression is wrong.
That being said, people will expect you to perform well. And that means having decent gear and intelligent subjobs available. Will you have to sub NIN on every single melee job in every single party? Not likely. Will you need to have it available and be willing to sub it when the situation calls for it? Almost certainly. Replace "NIN" with any other job and that still holds true. Depending on what job you play, you'll find people more or less forgiving, but generally, the more flexible you are, the easier it is to get invites.
As for what job to play... Whatever floats your boat. If you're interested in BLU, go for it. Some nights you'll get an invite, some you won't. You can solo in the meantime. Although that's one of the jobs where NIN makes an effective subjob depending on the situation (soloing, for example).
Honestly, these days, anything can solo for some form of XP. Bard is slow as hell, but it's still do-able. There's never any reason to just stand around while you're waiting for a party. Put up your flag and go do whatever else.Ellipses on Fenrir
There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
. . .
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Re: is it worth it?
yeah i enjoyed playing thf/war but always got the whole "sub nin" thing.i found i did better as /war because i could get my tp up and then ws. i always had pretty good gear and sub job up to cap. i think i was a pretty good thf. even with thf/war i rarely took hate so putting up shadows wouldve been a bit of a waste. but yeah you have a point about people only posting the bad things. i just despise /nin.''fuckin trees... getting in the way of all the car parks..." -NG
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Re: is it worth it?
Most people ask thieves to sub nin because the thf will be pulling and those 3 shadows will minimize the amount of damage you take while pulling. I always put in my search comment "Support Job: /Ninja /Warrior" and let the leader decide. If I really, really wanted to go /war I would make my own party. If you do decide to pick up thief again be sure to level Dancer to 37 for solo situations, it is very helpful."All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness." - Mark Kennedy
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Re: is it worth it?
I don't consider someone an 'elitest' if they prefer a certain subjob and inform you that its better than what you are using. Thats called an opinion and often times its helpful for newer players to get this information from established players.
If someone goes on and on about it "Oh your a nub. I will pwn you with my XXX subjob! blah blah blah", thats also not an elitest...thats just an immature pos.
As for /nin, if you are leveling a melee job and want to get into a decent endgame shell, you will NEED /nin. It has nothing to do with elitism and all to do with being efficient and safe so you can win the fight. In my endgame ls, you are required to have several subjobs leveled for a melee main. /nin, /sam, /thf, /war, and yes even /dnc
I think the elitism card gets throw around too much by people that get butt hurt when someone gives them advice. And lets not forget that everyone has a different play style. One person may be more serious about the game than another, this also has nothing to do with elitism.
I think people need to just go in and play the game and surround themselves with like minded people. Find an ls or start an ls and make sure its known when people join what type of play style you enjoy so you don't get people that irritate you in the ls. Then it will be easier to make parties with people that won't talk to you about your subjob so you'll avoid that headache altogether.
The thing about this game is that you are playing with other real people that have opinions and ways of doing things that might be contrary to yours. Now you can either be a team player, which is what this game is all about, or you can put up with the grief you'll get for not being one. Sometimes that involves people telling you what they think is best and if you've chosen to go your way you'll just have to bite the bullet and walk away when they get on your nerves.Last edited by TheGrandMom; 04-14-2009, 02:06 PM.Originally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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Re: is it worth it?
i dont have a problem with other peoples opinions.i dont have a problem with other people giving me advice.i understand that by playing an online game i will have to deal with people who have different play styles. i am cool with these things. endgame doesnt appeal to me enough to level 5+ subjobs on the limited time i have to play, especially if i hate lvling those jobs. again i understand, endgame doesnt really appeal to me anyway. i am not close minded to other peoples opinions about other subs-i tried leveling them but they werent for me. i guess im trying to say that what gets me is close minded people. if i am open minded enough to try thier way and it isnt for me then i dont see it as too much trouble to be open minded and give my way a go. if they dont like it then cool but dont just automatically go, "No, No, I am right you are wrong and if you dont play by my rules i am going to take my ball and go home.". maybe just all the people that were on my server were assholes...''fuckin trees... getting in the way of all the car parks..." -NG
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Re: is it worth it?
Originally posted by soundbreaker View Posti dont see it as too much trouble to be open minded and give my way a go.
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Re: is it worth it?
lol wow. ellipses and solymir were the only ones whose posts have focused on the original question. no im not saying my way is superb or i have a new way no one has ever thought of fact this thread isnt even about "my way", but i digress. let me re-word my question in a way that hopefully no one could misconstrude as a as anything else.
which melee jobs dont require /nin to xp? (NOT INCLUDING ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)''fuckin trees... getting in the way of all the car parks..." -NG
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Re: is it worth it?
Originally posted by soundbreaker View Postwhich melee jobs dont require /nin to xp? (NOT INCLUDING ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)Last edited by Pavlyn; 04-15-2009, 01:39 AM.
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Re: is it worth it?
Hes right tho, I absolutly hated nin and thf when i first started but I grit my teeth and got them to 37 and ended up enjoying both the jobs for the time i did them.
I'm also one of those that hates standing around lfp but i hate starting them too so prob not gonna level thf any more anytime soon. The main dd drg/sam/drk/mnk dont need /nin but sam for eg does sick damage so fast with multiple ws you just become a mp sync. which means you have to hold back the mage spends all there time curing you and you become a hinderance to your party. with /nin you can throw up ur shadows and ws your ass off mobs dont last long in good merit pts. its a helpful tool, not essential.
other melee like blu/dnc/rng etc rely on nin for most of there career cause of paper thin def and the bonus of dual wield, soloing a T on blu with out nin is just a quick death.
thats my opinion anywayBarsha: Sam 85 Blm 85 Blu 85 Drg 75 Rdm 78 Whm 49 Thf 49 War 49 Dnc 42 Nin 49 Drk 33
Alchemy 23 Cooking 23
Bastok 6-1 COP complete AU complete ZM complete WotG Wings Of Glory
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