Background: I started FFXI back when it first came out for NA. I LOVE IT and I was just a freshman in college. I made a lot of friends and returned 5 times. Each time I played less and less. The highest level I got to was level 50 PLD and I was a damn good PLD back then. I got stuck at level cap 1 for months and just garden a bit. Made good money from that. On my second return I finally got my items for level cap 1 but due to school I was unable to play.
Fast forward to Jan. 2009. I tried to level a new job but couldn't find the time because of RL. I sat around the dunes giving people random heals and raises. I wanted to help the new and returning people. Finally I decided it was time and logged in today to give away everything. After 10 mins. of /t people and asking questions like:
"Are you a returning character with new name or brand new to ffxi ^^?"
I finally found someone who chatted with me a bit and then BOOM! Christmas came early for one lucky person. Overall he received 800k gil and my PLD equipment. I felt relieved I could finally move on and put my PLD to rest. It was a sad moment but had to be done. I knew I could never find the time to play again. My last message was that if I ever return, I just want a simple "Hi ^^".
I do realize XP is easier to get now without spending so much time PTing like 4 years ago but I'll be starting a new chapter in my life this year that will take up all my time.
FFXI is a wonderful game and I will miss it.
Fast forward to Jan. 2009. I tried to level a new job but couldn't find the time because of RL. I sat around the dunes giving people random heals and raises. I wanted to help the new and returning people. Finally I decided it was time and logged in today to give away everything. After 10 mins. of /t people and asking questions like:
"Are you a returning character with new name or brand new to ffxi ^^?"
I finally found someone who chatted with me a bit and then BOOM! Christmas came early for one lucky person. Overall he received 800k gil and my PLD equipment. I felt relieved I could finally move on and put my PLD to rest. It was a sad moment but had to be done. I knew I could never find the time to play again. My last message was that if I ever return, I just want a simple "Hi ^^".
I do realize XP is easier to get now without spending so much time PTing like 4 years ago but I'll be starting a new chapter in my life this year that will take up all my time.
FFXI is a wonderful game and I will miss it.