Ok I just finished my Army business and want to play again. I left my parents home and now live alone. I used to share a account with one of my brothers (well two) but the other made his own account. Well my character I have spent years working on. It's currently deactivated on my brothers account.
Was wondering if I could at all use the Return to home vana'diel to get that character on my new account. Or be even delete it and possibly get it on my new account. Do you think that would work? IDK what I want to do. I thought I could start over but everytime I see a whm or dnc I feel sad lol. And all that time and money especially on dancer af just about killed my mood to play. Any advice would help. I would even shell out big bucks to get that character to my new account.
Was wondering if I could at all use the Return to home vana'diel to get that character on my new account. Or be even delete it and possibly get it on my new account. Do you think that would work? IDK what I want to do. I thought I could start over but everytime I see a whm or dnc I feel sad lol. And all that time and money especially on dancer af just about killed my mood to play. Any advice would help. I would even shell out big bucks to get that character to my new account.
